i68 C. II. Anno duodecimo Caroli II. A. D. 1660. This Pardon, &c. to be ex- pounded in all Coarts moft be neficial for the Sul'jefl. Things not hereafter in this prefent A<5t excepted and fgreprized, had been particularly, fmgularly, efpo- cially and plainly named, rehearfed and fpecified, and alio pardoned by proper and exprefs Words and Names, in their Kinds, Natures and Qualities, by Words and Terms thereunto requifite to have been put in and expreffed in this prefent A(ft of Free Pardon, Indemity and Oblivion : (z) And that his faid SubjecSts, nor any of them, nor the Heirs, Executors or Adminiftrators of any of them, nor the faid }3odies Corporate, and others before-named and rehearfed, nor any of them, be nor fhall be fued, vex- ed or inquieted, by or on the Behalf of the King's Majefly, his Heirs or Succeffors, in their Bodies, Croods, Chattels, Lands, or Tenements, for any Manner of Matter, Caufe, Contempt, Misdemeanor, Forfeiture, Trefpafs, Offence, or any other Thing fuffered, done or committed, before the faid twenty- fourth Day of June one thoufand fix hundred and fixty, againft his late Majefty King Charles, or his Majefly that now is, his Crown, Dignity, Prerogative, Laws or Statutes, but only for fuch Matters, Caufes and Offences, as be excepted and foreprized by this prefent hSi out of the fame ; any Statute c*- Statutes, Laws, Cuftoms or Ufages heretofore had, made or ufed to the contrary in any wife notwith- ftanding: (3) And that all and every the King's faid Subjedts, and all and Angular Bodies Corporate, and others before-rehearfed, ~may by him or themfelves, or by his or their Deputy or Deputies, or by his or their Attorney or Attornies, according to the Laws of this Realm, plead and minifter this prefent A6t of Free Pardon for his or their Difcharge, of or for any Thing that is by Virtue of this prefent AiSt pardoned, difcharged, given or granted, without any Fee or other Thing paying to any Perfon or Per- lons for Writing or Entry of the Judgments or other Caufe concerning fuch Plea, Writing or Entry, but only fixteen-pence to be paid to the Officer or Clerk that lliall enter fuch Plea, Matter or Judgment for the Party's Difcharge in that Behalf ; any Law, Statute, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary notwith- ftandJng. VIIL And furthermore, the King's Majefty is contented and pleafed, that it be enafted, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That this his faid Free Pardon, Indemnity and Oblivion, by the . general Words, Claufes and Sentences before-rehearfed, fhall be reputed, deemed, adjudged expounded allowed and taken, in all Manner of Courts of his Highnefs and ellewhere, moft beneficial and available to all and lingular the faid Subje£ts, Bodies Corporate and others before-rehearfed, and to every or them, in all Things not in this prefent Aei excepted or foreprized, without any Ambignity, Queftion or other Delay whatfbever it fhall be, to be made, pleaded, objected or alled'ged by the King our Sovereign Lord, his Heirs or Succeffors, or by his or any of their General Attorney or Attornies, or by any Perfon or Perfons for his Highnefs, or any of his Heirs or Succeffors. The Penalty of IX. And furthermore, be it enadled by the King our Sovereign Lord and the Authority aforefaid, That any o^""". *=• if any Officer or Clerk of any of his Highnefs Courts, commonly called the Chancery, King's Bench Lbo'uttodffquiet 3=^^ Common Pleas, or of his Exchequer, or any other Officer or Clerk of any other of his Highnefs or trouble any Courts within this Realm, at any Time after the Paffmg of this prefent Adt, make out or write out any Perfonpardoned Manner of Writs, Procefs, Summons or other Precepts, whereby any of the faid Subjeds, or of the faid oj'* "6. ■, Bodies Corporate, or others before-rehearfed or any of them, Ihall be in any wife arrefted, attached, / diflrained, fummoned or otherwife vexed, inquieted or grieved, in his or their Bodies, Lands, Tene- ments, Goods or Chattels, or in any of them, for or becaufe of any Manner of Thing pardoned or difcharged by Virtue of this A6t of Pree Pardon : [z] Or if any Sheriff or Efcheatoi-, or any of their Deputy or Deputies, or any Bailiff or other Officer whatfoever, by Colour of his or their Office or other- wife, after the Paffmg of this prefent Adt, do levy, receive, take or withhold of or from any Perfon or. Perfons, any Thing pardoned or difeharged by this Act: (3) That then every fuch Perfon fo offending, and thereof lawfully convidVed or condemned by any fufficientTeftimony, Witnefs or Proof, fhall yield and pay for Recompence thereof to the Party fo grieved or offended thereby, his or their treble Damages, befides all Cofls of the Suit; (4) and fliall alfo forfeit and lofe to the King's Majefty for every fuch De- fault, ten Pounds : (5) And neverthelefs, all and Angular fuch Writs, Procefs and Precepts fo to be made for or upon any Manner of Thing pardoned or difcharged by this prefent Adt of Free Pardon, Indemnity and Oblivion, fliall be utterly void and of none Effedt. All Murders not X. Except and always foreprized out of this Free and General Pardon, all Murders done or committed comprized in the fey any Perfon or Perfons, other than fuch which are pardoned and difcharged in the firft Claufe of Pardon fhisPardon°ex- above-mentioned ; (2) and alfo excepted and always foreprized out of this General and Free Pardon, all cepted. and every Offences of Piracy and Robbery upon, the Seas, not done in Relation to the Differences and Piracy excepted. Wars aforefaid, and every Procuring or Abetting of any fuch Offenders, and the Confforting and Re- ceiving of them or any of them, or any Goods taken by Way of fuch Piracy or Robbery upon tiie Seas Bugjery. as aforefaid , (3 ) And alfo excepted the deteftable and abominable Vice of Buggery committed with Man- kind or Beaft : (4) And alfo excepted all Rapes and carnal Raviftiments of Women : (5) And alfo ex- p..ipesandwii- cepted all Ravifliments and wilful taking away or marrying of any Maid, Widow or Damfel againft her any Ms'idex'r^^ ^"^^'l' o*" without the Affent or Agreement of her Parents or fuch as then had her in Cuftody ; and alfo cepred. ' all Offences of Aiding, Comforting, Procuring and Abetting of any fuch Ravilhment, wilful Taking or Marrying, had, committed or done : (6) And alfo excepted all Offences made Felony by a certain Adt made and ordained, intituled, An Aft to rejlrain all Perfons from Murriages until their former Wives and former Flujbtvids be dead: (7) And alfo except all Offences of Invocations, Conjurations, Witch- crafts, Sorceries, Inchantments and Charms; and all Offences of Procuring, Abetting or Comfortinp- of the fame ; (8) and all Perfons now attainted or convidfed of any of the faid excepted Offences : (9) and. alfo excepted all and fingular the Accounts of all and everj- Perfon and Perfons appointed by any of the. Authorities or pretended Authorities aforefaid, to be Treafurer, Receiver, Farmer or Colledtor, (oilier than the Sub-colledtors of the fevcral Parifhts, Towns and Hamlets refpedlively, for and concerning their Receipts before the four and twentieth Day of June in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix 4 hundred Double Mar- riages exceijced. Witchcraft ex- ceured. I jac. T. c. II. Accounts of certain Treafur- ers and Re- ceivers. Siat, I, c, 3.