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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/289

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A:. D. 1 662. Anno decimo tertio & quarto Caroli II. C. ir. 241 jiake known fuch his or their Offence in two Months Time to the Treafurer oi England, the Chancellor, PerTona revesi- Under-Treafurer or Barons of the Exchequer, he fliall for that Offence be clearly acquitted and difcharged. '!!^"^'"'^'^'^" . XXI. And be it further enafted, That all foreign Goods and Merchandize, which by the Pcrfon or two Month", t" Perfons which are or Ihall be appointed by his Majefty for the Managing of the Cuftoms, and the Cufto- be acquiiteV mer. Collector and Comptroller, Ihall be permitted to be landed and taken up by Bills at Sight, Bills at Foragn Goods View, or Sufferance, ihall be landed at the moft convenient Keys or Wharfs where the faid Perfon or ^heie to K; Perfons fo to be appointed Cuftomer or CoUedtor or Comptroller (hall appoint, and not elfewhere, and '^^'h'ea*" nd"* diere or in his Majefty's Store-houfe of the refpedlive Ports, at the Eledlion of the faid Perfon or Perfons n^fb-red," fo to be appointed, and the Officers, fhall be meafured, weighed and number'd, by and in the Prefence of the Ofhcers to be thereunto particularly appointed ; (z) which faid Officers fo appointed, ffiall peifedt the Entry, and thereunto ftiall fubfcribe their Names, and the next Day following fiiall give Account, and make Report of every refpedive Entry fo perfected as aforefaid, to the faid Perfon or Perfons which iare or fliall be appointed to manage his Majefty's Cuftoms, Cuftomer or Colleftor and Comptroller a- Iforefaid, without reafonable Caufe to be allowed by the faid Perfon or Perfons, or Officers aforefaid;. or lin IDefault thereof, fliall forfeit the Sum of one hundred Pounds. ' ' i XXII. Be it alfo enafled. That no Ship, Veflel or Boat, appointed and imployed ordinarily for the ^^fleU appoirr- ' .Carriage of Letters and Pacquets, fliall (unlefs it be in fuch Cafes as fhall be allowed by the faid Perfon tlKTr/m?'"^! or Perfons which are or fliall be appointed to manage his Majefty's Cuftoms, or Officers aforefaid) im- import nor**"- ipprt or export any Goods or Merchandize into or out of the Parts beyond the Seas, upon the Penalty of port Me.-chan- 'the Forfeiture of one hundred Pounds to be paid by the Mafter of the faid Veflel or Boat, with theLofs **'^*" of his Place, and all Goods and Merchandize that fliall be found on Board any fuch Ship, Veflel or Boat, fliall be forfeited and loft. ' XXIII. And whereas fome Doubts and Difputes have arifen concerning the faid late A<51:, Fcr in- An Explanation

  • creafing and encouraging of Shipping and Navigation^ about fome of the Goods therein prohibited to be "^ ^ J'a*' .

i* brought ffom Holland and the Parts and Ports thereabouts ;' (2) Be it eaaded and declared. That no prohibfted tobe Sort of Wines, (other t)'iT: Rhenijh) no Sort of Spicery, Grocery, Tobacco, Pot-Afties, Pitch, Tar, brougi.t from Salt, Rozin, Deal-Boards, Fir, Timber, or Olive-Oil, fhall be imported into England, TFabs or Ber- }^°p|"." ivick, from the Netherlands- or Germany, upon any Pretence whatfoever, in any Sort of Ships or Veflels b" 6 Geo!i? ' whatfoever ^ . upon Penalty of the Lofs of all the faid Goods, as alfo of the Ships and Furniture. c 15. §. i, . * XXIV. And whereas alfo by the faid Afls, For increajing and encouraging of Shipping and Navigation, ,1 car. 2. c. i?, }? an Impofition of five Shillings ^^r Ton is laid upon all Ships or Veflels belonging to any Subjeds of the impofition of I' French KXng, which fliall come into any Port, Harbour, Creek or Road of £«j/rt;;^, Ireland, H^^nlcs, orS'-Pp"^"" i* Tovm of Berwick upon Tweed, and fliall there lade or unlade any Goods, or take in or fet on Shore any veiTels.""*^ ' PaiTengers, yet notwithftanding there is great Difficulty in recovering the faid Duty, becaufe fmall Shal-

5. lops come not into Harbour's where Officers are, but either put their Goods and Paflengers on Shore,

V or Boats come out of Harbours, which privately convey them on Shore, there being no Penalty in the ,' Aft againfl: fuch Offenders ;' (2) Be it therefore enaded. That any fuch Ship or VefTel upon which How to be re- . the above-faid Impofition of five Shillings /i^r Ton is due and payable, which fhall either put on Shore, covered, and the or put over into any Boat, any Goods or Paflengers without. Payment of Cuftom and Impofition of *'^"*"^" Tonnage, at any Time returning into any Harbour, Port or Creek of England or Ireland, fliall not only pay the Duties formerly due, but forfeit the Sum. of ten Pounds: (3) And whatfoever Pilot, Water- man or Boatman, which fhall from any Harbour, Port or Creek, go out and bring any Goods from on Board fuch Veflel, fhall not only be liable to pay the Duty of Tonnage which the faid VefTel fhould have paid, but forfeit the Sum of forty. Pounds. - . XXV. Beit alfo hereby ena<51ed. That Vinegar, Perry, Rape, Cyder and Cyder-Eager, of any Sort Tonnage upon or Kind whatfoever, imported from and after the four and twentieth Day of 'June one thoufand fix hun- vinegar. Perry, dred fixty and two, from foreign Parts, is hereby rated to pay to the King's Majefty a Subfidy of Ton- ^'(fcVdw^"^' nage of four Pounds ten Shillings /i^r Ton imported by Engli/I}, and fix Pounds imported by Strangers, e^gtr. ' "' according to the Rate already impofedand fet upon French Wines, tobe colleded and levied for fuch Time and in fuch Manner as by "the A(5t of Tonnage and Poundage is dire<5led and appointed ; and the fame are by Virtue of this A61 exonerated and difcharged of all further and other Sums heretofore fet or * charged upon thofe Commodities, by or under the Name of Subfidy or Poundage; and in Cafe of p]x- ,portation, there fhali be repaid and allowed to the Englijhman Exporter, the Sum of three Pounds ten Shillings />^r Ton, and to the Alien four Pounds fifteen Shilling /i^r Ton, to be repaid according to the Rules of the Book of Rates now eftablifhed. , ' XXVI, And whereas the ingenious Induftry of thefe Times hath taught the Dyers of England' the j^ggv^ood or ,' Art of fixing the Colours made of Logwood aliiS Blockwood, fo as that by Experience they are found Biockv.ood.

  • as lafting and fervjceable as the Colours made with any other Sort of Dying- Wood whatfoever < And

' whereas by a Statute made in the three and twentietli Year of tUe Reign of Qiieen Elizaieth of fanipu.'; 23 v.Vu.^. 9. ' Memory, intituled, Logivood and Blockwood Jhall not be ufcd in Dying of Cloth, &c. And bv another ' Statute made in the nine and thirtieth Year of the aforefaid Queen Elizabeth, (intituled. The P.enahy -gEj;.,. r. u, - for. mixing or iijing ojf Logwood in Dying Cloth or ether Stuff) all Logwood fllias Blockwood, thut IhalJ be " ' .', ' . ? found withiri'this Kingdom., fliall be forfeited, and openly burned, with divers other Pains, Penalties ■ •

  • and Forfeitures, upon fuch as fhall ufe the fame in Dying Cloth or other Commodities, as by tlie faid

' feveral A(5Vs aforefaid may and doth appear :' (2) Beit therefore enafled by the Authority aforefaid. That the aforefaid Statutes, and either of them, be and are hereby repealed and made void as to all Claufcs, Articles, Provifions and Penalties in any wife relating to the Prohibitio;i or Ufe of Logwood alias Blockwood : (3) And that from and after the firft Day of February one thoufand fix hundred fixty and one, ; it Ihall and may be lawful to aiid for any Perfon or Perfons, freely to import into this Kingdom of Eng- '. knd. Dominion of Wales^ and Town iVii.^ori of Bcr-wid upon Tweedy any Quantities of Logwood tf/w; Vol, III. 11 Blo-ckwood,-