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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/92

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54 C.1,2. Anno primo Ricuarpt1 Il. A. D. 1483.

Anno primo RICHARDI II.

Pee, Statutes made at Weftminfter in the Firft Year of the Reign of King Ricuarp Ill. and in the Year of our Lord 1483.

by the Grace of Gon King of England, and of France, and Lord of Ireland, the Third

R ee Dnichs to te Horourohi Gory nd of haly Chars and Roe theeoinen WVeahHog

his Realm of Lngland, at his Firkt Parliament holden at Wé/tminfler, the ‘Three and twentieth Day

of Fanuary, in the Firft Year of his Reign, by the Advice and Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem-

poral, and ot the Requeft of the Commons of the faid Realm of England, fummoned to the faid Parlia-

© ment, by the Authority of the fame Parliament, hath ordained and eftablifhed, for the Quietnefs of his « People, certain Statutes and Ordinances in Manner following”

| CAP. 1.


  • All Aéts made by or againft Ceftuy que ufe fhall be good againft him, his Heirs, and Feoffces

in Truft. The feveral Inconveniencies of fecret Feoffments, The Eftate of Tenant in Tail faved.

‘Obf fince the © PU ‘rft, Becaufe that by fecret and unknown Feoffments, great Unfurety, Trouble, Cofts, and grievous Stat. 27 Hen. 8. ¢ Vexations do daily grow betwixt the King’s Subjeéts, infomuch that no Man that buyeth Lands, © 10. © Tenements, Rents, Services, or other Hereditaments, nor Women which have Jointures or Dowers in Beet, { ary Lands, ‘Tenements, or other Hereditaments, nor the Taft Will of Men to be performed, nor Leafes Rell 324.536, © for Term of Life or of Years, nor Annuities granted to any Perfon or Perfons for their Services for Term 334 335/418, of their Lives or otherwife, be in perfeét Surety, nor without great Trouble and Doubt of the fame, by 420. * reafon of fuch privie and unknown Feoffments:’ For the Remedy whereof it is ordained, eftablifhed, 2 Anderfon333- and enaéted, by the Advice of the Lords Spiritual and ‘Temporal, and the Commons in this prefent Par Hy . liament ateneleds and by Authority of the fame, That every Eftate, Feoffment, Gift, Releafe, Grant, Leafes, and Confirmations of Lands, Tenements, Rents, Services, or other Hereditaments, made or had, . or hereafter to be made or had by any Perfon or Perfons being of full Age, of whole Memory, at large and in dures, to any Perfon or Perfons, and all Recoveries and Executions had or made, fhall be good and sil yec 7, «ffektual to him to whom it is fo made, had or given, and to all other to his Ufe, againft the Seller, Feof- 27H. 8.018. for, Donor, or Granter of the fame, and againit the Sellers, Feoffors, Donors, or Granters, and his and their Heirs, claiming the fame only as Heir or Heirs ro the fame Sellers, Feoffors, Donors, or Granters, and every of them, and again{t all other having or claiming any Title or Intereft in the fame, only to the Ufe of the fame Seller, Feoffor, Donor, or Granter, or Sellers, Donors, or Granters, or his or their faid Heirs, at the Time of the Bargain, Sale, Covenant, Gift, or Grant made; faving to every Perfon or Per- fons fuch Right, Title, Aétion, or Intereft, by reafon of any Gift in Tail thereof made, as they ought to

have if this Aét had not been made.

« « «< <

CAPE The Subjects of this Realm thall not be charged by any Benevolence, &c.

heuels TE King remembering how the Commons of this his Realm, by new and unlawful Inventions, and < inordinate Covetife, againft the Law of this Realm, have been put to great Thraldom and im- £ portable Charges and Exaltions, and in efpecial by a new Impofition called a Benevolence, whereby divers

  • Years the Subjeéts and Commons of this Land, againft their Wills and Freedoms, have paid great Sums

© of Money to their almoft utter Deftrugtion : (2) For divers and many worthipful Men of this Realm, by £ Occafion thereof, were compelled by Neceffity to break up their Houfholds, and to live in great Penury

  • and Wretchednefs, their Debts unpaid, and their Children unpreferred, and fuch Memorials as they had

© ordained to be done for the Wealth of their Souls were anentized and annulled, to the great Difplea- See13Car.2. fure of Gon, and the Deftruétion of this Realm? (3) Therefore the King will it be ordained, by the fat. t. 64+ for Advice and Affent of the Lords Spiritual and ‘Temporal, and the Commons, of this prefent Parliament af- fae ic fembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That his Subje&ts, and the Cemmonalty of this his Realm, Fiyrcvtba Pre from henceforth in no wile be charged by none {uch Charge, Exaction, or Impofition, called a Bencvo= ‘ifttelaring thar lencey nor by {uch like Charge ; (4) and that fuch Exaétions, called Benevolences, before this Time taken, to aids of teat be taken for no Example to make fuch or any like Charge of any of his faid Subjeéts of this Realm here~ 'y Be y

Cees after, but it fhall be damned and adnulled for ever.

of Parhament.

CAP. �