Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/15

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  1. Revocation of an Act made the First Year of King Richard the Third, for Cloth-making.
  2. Concerning Payments made to John Heron, General Receiver to our Lord the King.
  3. For Limitations of Actions popular.
  4. Revocation of an Act made the Third Year of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh, concerning the entering Merchandizes in the Customers Books.
  5. Revocation of a Statute concerning Informations to be made before Justices of Assise and Justices of Peace.
  6. Concerning the Office of Coroners.
  7. Concerning Escheators and Commssioners.
  8. Concerning the Bridge of Staines.
  9. An Act enlarging a Statute concerning the Traverse of Lands seised into the King's Hands by Inquests afore Eschcators and Commissioners.
  10. Continuation of the Act of Attaints.
  11. Concerning untrue Inquisitions procured by Empson and Dudley.
  12. That no Coin, Plate, Vessel, Bullion, or Jewels, be carried out of this Land.
  13. Concerning Reformation of Apparel used within this Realm.
  14. An Act adnulling of all Feoffments made to Empson and Dudley.


Anno 1 Henrici 8

  1. Act for the Expence of the King's Houshold.
  2. An Act for the Assignment of Money for the King's Great Wardrobe.
  3. An Act for Confirmation of Letters Patents made to Queen Katharine, for her Dower.
  4. An Act for the Restitution of Robert Ratcliffe Knight, Lord Fitzwalter.
  5. An Act for a Subsidy to be granted to the King of Tonnage and Poundage.
  6. An Act for repealing of a Statute for fishing in Ireland.


Anno 3 Henrici 8.

  1. That no Money, Coin, Plate, Vessel, Bullion, nor Jewels, be carried out of this Realm.
  2. Concerning Escheators and Commissions for finding of Offices.
  3. Concerning the Maintenance of Archery, and shooting in long Bows.
  4. An Act of Protestions and Licence of Alienation for such Persons as shall be in the King's Wars.
  5. An Act for Payment of Wages to Soldiers in the King's War.
  6. Concerning the true making and draping of Woollen Cloths.
  7. An Act concerning Woollen Cloths to be full wrought, barbed, rowed, and shorn, ere they be carried out of this Realm.
  8. An Act repealing the Act made at York, for selling of Victuals by head Officers.
  9. An Act against Mummers.
  10. An Act for Curriers to search for Leather.
  11. An Act for the appointing of Physicians and Chirurgeons.
  12. An Act concerning Reformation for Impanels for the King.
  13. An Act adnulling Licences for shooting in Cross-bows.
  14. An Act for searching of unlawful Oils.
  15. Concerning the making of Hats and Caps.


Anno 3 Henrici 8.

  1. AN Act for Confirmation of a Feoffment made by Thomas Earl of Surrey to Henry Duke of York and others.
  2. An Act of Restitution for James Tuchett Lord Awdeley, and of John Tuchett, eldest'Son of the said James Lord Awdeley.
  3. An Act for Confirmation of a Grant made by the King of certain Lands to William Compton.
  4. An Act of Restitution for John Dudley, Son of Edmond Dudley.
  5. An Act of Restitution for Thomas Herte.
  6. An Act of Restitution for Elizabeth Martyn.
  7. An Act for Two Fifteenths and Tenths to be granted to the King.
  8. An Act that Sir Robert Southwell, and Bartholomew Westby shall be the King's General Receivers of all his Honours, Castles, &c.


Anno 4 Henrici 8.

  1. Concerning the making of Bulwarks on the Scuside.
  2. For Punishment of Murder.
  3. An Act concerning Juries in London.
  4. For Proclamations to be made before Exigents be awarded in foreign Counties.
  5. An Act repealing Penalties for giving Wages to Labourers and Artificers.
  6. An Act for sealing of Cloth of Gold and Silver, and other Silks.
  7. An Act concerning Pewterers, and true Weights and Beams.
  8. An Act concerning Richard Strode, and the Privilege of Parliament.


Anno 4 Henrici 8.

  1. An Act of Restitution for Henry Courtney Earl of Devon.
  2. An Act for Confirmation of an Indenture made between the King on the one Part, and William Courtney late Earl of Devon, and the Lady Katharine his Wife, on the other Part.
  3. An Act for Confirmation of an Indenture made between Katharine Countess of Devon on the one Part, and Sir Hugh Conway on the other Part.
  4. An Act for Confirmation of an Indenture made between Katharine Countess of Devon and Sir William Knyvett.
  5. An Act for the alluring of certain Lands to the Earl of Surrey.
  6. An Act of Restitution of Thomas Wyndham, Son of Sir John Wyndham.
  7. An Act of Restitution for Thomas Empson, Son of Sir Richard Empson.
  8. An Act of Restitution for William Baskervile.
  9. An Act for alloting divers Sums of Money for Maintenance of the King's Great Wardrobe.
  10. An Act for granting a Subsidy to the King.
  11. An Act for a Pardon to be granted to John Skelton.