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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/120

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72 C. 10— -13. Anno quarto Jacob 1 1. A. D. l6o6. c A p. X. j^ An A£t for Confirmation of fome Part of a Charter granted by King Hefiry the Sixth to £he Mayor, Bailiffs ard Burgeffes of the Town of Southampton, and for the Relief of the faid Town. Certain Liberties granted by King Henry 6. to the Mayor, .6fc. of Southampton confirmed. A Reftraint of all Merchants not being Free of Southampton to buy or fell within the Town. A Confirmation of fo much of the Charter of King i/^wry 6. as doth reftrain Strangers to buy or fell in jS^a^fcTO//^^. None, not being Free of the (aid Town, mall buy or fell to another not being Free. What Commodities, and for what Purpofes may be bought by any Perfon. Buying and Selling in Fairs, or on Ship-board, The Barons and Freemen of the Cinque Ports excepted. PR. C A P. XI. ^^ An Aft for the better Provifion of Meadow and Pafture for neceffary Maintenance of Hulbandry and Til- lage in the Manors, Lordlhips and Pariflies of ^ar<^^«, 7iY^s Maiuarden, Bodenhatn, Wellington, Sutton St. Michael, Sutton St. Nicholas, Murton upon Lug, and the Parilh oiFipe, and every of them in the County ■of Hereford. The Owners and Farmers of Lands in certain Manors in the County of Hereford, vm^ . inclofe fome Part thereof. The different Hulbandry of the faid Manors from other Parts of the Realm, Every Owner and Farmer within the Manors aforefaid, may inclofe a third Part of his Lands, y<r. This A& (hall not extend to a Wafte or common Ground. A Provifion where one Perfon is Owner of the firft Crop, and others of the la,ter MowtL The Adt doth not give a lawftil Title to the Poffefifor of any Land where he had none before.' None fliail be hindred ot his lawful Way^ Every Perfon that doth inclofe, fnall be abated of his Common proportionably. They who do inclofe, may be ftinted of their Common by the Refidue of the Commoners. The Forfeiture of him who keepeth more Cattle than is limited by his Stint. The Offences of Surcharge of Common, fliall be enquired of and puni(hed in Leets and Courts Baron. A Provifion where Land inclofed is difinembred from , the Tenements wherewith it was occupied. A Provifion for the continuing of certain Grounds inclofed one Time of the Year, as they have been. The iJfage of Lug-Meadow (liall not be altered. CAP. xn, ^^' An Afl for Explanation of a Statute made in the third Year of the Reign of King James, intituled. An An for the bringing in of afrejh Stream of Running Water to the North Parts of the City ^London. An A6t for the bringing of a New River to the North Parts of the City of London, according to a for- mer Statute, made 3 Jac. .1. c. 18. The Mayor, i^c. oi London may ere<5t a Trunk or Vault in the Earth, to convey the Water from Chadwel, k^c. to London. The Mayor, l^c, of London may from Time to Time maintain tiie faid Trunk or Vault. CAP. xin. PR.., An Aft for the Draining of certain Fens and Low Grounds in the Ifle of Ely, fubjeft to Hurt by fur- rounding, containing about fix thoufand Acres, compaffed about with certain Banks commonly called and named the Ring of Walderfev and Cooldham. The Undertakers fhall have for the Inning and Main- taining of the Grounds furrouhded, two Parts thereof. Of v/hom the two Parts (hall be holden. The two Parts fliall be difcharged of Tithes during feven Years. A Provifion for the Owners, if the Grounds drained fliall be again furrounded. The Undertakers (hall not drain through other's Grounds other- wile than they may dp by the Law. Anno Regni Jacobi Regis Angllae^ Scotia?^ Francises & Hiber- niae^ viz. Anglisej Francis & Hiberniie feptiinO;, & Scotiae Cjuadragelimo tertio. • A T the fourth Sefllon of Parliament begun and holden by Prorogation at Wejlminfler the ninth Day ' ji. of February 1609. in the feventh Year of the Reign or our moft gracious Sovereign Lord James,

  • by the Grace of God, of England, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, ^c. and of,

Scotland iht three and fortieth: And there continued until the three and twentieth Day of July: (And then prorogued until the fixteenth Day of O^ober next following, 16 10.) To the high Pleafure of AI- . i7iighty God, and to the Weal publick of this Realm, were enafted as followeth. 4 CARL An Aft for the better Execution of Juftice^ and fupprefling cf criminal Offenders in the North ' Parts of the Kingdom of England. •Wfiere an Eng. ♦ TTTHEREAS in a Statute made in the third Seffion of this prefent Parliament, intituled. An Ad liihman msii i yy yj,;. the utter Abolition of all Memory of H»llility, and the Dependencies thereof, between Y-nglT^nd and toTcommi'tteth ' Scotland, and for tkt Refreftng of Occafcns ofDifcords and Difordcrs in Time to come, it was^amongft

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