70 C. 6. Anno quarto Jacobi I. A. D. 1606. fions, and before the Mayors, Bailiffs or other Head OfRcers_ of every City or Town Corpo- rate, who have Power to enquire of Trafpaffes, Riots, Routs, Forces and fuch iike Offences, an<l in every Court-Leet, and thereupon fuch due Proceedings fliall be aoainft the Offender and Offenders for their due Convicftion in that Behalf, as in fuch like Cafes upon any Indidlment or Prefentment is ufed by the Laws of the Realm, or Cuftioms of the City, Town or Place where fuch Prefentment or Indidment (hall be enquired of and found. He that is the VI. And it is further ena6ted by the Authority aforelaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons, being (iJandTime once lawfully convi6ted of the faid Offence of Drunkennefs, fhall after that be again lawfutfy con- convifted of yidted of the like Offence of Drunkennefs, That then every Perfon and Perfons fo fecondly convieled of Sairbrbound the faid .Offence of Drunkennefs, fhall be bounden with two Sureties to our Sovereign Lord the King's whisGcodBe- Majcfty," his Heirs and Succeffors, in one Recognizance or Obligation of ten Pounds, with Condition bavioor. jQ jjg j.-j.Q^ thenceforth of Good Behaviour. What Officers VIL Be it further enaited by the Authority aforefaid. That all Conftables, Churchwardens, Headbo- gaii preient the roughs, Tithingmen, Aleconners and Sidemen, fliall in their feveral Oaths incident to tlieir feveral Of- fald!""^ ^^'^' fices, be charged in like Sort to prefent the Offences contrary to this Statute. Enlarged by II VIIL Provided always, That this Atft, or any Thing therein contained, do not in any wife abridge -v'^Rftr^'fof" °'" refcrain the Ecclefiaitical Power or Jurifdi6Hon, but that all Ordinaries, and other Ecclefiaftical Judges Ercieilafficaiju- and Officers, {hall and may proceed to enquire of, cenfure and punifh all fuch Offenders according to rifciiflions. the Eccleliaftical Laws of this Realm, in fuch Manner and Form as before they lawfully might do j any Thing in this A6t to the contrary notwithftanding. There ihaii be IX. Provided alfo. That when any of the Offenders againft the true Intent of this AiSt, or any Branch bat one Puniih- or Article thereof, hath been once punifhed or corrected for liis or her Offence, by any the Ways and oi^ri<x°"^ Means before hmited ; that then the faid Offender fhall not be eftfoons punifhed or corrected for the fame Offence by any other Ways or Means. The Liberties 9f X. Provided always. That this Adt, or any Thing therein contained, (hall not be prejudicial to either the Univeriities of the twO Univerfities of this Land, but that the Chancellors, Mafters and Scholars, and the Succeffors ^rf'-"rf" ^^ ^'^' °^ them and either of them, may as fully ufe and enjoy all their Jurifdidtions, Rights, Privileges and ■>" "^* ■ Charters, as heretofore they have or might have done ; any Thing in this Adt to the contrary notwith- ftanding. Within what XI. Provided always. That no Perfon or Perfons (hall be puniflied, impeached or molefted for any Time an Of- Qffence mentioned in this Statute, unlefs he fhall be for the fome Offence prelented, indidled or con- ptefe^ted. vicled within fix Months after fuch Offence comitted : (2) This Aft to continue until the End of the TheContinu- firft Seffion of the next Parliament. [Made perpetual by zi Jac. i. c. 7. but fee 21 Jac. i. c. 28. which ance of this Aft. qjj]„ continues it to the End of the lirft Seflion of the next Parliament. Enforced as perpetual by t3 the fortgciing I L-ar. I. C. 4-J Chapter. CAP. VI An Afl for repealing of fo much of one Branch of a Statute made in the firft Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled. An Aft concerning Tanners, Curriers, Shoemakers, and other Artificers occupying the Cutting of Leather, as concerneth the Sealing of Sheep- Skins, and to avoid Selling of tanned Leather by Weight. The Intent of * TT THERE AS by the fame Statute it plainly appeareth. That the Intent and Meaning thereof was the Statute mjide c yy to make void all former Statutes made concerning Tanners, Curriers, Shoemakers, and other z/h.'s! c^.'"." ' Artificers occupying the Cutting of Leather, and to comprehend in one Statute all Things mentioned S&5Eri.6'. c.'r^. ' in the fame former "Laws needful to be enadted concerning Tanners, Curriers, Shoemakers and other 1 M. Stat. 3. e.g. i Artificers occupying the Cutting of Leather: (2) And for that in divers B;-anches of the faid late Sta- 8Eii'z!d!"! ' tute touching the Sealing of Leather, amongfl many other Kinds of tanned Leather therein parti- i8 ■£!:/. c.g'. « cularly named to be fealed, a Rate is fet down to be pa;d for Sealing of Sheep-Skins, as if Sheep- Sheep-Skins i Skins had been by the Intent of the former Laws ufually feaied; whereas in Truth Sheep-Skins are a'^poin°edby * nofmeet to be fealed, nor were at any Time appointed or limited by any former Law to be fealed, any Lawtcfae « becaufe the Sealihg of them is a fruitlefs Charge, tending to the great Hurt and Lofs of many thou- ■ fesled. ( j-^j^jj poor Men, ahd for the good of none, bat only for the Gain of the Sealer thereof:' II. For Reformation whereof, Be it enadted by our Sovereign Lord the King's A-Iajefty, and by t'-e I,ords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Autho- The-e(halibe rity of the fame. That no Perfon or Perfons fhall at any Time hereafter incur any Penalty, Lofs or For- no Penalty for feiture, for hou'fing, felling or buying of any tanned Sheep-Skins unfcarched or unfealed, fo as the faid ^"/!"B^j',yj"*_ Sheep-Skins unfearched and unfealed fliall be wrought and converted into made Wares within this ' ■ Skins'unfeaTed^" Realm of England; any Thing in the faid Statute to the contrary notwithftanding. ' III. And where fince the making of the faid Statute, his Majefty's Subjedls have been much deceived No tanned "a- ' and abufed, by felling of tanned Leather by "^Veight, the faid Leather being neither fufficiently tanned, ti.erihsiibefoid t j-^Qf rhroughly dried as it ought to be, and before Time was wont to be:' (2) Be it therefore further by Wc'.ght. enacled by irhe Authority aforefaid. That no Perfon or Perfons, after the End of this prefent Seffion of Parliament, fhall utter or fell, or caufe to be uttered or fold, by Weight, any Kind of tanned Leather what- ."3eei w. &M. foever, (3) upon Pain of Forfeiture of the faid Leather fb uttered and fold; the faid Leather or the Value Seff. I c, 33. thereof, to be recovered in any of the King's Majefty's Courts of Record, by Adlion of Debt, Bill, Plaint fcit.6. oj.
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