Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/243

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A. D. 1660. Anno duodecimo Caroli II. C. 24. 195 XXIX. And be it further enafled by the Authority aforefaid. That all Common Brewers of Beer an<J^"*"«'*°e Ale, (hall once in every Week, and all Inn-keepers, Alehoufes-keepers, Viduallers and other Retailers ^fe'^officeby " i of Beer, Ale, Cyder, Perry, Metheglin or Strong-water, brewing, making or retailing the fame, ihall common Brew, once in every Month make true and particular Entries at the Office of Excife, within the Limits of ers.inn-keepers, j which the faid Commodities and Manufadlures are made, of all Beer, Ale, Perry, Cyder, Metheglin, *"^' 1 Strong-water or other the Licjuors aforefaid, which they or any of them (hall brew, make or retail in I that Week and Month refpecElively as aforefaid. i XXX. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That all fuch Common Brewers who do ThePenaUyfor

not once a Week made due and particular Entries, (hall forfeit ten Pounds: (2) And that every fuch ^ot making En-

' Itui-keeper who doth not. make true and particular Entries once a Month, (hall forfeit five Pounds : (3)

And that every Alehoufe-keeper, Vi6tualler, or other Retailer who doth not once a Month make due

' and particular Entries, fhall forfeit twenty Shillings. XXXI. And be it further enadled by the Authority aforefaid, That every Common Brewer who fhall The Penalty for not pay and clear off within a Week after he made his Entry, or ought to have made his Entry, as rot paying. aforefai'f, lliall pay double the Value of the Duty: (2) And that every Inn-keeper, Alehoufe-keeper, Vicftualler, or other Retailer who (hall not pay and clear off within a Month after he made his Entry, or ought to have made his Entry as aforefaid, (hall pay double the Value of the Duty: (3) The faid re- fpecftive Forfeitures to be levied upon their Goods and Chattels, in fuch Manner and Form as hereafter in this Adl is ordained and direfted. XXXII. Provided, That no fuch Perfon as aforefaid fliall be compelled by the Commiffioners, or in what Place* Sub-Commiffioners of the Excife, to travel for the making of the faid Entries or Payment of the faid ^" j"" Duties or other Caufe whatfoever touching or concerning the fame, if he live in a Market-Town, out Farther Provi- of the faid Town ; if he live out of a Market-Town, then to no other Place than to the next Mar- fions relating ket-Town to his Habitation in the fame County, on the Market-Day. 2%ii.'l 9."^' XXXIII. And be it further enatted and ordained by the Authority aforefaid. That the Commiffioners -fhe Powers of •who (hall be appointed by his Majefty for putting this Adt in Execution, and their Sub-Commiffioners the Commiffio- in their refpedive Circuits and Divifions, ffiall hereby have Power to conftitute under their Hands and QjLrs.^^"'"' I Seals fuch and fo many Gagers as they (hall find needful : (2) Which Gagers, and every of them, fhall The Powers of I at all Times, as well by Night as by Day, and if by Night, then in the Prefence of a Conftable or the Gagers. I other lawfiil Officer, be permitted ujjon their Requeft to enter the Houfe, Brew-houfe, Diftilling-houfe, ^"'"j ^- i-l*9' ] and all other Houfes and Places whatfoever belonging to, or ufed by any Brewer, Inn-keeper, Victualler, I or other Retailer of Beer, brewing or making the fame, as aforefaid, or by any Diftiller of Strong Wa- I ters, or Retailer of other the Liquors aforefaid, and to gage all Coppers, Fats and Veflels in the fame, I and to take an Account of Beer, Ale, Worts, Perry, Cyder, Strong Waters, Aqua-vitis, Metheglin, ! or other the Liquors aforefaid, in the faid Houfes, Places and Veffels, from Time to Time brewed or i made, and diftilled; (3) and thereof to make Return or Report in Writing to the faid Commiffioners i or Sub-Commiffioners of Excife, under whofe Office and Limits fuch Brewer, Retailer, Diftil- I ler, or Maker of the Liquors aforefaid doth dwell and inhabit, leaving a true Copy of fuch Re- i turn in Writing under his Hand with fuch Brewer, Retailer, Diftiller, or Maker of the Liquors aforefaid; (4) and fuch Reports or Returns of the faid Gagers (hall be a Charge upon the faid Brewers,

Makers and Retailers refpeftively
(5) And if any fuch common Brewer, Maker or Retailer, fliall re-

1 fufe to permit any fuch Gager or Gamers to enter his Brewhoufe or any other Places afore mentioned, i or to Gage or take Account of his Brewing Veffels, or of any fuch Beer, Ale, Worts, Perry, Cyder, i Strong-water, Aqua-vites, Metheglin, or other the Liquors aforefaid, fuch Brewer, Retailer or Diftiller, i (hall be forthwith forbidden by the faid Gager or Gagers, to fell, carry out or deliver to any of his i Cullomers, any Beer, Ale, Strong-water, Aqua-vita, or other the Liquors aforefaid; (6) and if any i^n"^'^^^ '°p/t i fuch Brewer, Retailer or Diftiller of any the Liquors aforefaid, after fuch Warning given, fliall fell, havin? cleared i carry or deliver out the fame, or any Part thereof, not having paid and cleared the Duty of Excife, the Excife. j ftich Perfon and Perfons fhall, befides the Forfeiture of double the Value, forfeit and lofe the Sum of _ - I ten Pounds as aforefaid, for every Offence, to be levied and recovered upon his or their Goods and ' Chattels in Manner and Form as hereafter in this KSi is provided. XXXIV . And for the Avoiding of all Incertainly and Difpute touching the Returns made or to be Proportions to s made by the Gagers of any Beer or Ale fo brewed as aforefaid ; (2) Be it enacled and declared by the be ohferved in I Authority aforefaid, That every fix and thirty Gallons of Beer taken by the Gage according to the oa'g/"^ " . I Standard of the Ale-quart, four whereof (liall make the Gallon, remaining in the Cuftody of the Cham- I terrains of his Majefty's Exchequer, fhall be reckoned, accounted and returned by the Gager, for a I Barrel of Beer, and every two and thirty Gallons of Ale taken by the Gage according to the fame i Standard, (hall be in like Manner reckoned, accounted and returned for a Barrel of Ale, and all other -j the Liquors aforefaid according to the Wine Gallon. j XXaV. Provided always, and be it enafted and ordained by the Authority aforefaid, That no ^revversand Re- Brewers or Retailers of Beer and Ale, • fliall take any more in the Price thereof, upon Sale of the taikrstoobfcve fame, than according to the ufual Rates and Prices; Saving that every Common Brewer fhall and may ^'^j^'p^jce^^^^' I take and receive of all and every Perfon and Perfons to vv^hom he fhall fell and deliver any Ale or Beer, I the Excife thereupon due as aforefaid, over and above the ufual Rates and Prices. XXXVI. And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That for the better Encouragement of all Enroursjement Common Brewers and makers of B^er or Ale to make due Entry and Payment thereof according as ^'^.^.g'^t,'^'^!" ! "by this Act is appointed, the faid Common Brewer, not felling the fame by Retail, for and in Con- tries. ( fideration of V/afte by Fillings and Leakage of their Beer and Ale, fhail have and be allowed out of Allowance for the faid Returns made by the Gagers, the feveral Allowances and Abatements hereafter mentioned, Y'-^l^^*"'^ C c ? ■ •■ • ^ ■ (that'-'"'"