Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large, 1763.djvu/99

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A.D. 1275.
Anno tertio Edwardi I.
C. 34–36.

nounce the Judgements, if he be not specially required and prayed of all the Suitors, and Attornies of the Suitors, which shall be at the Court; [1]and if any do, the King shall punish grievously both the Sheriff and him that so doth.

Enforced by 13 Ed. 1. stat. 1. c. 49.  28 Ed. 1. stat. 3. c. 11.  33 Ed. 1. stat. 3.  1 Ed. 3. stat. 2. c. 14.  4 Ed. 3. c. 11.  20 Ed. 3. c. 4.  1 Rich. 2. c. 4.  1 Rich. 2. c. 7. And 32 H. 8. c. 9. inflicting Penalties on unlawful Maintenance.

  1. 3 Ed. 1. c. 23.

None shall report slanderous News, whereby Discord may arise.

[1]FOrasmuch as there have been oftentimes found in the Country Devisors of Tales, whereby Discord, or Occasion of Discord, hath many times arisen between the King and his People, or great Men of this Realm; For the Damage that hath and may thereof ensue, it is commanded, That from henceforth none be so hardy to tell or publish any false News or Tales, whereby Discord, or Occasion of Discord or Slander may grow between the King and his People, or the great Men of the Realm;  (2) and he that doth so, shall be taken and kept in Prison, until he hath brought him into the Court, which was the first Author of the Tale.

Enforced by 2 R. 2. stat. 1. c. 5.  12 R. 2. c. 11.

Confirmed and extended by 1 & 2 Ph. & M. c. 3. and further by 1 El. c. 6.

  1. 1 Leon 287.; Dyer 155.; 2 Inst. 225.; 12 Co. 133.; 1 Roll. 444.; 3 Bulstr. 225.

The Penalty for arresting within a Liberty those that hold not thereof.

[1]OF great Men and their Bailiffs, and other (the King's Officers only excepted unto whom especial Authority is given) which at the Complaint of some, or by their own Authority, attach other passing through their Jurisdiction with their Goods,[2] compelling them to answer afore them upon Contracts, Covenants, and Trespasses, done out of their Power and their Jurisdiction, where indeed they hold nothing of them, nor within the Franchise, where their Power is, in Prejudice of the King and his Crown, and to the Damage of the People; it is provided, That none from henceforth so do;  [3](2) and if any do, he shall pay to him, that by this Occasion shall be attached, his Damages double, and shall be grievously amerced to the King.[4]

  1. 2 Inst. 229.
  2. For attach other passing through their Jurisdiction with their Goods, read attach others or their Goods on account of Trespass, by their Power, compelling them, &c.
  3. Lutw. 1026.
  4. F. N. B. 45. f.

Aid to make the Son Knight, or to marry the Daughter.

This chapter is not presented in modern English and the source document does not provide a translation.
PUrceo qe avant ces heures ne fuist unques revable eide a faire fitz eigne Chivaler, ou a file marier, mise au certein, ne quant ele devoit estre prise, ne quele houre, per quei les uns leverent outrageouse eide, & pluis tost qe ne sembleit mistre, dont le poeple se sent greve; purveu est, qe deforemes de fee de Chivaler enter soulement soient donnez xx s. & de xx. livres [hidez] de terre tenue per socage, xx s. & de pluis, pluis; & de meins, meins, selonc lafferant: & qe nul ne puisse lever tiel eide afaire son fitz chivaler, tant come son fitz soit dage de xv. annz, ne sa file marier, tant come ele soit de vii. annz; & de ceo serra fait mention en brief le Roi fourme sur ceo quant lem voet demaunder; & sil avint qe le pier, quaunt il avera level tiel eide de ses tenantz, moerge avaunt qil eit sa fille marie, les executours le pier soient tenuz a la file, en taunt come le pier avera resceu pur cest eide; & si les biens le pier ne suffisent, son heir soit de ceo tenu a la fille.

Enforced by 25 Ed. 3. stat. 5. c. 11. and become obs. by 12 Car. 2. c. 24. which abolishes Knight's Service.

  1. 13 Co. 27, 28, 29.; 1 Roll. 157, 165.; Regist. 87.; F. N. B. 82. B. 122. G.; 2 Inst. 231.