Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/104

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66 C. 5—10. Anno primo Henrici VII. A T>. 14.85. Rep. ;. El. c. 8. & 1 Jac, 1. c. zz. a H. 6. c. 7. J9H. 7. c. 19. EXP. Inconvenient


enfoing by hi ing in Parks int. tic i" thel-Ti or difguifed. S nt J 2 Roil izo, : <33' 3 Inft. 75. Co. Lit. 37: The Penalises for hunting in the Night, or with Difguifed, and to deny it being examined 3 Ed. 1. c. 50. % Ed.i.Jiat.% The Penalty if the Offender conceal the Truth. Refcous of an Offender is Felony. Hunting dif- guifed, or in the Night, is Felony. 9H. 3. flat. 2. C. 10. See 9 Geo. 1 . c. 35 X P. 5 Ed. 6. c. IS. EXP. 33 H. 6. e. 5. 3 Ed. 4, c. 3. I R. 3. 0, 9. CAP. V. An Aft (hewing the Duties of a Cordwainer, Tanner, and Currier. CAP. VI. A Pardon grantee! to all them who affifted the King in his Wars againft Richard Duke of Gloucefar, CAP. VII. An Act (hewing the Penalty for Hunting in the Night, or with difguifing. ' T TE M, Forafmuch as before this Time divers Ordinances and Statutes have been made in divers ParTia- ' JL ments holden in the fame Realm, for the Punition of inordinate and unlawful Huntings in Forefts, ' Parks, and in Warrens within the faid Realm, which Statutes and Ordinances notwkbftar.ding, divers ' Perfons in great Number, fome with painted Faces, feme with Vifors, and otherwife difguifed, totheln- ' tent they fhould not be known, riotoufly, and in Manner of War arrayed, have oftentimes of late hunted, ' as well by Night as by Day, in divers Forefts, .Parks, andWarrens in divers Places of this Realm, and in ' fpecial in the "Counties of Kent, Surry, and Sujfex, (2) by Colour whereof have enfued in Times paft great ' and heinous Rebellions, Infurrections, Riots, Robberies, Murders, and other Inconveniencies, to the ' Provocation and Enfample of riotous and evil difpofed Perfons of this Realm in fo offending, which Of- ' fences could not be puniihed before this Time according to the faid Statutes, Ordinances," and Laws of ' this laid Realm, beeaufe that the faid Mif-doers, by reafon of their painted Faces, Vifors, and other Dif- ' guifings could not be known:' (3) The King our Sovereign Lord, of his noble and abundant Grace, con- fidering the Premises, by the Advice and Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in the faid Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame, ordaineth, That at every fuch Time as In- formation fhall be made ©f any fuch unlawful Huntings by Night, or with painted Faces, hereafter to be done, to any of the King's Counfel, or to any of the Juftices of the King's Peace of the County where any fuch Hunting fllall be had, of "any Perfon to be fufpect thereof, that then it fhall be lawful to any of the fame Counfel, or Juftices of Peace, to whom any fuch Information fhall be made, to make a Warrant to the SherifF of fuch County, or to any Conftable, Bailiff, or other Officer within the fame County-, to take and arreft the fame Perfon or Perfons of whom any fuch Information fhall be made, and to have him or them afore the Maker of any fuch Warrant, or any other the King's faid Counfel, or Juftice of his Peace of the fame County; (4) and that the faid Counfellor, or Juftice of Peace, afore whom fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall be brought, by his Difcretion, have Power to examine him or them fo brought afore the faid Counfel- lor or Juftice, of the faid Hunting, and of the faid Doers in that Behalf; (5) and if the fame Perfon wilfully conceal the faid Huntings^ or any Perfon with him defective therein, that then the fame Concealment be againft every fuch Perfon fo concealing Felony, and the fame Felony to be inquired of and determined, as other Felonies within this Realm have ufed to be ; (6) and if he then confefs the Truth, and all that he fhall be examined of, and knoweth in that Behalf, that then the faid Offences of Huntings by him done, be againft the King our Sovereign Lord, but Trefpafs finable, by reafon of the fame Confeffion, at the next General Seffions of the Peace, to be holden in the fame County by the King's Juftices of the fame Seffions, there to-be felled, (j) And if any Refcous or Difobeyfance be made to any Perfon having Authority to do Exe- cution or Juftice by any fuch Warrant, by any Perfon the which fo fhould be arrefted, fo that the Execu- tion of the fame Warrant thereby be not had, that then the fame Refcous. and Difobeyfance be Felony, en- quirable and determinable as is afbrefaid. (8) And over this it is enacted and eftablifhed by the faid Autho- rity, That if any Perfon or Perfons hereafter be convifted of any fuch Huntings, with painted Faces, Vifors, or otherwife difguifed, to the Intent they fhould not be known, or of unlawful Hunting in Time of Night, that then the fame Perfon or Perfons fo convict to have like Punition, as he or they fhould have, if he or they were convidf. of Felony. 11, which makes it Felony to appear armed and difguifed in any Forefi, Sffo CAP. VIII. No Gafcoin or Guien Wines fhall be brought in, but by Englijl), Jrljh, or Welfmnen y . and- by their ! endure till the next Parliament. ihips. To C A P. - IX. A Reviver for Twenty Years of the Statute of 22 Ed. 4. c. 3. rcftraining the bringing in of wrought Laces, &c. CAP. X. Revocation of the Penalties of King Richard's Ait againft Italians. ITEM, The King our faid Sovereign Lord, underftanding by a Supplication put unt this his faid Parliament by the Merchants of Italy, refident' in this his faid Realrr lto his Highnefs in ...lm of England, that 1 wh*re by an A£t of Parliament, made in the Parliament of Richard late pretending him to be King of 3 England