Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/17

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  1. Concerning Coiners that shall coin Money at any Mint within England.
  2. For the Haven and Port of Southampton.
  3. Concerning such as be in the Kings Wars.


Anno 14 & 15 Henrici 8.

  1. An Act for a Subsidy to be granted to the King.
  2. An Act for the King's general Pardon.
  3. An Act for uniting divers Manors to the King's Manor Royal of Boilieu in Essex.
  4. An Act concerning the Expences of the King's Houshold.
  5. An Act concerning the King's general Receivers.
  6. An concerning the King's Revenues.
  7. An Act of Attainder of Edward late Duke of Buckingham.
  8. An Act to give the King Power to reverse the Attainders of Persons attaint of Treason by Act of Parliament.
  9. An Act concerning the Duchess of Buckingham
  10. An Act of Restitution for Henry Stafford, Son of Edward Stafford Duke of Buckingham.
  11. An Act for Sir William Compton for his more sure enjoying of certain Lands.
  12. An Act for Thomas Kitson Citizen and Merchant of London.
  13. An Act for Sir Richard Sacheverell, Knight.
  14. An Act for Sir John Marney, Lord Marney.
  15. An Act that such Manors as were formerly holden of the Castle of Dover in Kent, should be holden of the King.
  16. An Act containing a Provision for the Merchants of the Hanse of Almayne.
  17. An Act for the Earl of Northumberland.
  18. An Act for Sir Andrew Windsoure and Anthony Windsoure
  19. An Act for Sir Henry Wyatt Knight.
  20. An Act for George Earl of Shrewsbury.
  21. An Act for the Jointure of Elizabeth Talboys, Wife of Gilbert Talboys.
  22. An Act that George Roll Clerk, and Keeper of the King's Records of the Common Bench at Westminster, shall hold his Place during Life.
  23. An Examination of Edmond Shaa seized and taken for an Ideot, but upon his Examination by the Lord Chancellor, discharged.


Anno 21 Henrici 8.

  1. The King's general Pardon.
  2. Abjured Persons shall be marked in the right Hand with the Sign of an A.
  3. Concerning Abridgments of Plaints in Assife.
  4. Concerning the Sale of Lands by Executors.
  5. Concerning Probate of Testaments.
  6. Concerning taking of Mortuaries.
  7. Against Servants imbezilling their Masters Goods.
  8. Against the killing of Calves.
  9. An Act limiting the Price of Hats and Caps brought from beyond Sea.
  10. Against carrying out of Brass, Lattin, and Copper.
  11. For Restitution of Goods feloniously stolen.
  12. For true making of Cables, Halfers, and Ropes, in Burport.
  13. Against Pluarlities of Benefices, taking of Farms by Spiritual Men, and for Residence.
  14. Concerning Linen Cloth called Dowlas and Lockerams.
  15. Termes may enjoy their Leases against Recoveries by feigned Title.
  16. Concerning Artifacers Stranger.
    The Decree made in the Star-Chamber for Artifcers Strangers by the King's most Honourable Council, the Twentieth Day of February, in the Twentieth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth.
  17. An Act for the adnulling of the Letters Patents to the City of York, concerning shipping of Woolls.
  18. Concerning Newcastle upon Tyne, and the Port and Haven thereunto belonging.
  19. An Act concerning Avowries.
  20. The President of the Council shall be associate with the Chancellor and Treasurer for punishing of Riots.
  21. Concerning making of Worsteds in Yarmouth and Linne.


Anno 21 Henrici 8.

  1. An Act for the Assurance of divers Manors and Lands to Thomas Duke of Norfolk, and the Heirs Male of his Body.
  2. An Act concerning the last Will and Testemant of John Roper the Elder, of Canterbury, in the County of Kent
  3. An Act for the releasing unto the King Such Sums of Money as he was to pay to his Subjects for any Manner of Loan by Letters missive, or otherwise.
  4. An Act that no Person shall sustain any Prejudice by Means of the Attainder of Thomas Lord Cardinal, who was seized of divers Lands to divers Uses.
  5. An Act for the Assurance of certain Lands to Elizabeth Duchess of Norfolk during her Life, and after to Duke of Norfolk and his Heirs.


Anno 22 Henrici 8.

  1. Against regrating of Woolls.
  2. Concerning the Trial of foreign Pleas pleaded by Felons.
  3. For Plumstead Marsh.
  4. Concerning Exactions levied on Apprentices.
  5. For repairing and amending of Bridges and Highways.
  6. Concerning Tanners and Butchers.
  7. Against conveying of Horses out of this Realm.
  8. For Denizens Strangers to pay Strangers Customs.
  9. An Act against Poisoning
  10. An Act concerning outlandish People calling themselves Egyptians.
  11. An Act concerning Powdike in Marsh land.
  12. An Act directing how aged, poor, and impotent Persons compelled to live by Alms, shall be ordered, how Vagabonds and Beggars shall be punished.
  13. An Act that no Persons Strangers, being a common Baker,Brewer, Chirurgeon, or Scrivener, shall be accounted Hanidcrafts-men;
  14. How Persons committing Petit Treason, Murther, or Felony, shall abjure.
  15. The King's general Pardon for his Spiritual Subjects of the Province of Canterbury.
  16. The King's general Pardon for his Temporal Subjects.