3° Anno duodecimo Edwardi IV. A. D.i 4.7 2 e 3 H.S.c.8. + D>er, f. 35.5. 37 Ed. 4. c. 6. * < See farther eon- (. cermng Zeenjfs, c 1 1 //. 7. <r. 1 5 . 6ff8.r. 18. fe3. 34 CfiT. X. C. 21, j- B.cid r, g. Four Bow'fraves ihall be brought into this Realm for every Tun of Me: chandife. be damnified by Force of the faid Statute, nor char- ged of the Penalty aforefaid, although that he hath occupied the Office of Sheriff after any of the faid Days of Return called Craftino Martini, Oclabis Martini, or Shdndena Martini.' 3. 34^6? 35 H. 8. c. 16. 2 & 3 Ed. 6. c. 4, 1 Mar. fiat. ». c. 8. 3 Ceo. i.e. 15. 6 i Geo. 1. <:, zi. fed. 53. zoGVs. 2. c. 37. 24 Cm. Cotton .M?. charge ; tout foit il, qe celluy ad occupie loffice de vifcount per Ian, quaunt pur afcuns de les ditz jours de retourne appellez Craftino Martini, Ocla- bis Martini, ou Quindena Martini. •8 El. c. 16. 27 El. c. 14. 2o£/. c, 4. 5. c, 4S'. Jec?. I2i ani/ 32 Ceo. 2. r. 14. 2lJ.ic. I. c. 5, 13 (3
- Read c. 7.
Bovitaves brought into this Keol.n (hall he furv-yed, feavch- ed, and marked. Enfrcei by 13 £1. c. 14. CAP. II. An A£t for Bowftaves. ITEM, Becaufe that our Sovereign Lord the King, by a Petition delivered to him in the faid ' Parliament, by the Commons of the fame, hath per- ceived, 1 hat great Scarcity of Bowftaves is now. in ' this Realm, and the Bowftaves that be in the Realm ' be fold at an exceffive Price, whereby the Exeroife of Archery is greatly difcontinued, and almoft loft ;" (z) our faid Lord the King confidering the Premif- fes, by the Advice, Affent, and Authority aforefaid, hath ordained and eftablifhedj That every Merchant Stranger, and every, or any of their Factors, Attor- nies, or Servants, which at any Time after the Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel next coming, fhall bring, fend, or convey into this Land any Merchan- dise in Carrack, Galley, or Ship, of the City or Country of Venice, or of other City, Town, or Country, from whence any fuch Bowftaves have been before this Time brought, fent, or conveyed into this Land, at every Time of their bringing, fending, or conveying of any fuch Merchandifes into this Realm, fhall bring, fend, or convey into this Realm, with the faid Merchandifes, in the fame Carrack, Galley, or Ship, wherein any fuch Mer- chandifes fhall be hereafter brought, fent, or con- veyed, for every Tun Weight of fuch Merchandifes which hereafter fhall be contained in every Carrack, Galley, or Ship, Four Bowftaves, (3) upon Pain of Forfeiture to the King for every Default of bringing of every fuch Bowftaft vi.s. viii.d. (4) and alfo the faid Bowftaves fo brought, fent, or conveyed by the faid Merchants, their Factors, Attornies, or Ser- vants into this Realm, fhall be fearched and furveyed by the Mayor, Sheriffs, Bailiffs, or chief Governors of fuch Cities or Towns within this Realm, where any fuch Carrack, Galley, or Ship fhall hereafter come to fafePort; (?) and the faid Mayors, She- riffs, Bailiffs, or chief Governors fhall affign Two Men moft expert, to fearch the faid Staves, and the faid Two Men to be fworn by the faid Mayor, She- riffs, Bailiffs, or chief Governors, that they fhall truly and indifferently mark the Staves that be not good and fufficient, according to the Manner as fuch Staves in Times paft were wont to be marked, to the Intent that all the King's liege People may have Knowledge of them without Fraud. ' ITEM pur ceo qe noftre Seignur le Roy, per uri- X petition a luy bailie en le dit parlement per les Communes dicelle, ad entendue, qe graunde efcar-. cite de bowe ftaves or eft en ceft fon Roialme, t ceux boweftaves, qe fount en mefme le Roialme, fount venduz a trop exceffive price, perount le fete darcherie eft graundement difcontinuez, & biens pres perduz ; " Mefme noftre Seignur le Roy, lez premiffez confiderant, del advys affent & auclorite fuifditZj ad ordeigne eftablie & enacxe, qe chefcune marchaunt eftraunger, & chefcune ou afcun de lour faitours actours ou fervauntz, qi al afcun temps apres la fefte de Seint Michell larcaungell pro- j (chein viegnaunt amefnerount envoierounl ou con- j voierount en cefte terre afcune merchaundife en i carriice galoie ou nief de la citee ou pays de Venice,, j ou del afcune autre citee ville ou pays de queles ! afcuns tielx Boweftaves devaunt ceft temps aunt, eile amefnez envoiez ou convoiez en ceft terre, a ' chefcune temps de lour arnefhaunce envoiance ou convoiance dez tielx merchaundifez en ceft Roi- alme amefnent envoient ou convoient en mefme le Roialme ovefqe les ditz marchaundifes, en mefme le carrik galee ou nief en quele afcuns tielx mar- chaundifes ferrount amefnez envoiez ou convoiez en apres, pur chefcune pois de toneaue dautiel marchaundife, qe en apres ferra conteignuz en chefcune carrik galoie ou nief, quatre Boweftaves, fur payne de forfaiture au Roy pur deffaute da- mefnance de chefcune autiel Boweftave vj. s. viii. d« Et auxi les ditz Boweftaves enfi amefners envoiers ou convoiers per lez ditz marchauntz lour faitours attourners ou fervauntz en ceft Roialme foient fer- chez & furveiez per les mairs vifcountz baillifs ou chief governours dautielx citees ou villes deinz ceft dit Roialme, per la ou en afcune tiel carrike galee ou nief aviendra en apres, de fair fon port falu. Et les ditz mairs vifcountz baillifs ou chief governours daffigner deux hommes, expertez de fercher les ditz ftaves, & les ditz deux hommes deftre jurres per lez ditz mairs vifcountz baillifs ou chief governours, a lentent qe ils ferrount fig- ner veraiement & indifferentmertt les ditz ftaves nient efteantz bons ne fufficeantz, en tiel manere come en temps pafje autielx ftaves foleint eftre fig-i nez, al entent qe tout liege poeple de noftre dit Seignur le Roy puiffent aver conifaunce dkeux faunz fraude. CAP. III. An A6t for the Subfidies. See Appendix, CAP.