A. D. i66o. AnnoduGdecimo Caroli 11. ... C. 19:. 185 or Town of Benvkk n^on Tweed, in Shipping bona fide to fome of the faid Places belonging, and whereof • the Mafter and three Fourths of the Mariners at leatt are ErigUJ}). XVII. Provided alfo, and it is hereby enadled, That every Ship or Veffel belonging to any the Sub- The Duty pay. iefts of the French King, which from and after the twentieth Day of October in the Year of our Lord fn Eren°h sh" one thoufand fix hundred and fixty (hall come into any Port, Creek, Harbour or Road oi England, Ire- Enforcedby ■ land Wales, or Town of Benvick upon Tweed, and ihall there lade or unlade any Goods orCommpdi- 's&ucar. t. ties,' or take in or fet on (hore any Pafltngers, fhall pay to the Colledtor of his Majefty's Cuftoms in fuch ^- "• ^' *4* Port, Creek, Harbour or Road, for every Ton of which the faid Ship or Veffel is of Burthen, to be com- puted by fuch Officer of the Cuftoms as (liall be thereunto appointed, the Sum of five Shillings current j^^ Money of England: (z) And that no fuch Ship or Veffel be.fuffered to depart out of fuch Port, Creek, conUnu".^"* Harbour or Road, until the faid Duty be fully paid : (3) And that this Duty ihall continue to be col-: lefled, levied and paid, for fuch Time as a certain Duty of fifty Soils />«• Ton, lately impofed by the I'J.fo^'the"'"""' French King, or any Part thereof, (hall continue to be collected upon the Shipping of England lading in Growth of i7-<}«ir^, and three Months after and no longer. ^ tiie Piamaiiom. XVIII. And it is further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the firfl: DayofR-„S^J° April, which (hall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred fixfy-one, no Sugars, Tobacco, lofles by 3 & 4 Cotton- wool, Indicoes, Ginger, Fultick, or other dying Wood, of the Growth, Produdion or Manu- Anna, c. 5. fadture of any EngliJI) Plantations in America, Ajia or Africa,, (liall be (hipped, carried, conveyed or tranf- copper Oafby" ported from any of the faid Englijh Plantations to any Land, Ifland, Territory, Dominion, Port or Place 8 Geo. i. c. ig. whatfoever, other than to fuch other EngliJJj Plantations as do belong to his Majefty, his Heirs and Sue- §• ^'• ceiTors, or to the Kingdom of England ox Irelatid, or Principality oi Wales, or Town of .S^rwzVi upon Ships of Eng. Tweed, there to be laid on Shore, (zj under the Penalty of the Forfeiture of the faid Goods, or the full Va- '^^'j' ^"'^^^^< of lue thereof, as alfo of the Ship, with all her Guns, Tackle, Apparel, Ammunition and Furniture ; the oncto any Engnm Moiety to the King's Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to him or them that (hall Plantations of feize, inform or fue for the fame in any Court of Record, by Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no America, Afi», Effoin, Proteftion or Wager of Law fhall be allowed. Ce bound'w'jjh ' XIX. And be it furrher enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That for every Ship or Veflel, which from Sureties to bring and after the five and twentieth Day oi December in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred and fixty f°°M ^^" (hall fet fail out or from £«^/(7W, Ireland, Wales, or Tovm of Ber7vici upon Tweed, for any Englijh Phn-u.nd,&c!° "^" tation in America, Afta or Africa, fu(ficient Bond (hall be given with one Surety to the Clrief Officers of Farther Provi- the Cu(tom-houfe of fuch Port or Place from whence the faid Ship (hall fet fail, to the Value of one fuc'h B^'*d "^ "* tlioufand Pounds, if the Ship be of lefs Burthen than one hundred Tuns; andof the Sum of two thou- 7"&g w!^^.' fand Pounds, if the Ship (hall be of greater Burthen : That in Cafe the faid Ship or Veffel (hall load ca^. §.'13. any of the laid Commodities at any of the faid EngliJI) Plantations, that the fame Commodities fhall be | Ann^c. jj. by the faid Ship brought to fome Port of England, Ireland, Wales, or to the Port or Town of Berwick r* pi'aied as to upon Tweed, and fliall there unload and put on Shore the fame, the Danger of the Seas only excepted : Ireland by (z) And for all Ships coming from any other Port or Place to any of the aforefaid Plantations, who by "^^^l'-^^ ^■ this Adt are permitted to trade there, that the Governor of fuch EngliJIi Plantations (hall before the faid sWps coming I Ship or Veffel be permitted to load on Board any of the faid Commodities, take Bond in manner and to fro™ other i the Value aforefaid, for each refpedive Ship or Veffel, that fuch Ship or Veffel (hall carry all the afore- fh'ofe pumT^ °^ j (aid Goods that (hall be laden on Board in the faid Ship to fome other of his Majefty's EngliJI} Plantations, tions.
ox to England-, Ireland, Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tiveed: (3) And that every Ship or Veffel The refpeaive
I which (hall load or take on Board any of the aforefaid Goods, until fuch Bond given to the faid Gover- J^°Jrn'th"B° d j nor, or Certificate produced from the Officers of any Cuflom-houfe of England, Ireland, Wales, or of tiiien twice°" ^ the Town of Berivich, that fuch Bonds have been there duly given, fhall be forfeited with all her Guns, yearly ro^ the Tackle, Apparel and Furniture, to beimployed and recovered in Manner, as aforefaid ; and tlie faid Go- the^cu(ki'^'"°^ vernors and every of them (hall twice in every Year after the firft Day of January one thoufand fix hun- London. This be dred and (ixty, return true Copies of all fuch Bonds by him fo taken, to the Chief 0(ficers of the Cuf- Return to Wom
London. [Confirmed by 13 Car. 2. Stat. i. c. 14.] 7ear,T"
ill & 23 Car. 2. c 16. §. 12. Farther Provifiom concerning Ships and Namgation, ilSfljCar. 2. c. II. jjaci. c.%. ^&;yim. c. lo. 6 Ann. c. 37. % Ann. c. . loAim.cI-j. 3 Geo. I. c. 13. nGen. t. c. JZ. 7 Ceo. I. f. 21. 8 Ceo. i. .c. 17 &" 24. n Geo. I. r. 29. 3 Geo. 2. £■. 36. 5 Geo. 2. e. 20. 6 Geo. 2. c. 29. 7 Geo. z. c. 15. 9 Geo. 2. c. 21;. 10 Geo. ». c, 14. 14 Geo. 1. c. 39. 17 Geo. 2. c. 34 & 36. 18 Geo. 2. c, -; &^i, jg Geo. 2. c, 50. 1 20 Geo. 2. c. 24. fif 45. 22 C«. 2. e. 3 &■ 33. 26Ceo. j, c. 25. 29 Geo. 2, e, 27 Sf J4. 32 Geo, ». c. 16 is? 25. am/ 33 Geo. 2. c, ig. CAR XIX. , An Aft to prevent Frauds and Concealments of his Majefty's Cuftoms and Subfidles. !T> E it enafled by the King's mofl: Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords perfors who j and Commons in this prefent Parliament a(rembled. That if any Perfon or Perfons at any Time lia" ^on^y jafter the firft Day of September one thoufand fix hundred and fixty, (hall caufe any Goods for which wTchourEm-y*" {Cuftom, Subfidy or other Duties are due or payable by Virtue of the Aft paffed this Parliament, (inti-a,>d.^greemtnt 'tuled, A SubJidy granted to the King of Tonnage and Poundage, and other Sums of Money, payable upon J^tV-'ortheCuftom. Vhandize exported arid imp er ted) to be landed or conveyed away without due Entry thereof^ firft made, ^'^^^^surTx^.'-i—xit,. itheCuftomer or Colleitor, or his Deputy agreed with ; That then and in fuch Cafe, upon Oath thereof jmade before the Lord Treafurer, or any of the Barons of the Exchequer, or Chief Magiftrate of the iPort or Place where the Offence fliall be committed, or the Place next adjoining thereunto, it fhall be jawful to and for the Lord Treafurer, or any of tlie Barons aforefaid, or Chief Magiftrate of the Port or xhe Penalty. jPlace where the Offence ihall be committed, or the Place next adjoining thereunto, to iffue out a Vv'ar- . I Vol. Ill, B b - rant