Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/260

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212 C. 13 — 15. Anno declmo tertio Caroli II. A. D. 166 li^ whereby fuch Perfon to whom the fame is tendred or adminiftred may be charged or compelled to confefs' or accufe, or to purge him or herfelf of any criminal Matter or Thing, whereby he or Ihe may be liable to any Cenfure or Puniftiment ; any Thing in this Statute, or any other Law, Cuftom or Uiage here- tofore to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithftanding. Provifonotfo V. Provided always. That this A<S, or any Thing therein contained, (hall not extend or be conftrued f*fd^ion*to *° extend to give unto any Archbilhop, Bi(hop, or any other Spiritual or Ecclefiaftical Judge, Officer or anyArchbifhop, Other Perfon or Perfons aforefaid, any Power or Authority to exercife, execute, infli<5l or determine any &c. than they Ecclefiaftical Jurifdiflion, Cenfure or Coercion, which they might not by Law have done before the f *"* tiie'y^ar*' Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred thirty-nine ; (2) nor to abrid^ or diminiih the King's Ma- 1*3*9. ' jefty's Supremacy in Ecclefiaftical Matters and Affairs, nor to confirm the Canons made in the Year one Th« king's Su- thoufand fix hundred forty, nor any of them, nor any other Ecclefiaftical Laws or Canons not formerly ckSScafMat- Confirmed, allowed or ena<5led by Parliament, or by the eftabliihed Laws of the Land, as they ftood ia ttn. the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred thirty-nine. Canoni Ecele- > ' ,1 «»"'"'• CAP. XIIL jx p. An Ad for the Vefting the Arrears of the Excife and new Impoft in liis Majefty. CAP. XIV. An Aft for confirming an Aft, intituled, yln ASlfor Encouraging and Increaftng of Shipping and Navigation^ and fcveral other Afts both publick and private mentioned therein. H E R E A S during the late Difficulties and Exigencies of Affairs in the Abfence of his moft Ex- cellent Majefty, and in Reference to his Return from beyorulthe Seas into thefe his Majefty's Do- minions, The Lords and Commons being affembled at Wejiminjitr the five and twentieth Day of Jpril in the twelfth Year of his Majefty's Reign, were from thence, and after his Majefty's Return, con- tinued until the nine and twentieth Day of December then next following, and now laft paft, and then diflblved by his Majefty ; in which Time feveral Adls were pafied by his Majefty, by and with the Ad- vice and Confent of the faid Lords and Commons afTembled as aforefaid, which being of neceflary Ufe, are fit to be continued and confirmed, although the Manner of the faid Afifembling, enforced by the Difficulties and Exigencies aforefaid, which then lay upon the Nation, is not to be drawn into Ex- ample :' IL Be it therefore enaded by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and wi{h the Advice and Confent of the Lords and Commons in this prefent Parliament aflfembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That all and fingular the A<51:s made or mentioned to be made by his faid Majefty, by and with the Advice or Confent oithe Lords and Commons, upon or fince the faid five and twentieth Day of Aprils herein after Shipping. particularly mentioned and exprefTed : (That is to fay) (2) One A<ft, intituled, y/« Aiifor the Encouraging laCar.s. e.i8. and Increajing of Shipping and Navigation ; (3) One other Adt, intituled. An AH for prohibiting the Ex- ^^ulK,^-^,portationof Wool, TVool-fells, Fullers-Earth or any Kind of Scouring- Earth : (4) One other Aa, mtitulcd, Lcafes.' * An Aii itnpowering the Majler of the Rolls for the Time being, to make Leafesjfor Tears, in order to new-build w; MCar!»'. e.34. ^'"i "■ Sowing of Tobacco in England and Ireland : (6) One other Aft, intituled. An Aii for reftratning the Ufury.' ' ' ' Taking of excejjtve Ufury : (7) One other A6t, intituled. An Aif for the prefent Nominating of Commijfmierf "Car. I. c. 13. gj- Sewers : (8) One other A<5t, intituled. An Aff for the Incorporating of the Majier and IVardens of the ToS'* ****' ^^'"^d Houfes belonging to the Rolls : (5) One other A<5t, intituled. An Aii for prohibiting the Planting, Set- laCar, ' Ufury. i> Car. w'car.'s. c. (. i^ompany of Haberdajhers, London, to be Governors of the Free School and Almhoufes in Newport in the County Poor." ' ' ' of ^zo^, of the Foundation of yVlXYxditn A6z.vns, and for fettling of Lands and Pojfefpons on them for Maia<r i Hot printed. tenance thereof, and other charitable Ufes : (9) And all and every the Claufes, Sentences and Articles in ( them and every of them contained, fhall be and hereby are ratified and confirmed, and enacted and de- 1 clared to have the full Force and Strength of A<Sts of Parliament, according to the Tenor and Purport thereof, and fo fhall be adjudged, deemed and taken to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoever, and as if the fame had been made, declared and enadted by Authority of this prefent Parliament. ^ CAP. XV. An A(Jt declaring the Pains, Penalties and Forfeitures impofed upon the Eftates and Perfons of certaih . notorious Offenders excepted out of the A6t of Free and General Pardon, Indemnity and Oblivion. 1 The Manors, Lands and Hereditaments, Chattels Real and other Things of Ifaac Eiver, Sir John Dan- t vers. Sir Thomas Maleverer, TVilliam Purefoy, John Blakijlon, Sir IVillimn Conjiabk, Richard Dean, i Francis Aleyn, Peregrine Pelham, John Moore, John Aldred alias Alured, Humphry Edivards, Sir Gregory • Norton, John Venn, Thomas Jnch-ews, Anthony Stapley, Thomas Horton, John Fry, Thomas Hammona^ Sir John Bourchier, JVilUam Lord Mounfon, James Challoner, Sir Henry Mildmay, Sir James Harrington, 1 Zohn Phelps, Robert Wallop and Sir Arthur Hajlerig, be forfeited. The Goods, &c. of which lyUlijm 3 ord Mounfm, Sir Henry Mildmay, Sir James Harringtoji, John Phelps and Robert Wallop, were pof- feiTed the nth oi February 1659, forfeited and vefted in his Majefty. rrovifo for Conveyances and A.-- furances, l^c. made bona fide, before the 29th of September. Conveyances and AfTurances made before the zcth oi April 1660. So as they be enrolled in the Exchequer before the firft oi January 1662. • IViU Ham Lord Mounfon, Sir Henry Mildmay, Sir James Harrington, Robert Wallop and John Phelps, de- graded. William Mounfon, Henry Mildmay, James Harrington, Robert Wallop and John Phelps, lliall be m