100 nivers Jeofails in Suits of Law prevented and reformed, 4 Ann. c. iS. Cro Car. 165, J89, 103, 178, 312, 480. jNeij. y. 1. 943. 1623. Certain Cafes excepted. 5«i6 £? 17 Car.2,c.2, C. 14-— 16. Anno viceiimo prlino Jacobi I. A. D. or for Lack of any Averment of any Life or Lives of any Perfon or Perfons, fo as upon Examination the faid Perfon be proved to be in Life (3) or by Reafon that the Femre faaas Habeas corpora or Dtftnngas s awarded to a wrong Officer, upon any infufficient Suggeftion; (4) or by Reafon the Vfe is in fome P^rSwarded or fued out of more Places, or of fewer Waces, than it ought to be, fo as fome one Place W right named; (s) or by Reafon that any of the Jury which tried the faid Iflue is mifnamed either m the lurname or Addition, in any of the faid Writs, or in any Return upon any of the faid Writs fo as upon Examination it be proved to be the fame Man that was meant to be returned; (6) or by Reafon that there is no Return upon any of the faid Writs, fo as a Pannel of the Names of Jurors be returned and annexed to fhe faid Writ; Jj) or for that the Sheriff's Name or other Officer's Name having the Return -tl^ereof is not iLt to the Return of any fuch Writ, fo as upon Exammation it be proved that the laid Wrft wa remrned by the SherifFor Under-Sheriff, or any fuch other Officer; (8) or by Reafon that the VlSL^iln^Eje^ionefirma, or in any perfonal Adion or Suit, being an Infant under the Age of one and^wenty Years) didippearby Attorney therein, and the Verdidt pafs for him 5 any Law, Cuftom or ""lE Prov!dS7ysTanfb?Sker enafled. That tlus Aa, or any Thing therein contained (hall not extend o any Writ, Declaration or Suit of Appeal of Felony or Murther, (z) nor to any Indiament OT Prefentment o^f Felony, Murther or Treafon, nor to any Procefs upon any of them, (3) nor to any Wdt, BillVAaion or Information upon any popular or penal Statute j any Thmg therein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. 5 Geo. i.e. 13. CAP. XIV. An Aa to admit the Subjeft to plead the general Iffuein Informations of Intrufions brought on the Behalf of the King's Majefty, and retain his Poffeflion till Trial. T T f .• c TR-T 7-HVT? -R tKp Kine- out of his Prerogative Royal may enforce the Subjeft in Informations of In- i?i^n"t°;C?he= : WSon bSt fgaSft him to a fjecial Fielding oHis Title;' The King's moft excellent Ma- l^:;:^^^: ^^ Sin Jf m/ftSr mS^^^^^^^^^^ l^^l.itTL,or.X, and CoUons in this prefent tai^ Poniffion fer fment affembledfand by the Authority of the fame. That whenfoever the King, his Heirs or Suc- Parhament ai tmDiea, ai y the King claimeth, and all others claiming under the fame Title Tntr whkh^KS claimed hath been or ftTallbe out'of Poffeffion by the Space of twenty Years, or under wmcn me is.ingi^i<iu , Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, within the Space'of me^n y Sr^Ke" ^Lto^^ brought or to be brought, to recover the fame- tharin everv fuch Cafe the Defendant or Defendants may p ead the General Iflue if he or they r H-' 1, fi.?,,7n;ril r,n- he Drefl"ed to plead fpecially; (3) and that in fuch Cafes the Defendant or De- Intl malfrlSf tL Po^C h? aVth^e^Time of fuch Information exhibited, unul the ^ll t:AfdZl^:^^i^'iV^^S:^- Information of Intrufion may My and aptly be brought on the K?n^VBehdt that no Scire facias fliall be brought whereunto the bubjeft Ihall be farced to a fpe- ckl Pleadinl, and be deprived of the Grace intended by this Aa. 17 Ed. 2. Stat i. c. 13. CAP. XV. An Aa to enable Judges and Juftlces of the Peace to give Reftitution of Pofleffion in . certain Cafes. BF;t enaaedbvthe Authority of this prefent Parliament, That fuch Judges, Juftices or Tuftice of , " enactea oy the .rtuiuuniy u k Parli ment now in Force are authorized and enabled or Tenements which ftall be en^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^^ henceforth (upon tnd.a- S rvf'Xrts 1;1^J:II^^-mIS. S Stap^J of Einds or Tenements by them fo holden, wh7ch fl^all be entei-ed upon by Force, or holden from them by Force. 5 R. z. Stat. .. c. 7. iS R- ^' C.2. 8 H. 6. c. 9. 31 El. c. II. ' . CAP. XVI. An Aa for Limitation of Aaions, and for avoiding of Suits in Law. ^ntsofForme- ■--> Q R quieting of Mens Eftates, and avoiding of Svuts, be it e'?^<-^^f^=^W the King^^^^^ donrhaiibefaed j-^ X^-.A^ thi Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament allembied, ^ithin twenty |;^S?^y?t3of F^mecim^Drrender, Formedan in Remainder, and Fcrmedonm Reverter, at any Time M.";- »,. l^llirZi^ilo"^^^^^^^^ or for any Manors, Lands, Tenement, or Kereduameuts, whereunto Hccley 87, 141. »"}' 3-£o', l.f. 39. 3iH.8. <r. I. till Trial. 4 Inft. 116 Dyer a 3 3, (jlrtft. 176. Reftitution of Poffeflion Ihall be given, to a- void Entries with Force, in Eftates for Ye.irs, Sec. l.atcli 183.