Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/84

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46 C. 4. Anno decimo feptimo Edwardi IV, A. I). 14' Th; Forfeitiire or" the Offender that felleth de- fective T il'es«  juftices of the Peace may in- quire of, hear, find determine thele Offences, and appoint Searchers, O If lefs be fold. The Searchers Authority, and Fee for their Pains. a Quarter at the lead, with convenient Deepnefs ac- cording. (7) And that every Gutter-tile and Cover- tile to be made, fhall contain in Length Ten Inches and an half, with convenient Thicknefs, Breadth, and Deepnefs according. (S) And if any Perfon or Perfons fet to Sale to any Perfon or Perfons any fuch Tile above fpecified, made or to be made contrary to the faid Ordinance, then the Seller thereof fhall for- feit to the Buyer of the fame the double Value of the fame Tile, and befides that, fhall make Fine and Ranfom to the King at his Will. (9) And that every Perfon that feeleth himfelf grieved, and will fue in this Behalf, fhall have an Action of Debt againft the Of- fenders, wherein fhall be made and had like Procefs, Recovery, and Execution, as is or may be at this Day in any other Actions of Debt purfued at the Common Law. (10) And that the Plaintiff in every fuch Action (if It be found with him) may recover againff. the Defendant in the fame Action his reafona- ble Cofts and Expences of his Suit, (nj And that any Defendant in any fuch Action fhall not be ad- mitted to wage his Law, (12) or to have any EfToin or Protection allowed, nor any Advantage by fourch- ing of Effoin or Diftrefs. (13) And alfo that the Juftices of Peace for the time being, within any County of this Realm, and every of them, fhall have Power to inquire, hear, and determine by their Dif- cretions, as well by Examination or otherwife, the Defaults, Offences, and Trefpaffes which fhall hap- pen to be committed contrary to this Ordinance, as well at the King's Suit, as at the Party's which fhall feel himfelf grieved in that Behalf. (14) Arid if it be found, or may appear to the Juftices of Peace, or any of them, by Examination, or otherwife, by their Difcretion, that any Perfon or Perfohs hath offended contrary to this Ordinance, that then the fame Ju- ftices, before whom it fhall be found or appear, fhall aflefs upon the Offender in this Behalf no lefs Fine than for every M. of plain Tile fet to Sale contrary to this Ordinance, v. s. and for every C. Roof-tile, it. s. viij. (I. and for every C. Corner-tile or Gutter- tile, ii. s. fold contrary to this Ordinance ; and that lefs Fine be made * after the Rate of the fame by the Difcretion of the faid Juftices, or any of them. ( 13 ) And that the fame Juftices fhall have full Power "to call before them, or. any of them, at any Time and Place requifite, fuch and fo many Perfons as by their Difcretion have or fhall have bcft Experience or Knowledge in the Occupation of making of Tile, to fearch and examine the digging, catling, turning, parting, making, whiting, and anealing aforefaid ; (16) and that the fame Perfon or Perfons, which fo fhall be afligned Searchers, fhall have full Power to make Search; (17) and that no Perfon put no fuch Tile to Sale before that it be fearched by the faid Searchers, upon Pain of Forfeiture of the fame Tile. (18) And if the fame Searchers, or any of them, do find that any Perfon or Perfons, exercifing the Oc- cupation of Tile-making, doth offend contrary to this Ordinance, that then the fame Searchers fhall prefent fuch Defaults before the Juftices of Peace at their next Scffions; (19) and that every fuch Pre- ferment be as ftrong and effectual in the Law, as the Prefentment of Twelve Men. (20) And that fuch Searchers fo to be ordained, afligned, and de- puted, fhall have of every fuch Tile-maker, for his Labour of the faid Search, for every M. plain Tile fearched, /. cl. fcr every C. Roof- tile, ob. and for Cotton AIS. profundeneffe accordaunt; et qe chefcune guttertilc: affaire conteigne en longieur x. pous & di. pouS ovefqe convenient deniite, et^profoundeffe accor- dant. Et fi afcune perfone ou perfones mette a" vender au afcun perfone ou perfones afcune tiel teule come defuis efpecifiez encountre ladit ordeignaunce fait ou affaire; adonqs le vendour ent forface a la- chatour del mefme le double value de mefme le teule, et ouftre ceo face fyn & raunfon a Roy a fa volunte; et qe chefcune perfone qi fe fente greve* & fuer voet en celle partie, ait action, de dette en- countre loffendour en celle partie, & ait femblabJes proceffes recovere 6c execution en ceo, come eft ou poiet eftre a cefl jour en afcuns autres actions de dette purfuers a la commune ley; et qe le pleintif en chefcune tiel action, til foit trove ovefqe luy, poiet recoverer encountre le defendaunt en mefme laction fes refonables coftes & expenfes de fa fuite ; et qe le defendaunt en afcun tiel action ne foit ad- mife de gager fa ley, ou davoir afcun effoin ne pro- tection allowe, ne afcun avauntage per fourchier per effoin diftreffe : Et auxi qe les Juftices de peas pur le temps efteantz deinz chefcune countie de ceft Roialme,~& chefcune de eux, aiet pleyne poiar denquerer oier Sc terminer per lour difcretions, fi- bien per examination ou autrement, les defautes offenfes & trefpaifes qe aviendrount a faire encoun- tre ceft ordeignaunce, fibien a la fuite du Roy come a la fuite de partie qi en fe fentera greves en celle. Et ft il foit trove, ou poiet apperer as les ditz Juftices de peas, ou afcun de eux, per exami- nation ou autrement per lour difcretion, qe afcun perfone ou perfones ad ou ount offendu ou offen- duz contrarie a ceft ordeignaunce; qe lors mefmes les Juftices, devaunt queux il ferra trove pu appier- gera, affeffent et met nulle fine meinz fur loffendour en cell partie qe pur chefcune mille de ptentile teule mife a vende contrarie a ceft ordeignaunce, v. s. & chefcune Cent Rooftile vj. s. viij. d. Et pur chef- . cune Cent cornert'ile ou guttertile ij. s. venduz con- trarie a ceft ordeignaunce: Et fi meins foit enfy mis a vende ou vend us contrarie a ceft ordinaunce, meindre fine foit pur ceo fait, folonqe la rate dicelle, per la difcretion des ditz Juftices ou afcun deux. Et qe les Juftices aient pleyn poair de faire venir de- vaunt eux ou afcun de eux as afcuns temps & lieu requifitez tielx & tantz perfones come per lour dif- cretion ount & averount greindre experien:e ou cognifaunce en loccupation de fefure de teule, de fercher & examiner la foiance, giftance, turnance, departure, fefour, b'ancheour, & anelyngeavaunt- ditz. Et qe mefme le perlone ou perfones qi ou quels enfy ferra ou urrount affigne ou affignez fer- eheours, aient pleyn poiar de fair tiel ferche; et qe nulle perfone met mil tiel teule a vende, devaunt qil foit ferche per les ditz fercheours, fur payne de forfeiture de mefme le teule. Et ii les ditz ferche- ours, ou afcun e'e eux. trove ou trovent, qe afcune perfone ou perfones, excerceant 011 excerceantz loc- cupation del faifure de teule, ofrende ou offtndent en ycelle, contrarie a ceft ordenaunce ; qe lors mef- mes les fercheours pixfentent tielx dsfautez devaunt les Juftices de peas a lour profchein feflions, et qe chefcune tiel prefentement foit fi fort & effectuel en la ley come prefentement de xij. hommes, & qe tielx fercheours en fi eftre ordeignez affignez & de- puteez aient de chefcune tiel faifeur de teule pur lour labour de le dit ferche, pur chefcune Mille pleir.ille