Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/73

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A. D. 1472. Anno duodecimo Edward 1 IV. C. 8. 35 Cotton MS. qe mcfnie la defaute dibit ct de- ucnt amende ou nicnt re- moite cut a noftrc (bvc- Scignur lc Roy, et lautrc moire cnt.aafcune qi en ci lie partic pui-fiiicr voiet, per 1 1 n eivcr per briefe original, fine cut fairc ou apprender, en la I Chaunccric. iftion autiel proceffe, rule, jugement, 1, i'i allowdsj ewezj ct faitz, come en autres anions de dette purfirez a la commune iff ufez ; ct qc afcun defendaunt en alcunc tiel action ne foil admifc dc gagcr ou (aire fa. ley, Ne qe afcutie protection ou cilbin de fcr- v'ice noftre f . n ! figrtur lc Roy pur afcun i en afctinc mancr allowe. 1 :i quftre ad onlei ,nc ct cfhiblic per mefme lauctOrite, qe ft af irh penb'rt on perfoncz, autre ou autrcs qe tie] ou tic lx encountre quele ou quelx autiel agard rule oujugerricnt cftoit faite ct ewe, trient cftcant ou tftcaniz heir ou afligne a ycell ou yceux, prcfumc ou prefumeht doccupier ou con- tinucr afcuns gorccz, fifngarthez, molyns, millc- dammes, eftankes de molyns, lokkes, hebbyng- wcrez, cftalccs, kidcux, hekkez flodeyates, ou au- tre? difturbaunccz ou impedimentz come devaunt eft dit; cclluy ou ccux enfi prefumant ou prefu- mantz dOccupier ou continuer forfait ou forfacent a chefcun dcfaultc pur chefcune mois come eft dit devaunt C marcs, lc moite a noftrc Seignur le Roy, ct lautre moite a celluy de les lieges noftre Seignur le Roy qi en celle partie purfuer voet per action de dette (ur ceo deftre conceu, faunz fyn pur ceo paiant eomc devaunt eft dit; en quele action autiel proceffe, rule, jugement et execution foient' ufez et faitz, come en toutz autres actions de dette purfuez a la commune ley per briefe eft ufez : & qe afcun defendaunt en tiel action ne foit refecu ne admife en afcun manere de gager ou faire fa ley ; ne qe afcun autre manere protection ou ef- ibin de noble fervice de noftre Seignur le Roy pur afcun" tiel defendaunt foitafcunement allowe. Default fhall remain, an 1 be not corrected, amended, nor reformed, an C. Marks, (z) the one Hall tl to our Lord the King, arid the bth< hi licgi People which in this Behalf will fue for the fame, {■>,) by Action of Debt to be conceived by i d Writ, without Fine to be made or taken for the I. line in the Chancery. ' V. In which Action, like Procefs, Rule, Judge- ment, and Execution fhall be allowed, had, an J m; as is ufed in other Actions of Debt purfucd at the common Law by Writ ; (2) and that the Defendant. in any fuch Action be not admitted to do or wage his Law, () nor that any Protection or Eflbin of the King's Service be allowed for the Defendant in the fame Writ. ' VI. Moreover, it is ordained and eftablifhed by the fame Authority, That if anyPcrfon or Perfons, other than fuch againft whom fuch Award, Rule, or Judge- ment were made and had, being Heir or Affignee to them, or any of them, do prefume to occupy or con- tinue any fuch Wears, Fifhgarths, Mills, Milldams, Millftanks, Locks, ebbing 'Wears,. Stakes, Kedels, Hecks, Floodgates, or other Difturbances, or Im- pediments, as afore is faid, he or they fo prefuming to occupy or continue, fhall forfeit at every Default, for every Month, as is afore faid, an 6'. Marks, (2) the one Half to our Lord the King, and the other Half to him of the King's liege People that will in this Behalf fue, by Action of Debt thereupon to be conceived, without paying any Fine for the fame, as is afore faid 1 (3) in which Action like Procefs, Rule, Judgement, and Execution (hall be ufed and made, as in all other Actions of Debt purfued at the Com- mon Law by Writ is ufed ; (4) and that the Defen- dant in any fuch Action fhall not be admitted, nor in any wife received to wage or do his Law ; (9) nor any Manner Protection or Effoin of the King's Ser- vice be for fuch Defendant in any wife allowed.' The Penalty of tlrt Heir or AC figife of the Offender 'hat continueth the fame Offence. CAP. VIII. An Ac5t for annulling of Letters Patents made to Searchers and Surveyors of Victuals. Safirtblr iJjc. TJac. 1. c. 19. 6S-? j If. 3. c. 16. tCa.i.ftat.*. c, iS. containing farther Provt- ftzns concerning Vr'tan, ITE M qe come lez governours ceftaffavoir mairs, baillifs, & autres governours fcmblablez, de chefcune cite'e burgh & villc de fubftaunce deinz ceft Roialme dEngleterre, pur greindre partie ount courtz des lctez & vieuz dc frank plegge annuel- ment tenuz deinz tnefmes les citees burghs & villes, & furveu des toutz vitaillers illeofquez, & correc- tion h punition de les enfractours & meffaifours de laflife des mefmes, a prefenters & amerciers, fi afcun default foit trovec en les courtz, ou per lour furveu ; quele per reafon ne doit eftre contrariez, ne les vitaillers illeofquez par la ley ne doient mye eftre furcharges ou opprefies, come ore tarde jour- nelment diverfes perfones entendantz pur lour fin- guler cvaille & profit doppreffer les ditz vitaillers, denterrumper diverfes iieus deins ceft Roialme dEngleterre eiauntz fraunchifes & furveu des toutz vitaillers & correction diccux, ount purchaces let- tres patentz_ noftre dit foveraigne Seignur le Roy, deftre furveiours & correctours dautielx vitaillers deinz diverfes citees burghs Sc autres lieux de ceft ITEM, Whereas the Governors, that is to fay, All Majors, Mayors, Bailiffs, and other like Governors of Bailiffs, &e. every City, Borough, and Town of Subftance with- (hall have the in this Realm of England, for the moil Part have jj»"brn 8 and Courts of Leets, and Views of Frankpledge, holden viStad^* yearly within the fame Cities, Boroughs, and . i nn ^6*. Towns, and furveying of all Victuallers there, and ji H. -^.flju 6". Correction and Puniihment of the Offenders and izEd.z.Jhi. 1. Breakers of the Affife of the fame, to be prefented^f- ,£JJ" and amerced if any Default be found in the fald^ij, ,. 3, c . I0 ", Courts, or by their furveying, which by reafon 6 r. 2 . <•. 10. ought not to be contraried, nor the Victuallers there 1 H, 4. c. 17. by the Law ought to be furcharged or oppreffed ; (z) as now of late divers Perfons daily intending their fingular Avail and Profit to opprefs the laid Victuallers, and to enter and break the liberty of divers Places in this Realm having Franchifes, and furveying of all Victuallers, and Correction of the fame, have purchafed Letters Patents of our Sove- reign Lord the King, to be Surveyors and Correc- tors of all fuch Victuallers within divers Cities, Bo- F s roughs,