A. D. 1623. 'Anno vicefimo primo Jacobi I. C. 26—28. 113 CAP. XXVI, !An Aft agalnft fuch as lliaH levy any Fine, fuffer any Recovery, knowledge any Statute, Re- cognizance, Bail or Judgment, in the Name of any other Perfon or Perfons not being privy and confenting thereto.
- •^T WHEREAS it is of late grown to be a great and general Grievance to his Majefty's Subjed^s
- W within the Realm of England, and the Dominion of IVaks, that many leWd Perions of bafe
- Condition, for very little Reward or Recompence, have of late Years ufed and ftill do ufe to levy Fines,
' and fuffer Recoveries of Lands and other Hereditaments, to acknowledge Statutes, Recognizances, Bails
- and Judgments, in the Name or Names of any other Perfon or Perfons not privy or confenting to the
■*■ fame, which hath and daily doth turn to the great Inquietation, Charge, Trouble and Undoing of
- many of the good SubjeJls of this Kingdom, and the rather, for that there is no Remedy in Law
- to reform thele and the like Abufes :'
-' II. For Remedy whereof, be it enaded by the King's mod excellent Majefty, the Lords Spiritual it io Fetony to -and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, ^y a F'le, fuf- -That all and every Perfon and Perfons which at any Time after the End of this prefent Seffion of Par- &c.^iifanoti!« liament (hall acknowledge, or procure to be acknowledged, any Fine or Fines, Recovery or Recove- Name not privy .ries. Deed or Deeds inrolled. Statute or Statutes, Recognizance or Recognizances, Bail or Bails, Judg- thereto. ment or Judgments, in the Name or Names of any other Perfon or Perfons not privy or confenting joTersVr 'e* to the fame, and being thereof lawfully convidted or attainted, (hall be adjudged, efteemed and taken to 3 Ksb. 60+. ' be Felons; (z) and fuffer the Pains of Death, and incur fuch Forfeitures and Penalties, as Felons in This Felony other Cafes convided or attainted do by the Laws oi England lofe and forfeit, without the Benefit or Pri- mail not corrupt vilege of Clergy to be allowed to any fuch Offender or Offenders. (3) Provided always. That fuch '•'j^ ^'®°'^» "" Attainder (hall not be any Corruption of Blood, nor Lofs of Dower to the Wife,»but the next Heir (hall Dower""' have the Lands whereof fuch Perfons attainted died feifed, and fuch Wife her Dower, as if no fuch At- See^m ©■ is. tainder had been had. ?• 4. in. Provided always, and be it likewife enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That this Adt fliall not An Attorney .extend to any Judgment or Judgments acknowledged by any Attorney or Attornies of Record, for any """y do it, where ,P«rfon or Perfons againft whom any fuch Judgment or Judgments (hall be had or given. siveaT*"' " CAP. XXVII. An hSi. to prevent the Deftroying and Murthering of Baftard Children. "* TT 7HEREAS many lewd Women that have been delivered of Baftard Children, to avoid their '-* W Shame, and to efcape Punifhment, do fecretly bury or conceal the Death of their Children, and
- after, if the Child be found dead, the faid Women do alledge, that the faid Child was bom dead ;
■ • whtreas it falleth out fometimes (although hardly it is to be proved) that the faid Child or Children
- were murthered by the faid Women, their lewd Mothers, or by their Aflent or Procurement :'
II. For the Preventing therefore of this great Mifchief, be it enaded by the Authority of this pre- jt rhaii be iWur. fent Parliament, That it any Woman after one Month naxt enfuing the End of this SefTion of Par- ""^r fof « Mo- liament be delivered of any IfTue of her Body, Male or Female, which being born alive, (hould by the the tfath"??' Laws of this Realm be a Baftard, and that (ne endeavour privately, either by drowning or fecret bu- baftard chtid.'*'^ rying thereof, or any other Way, either by herfelf or the procuring of others, fo to conceal the Death ^'""^ ^. i. «& thereof, as that it may not come to Light, vvhether it were born alive or not, but be concealed : In ' every fuch Cafe the faid Mother fo offending (hall fuffer Death as in Cafe of Murther, except fuch Mother can make Proof by one Witnefs at the leaft, that the Child (whofe Death was by her fo intended to be concealed) was born dead. (2) And this A<5t to continue until the End of the firft Sef- jSon of the next Parliament, f 3 Car. c. 14. continued until the End of the firft Seflion of the next Parliament, and farther continued by 16 Car, i. cap. 4.J C A P. XXVIII. An Aft for continuing and reviving of divers Statutes, and Repeal of divers others. Tl E it enadted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That one Adl made in the one and twen- ships. .13 tieth Year of the Reign of the late King Henry the Eighth, intituled, ' An Adt for true making of ?iH-'s. c 12, •fables, Halfers and Ropes:' (2) And an Adt made in the four and twentieth Year of the Reign of the faid King Henry the Eighth, intituled, ' An Adl againft killing of young Beafts called Weanlings':' cittie. (3) And two Adts made in the Parliament holden at Wejlminjler by Prorogation the fourth Day of No- ^*"' ^".'^•9» ■vember, and continued until the firft Day of February next after, in the third and fourth Years of the Reign of the late Kingfi'^war^ the Sixth ; the one intituled, ' An Adt for the Bying and Selling of Rother- %^ ^^' ^' ' Beafts and Cattle ;' (4.) the other intituled, ' An Adt for the Buying and Selling of Butter and Cheefe :' viaJal. (5) And one Act made in the firft Year of the Reign of the late Queen Elizabeth-, intituled^ ' An Act for 3 * ♦ £<*• 6«
- the Preferyation of Spawn and Fry of Fifh :' (6) And an Adt made in the fifth Year of the Reign of pim*
Vol. in. ■ - Q, - '- ■ ' ■ - ■■ the J.£i'z.c,i7,