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Corporatipna or Work houfea in the Cities of London and Weltmmrter, Middlefex^ Sur- rey, 244 C. 12. Aniiodecimo tertio & quarto Caroli II. A. D. 1662. faid, when his or their Work is finifhed, or fhall fall Sick or Impotent whilft he or they are in the faH Work, it ihall not be accounted a Settlement in the Cafes abovefaid, but that it fliall and may be lawfUl for two Juftices of the Peace to convey the faid Perfon or Perfons to the Place of his or their Habitation as aforelaid, under the Pains and Penalties in this Aft prefcribed : (3) And if fuch Perfon or Perfons fliaJl refufe to go, or (hall not remam in fuch Parilh where they ought to be fettled as aforefaid, but ihall return of bis own Accord to the Parifli from whence he was removed, it (hall and may be lawful for any Juf- tice of the Peace of the City, County or Town Corporate where the faid Offence (hall be committed, to fend fuch Perfon or Perfons offending to the Houfe of Corredtion, there to be puniihed as a Vagabond, or to a publick Work-houfe in this prefent Adt hereafter mentioned, there to be employed in Work'or ^alDour : (4) And if the Churchwardens and Overfeers of the Poor of the Parifh to which he or they fhall be removed, refufe to receive fuch Perfon or Perfons, and to provide Work for them, as other In- habitants of the Parifh, any Juftice of Peace of that Divifion may and fhall thereupon bind any fuch Of- ficer or Officers in whom there (hall be Default, to the AlTizes or SelTions, there to be indided for his or their Contempt in that Behalf. IV. And for the farther Redrefs of the Mifchiefs intended to be hereby remedied. Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That from thenceforth there be, and (liall be, one or more Corporation or Corpora- tions, "Work-houfe or Work-houfes, within the Cities of London znATVeJhninJIer, and within the Bo- roughs, Towns and Places of the County of Middle/ex and Surrey, fituate, lying and being within the Parities mentioned in the Weekly Bills of Mortality, confifting of a Prefident, a Deputy to the Prefident, and a Treafurer ; and that the Lord Mayor of the City of London for the Time being be Prefident of the Corporation or Corporations, Work-houfe or Work-houfes within the faid City, and the Affiitants to be the Aldermen of the faid City of London for the Time being, and (iftjr-two other Citizens to be chofen by the Common Council of the faid City : (2) And that the faid Preddent and AlTiftants, or the major Part of them, (hali and may eleft a Deputy-Prefident and Treafurer, and all other neceffary Officers here- by conflituted and authorized to execute the Powers and Offices by this Aft appointed: (3) And that upon the Vacancy by Death or otherwife of any Affiftant, the Power to ele<5t in their Rooms be in the faid Common Council ; and the Election of the Deputy-Prefident or Treafurer, and all other Officers, in the faid Prefident and major Part of the Affirtants as aforefaid : (4) And that a Prefident, a Deputy- Prefident, a Treafurer and Alfiftants be nominated and appointed by the Lord Chancellor, or Lord Keeper of the Great Seal oi England, for the Time being, out of the molt fit Perfons inhabiting in the City of JVeJlminJier or the Liberties thereof, for the Corporation or Corporations, Work-houfe or Work- houfes within the fame. V. And for the faid Places within the Weekly Bills of Mortality in the faid Counties o{ MlddUfex and Surrey relpe(5tively, there (hall be eledted and chofen by the major Part of the Juftices of the Peace for the faid Counties in their refpedtive Quarter- Sellions afTembled, out of the moft able and honeft Inhabi- tants and Freeholders of every of the faid Counties of Middle/ex and Surrey refpedVively, a Prefident, a Deputy-Prefident, a Treafurer and Affiftants for the Corporation or Corporations, Work-houfe or Work- houfes of the Places aforefaid in Middlefex and Surrey ; and that upon the Vacancy by Death or other- wife, of any of the Prefidents, Deputy-Prefidents, Treafurers or Afliftants in the City of JVeftminfier, and Places aforefaid in Middlefex and Surrey, the Power to eledt others in their Rooms be in the major Part t^ the refpe6tive Juftices of Peace, who in their General Quarter- Seffions from Time to Time fliall ac- cordingly fupply (vich vacant Places ; (2) and that at every Quarter-Seflions they (hall require and take an Account in Writing of all the Receipts, Charges and Dilburfements of the Officers and Treafurer of fuch Corporation or Corporations, Work-houfe or Work-houfes, how and how many poor People have been employed and fet to work in the Year laft paft, and what Stock there was and is remaining; (3) xvhich Prefident, Deputy-Prefident and Treafurer for the Time being refpedlively, (hall for ever here- after, in Name and Faft, be Bodies Politick and Corporate in Law, to all Intents and Purpofes, and fhall have a perpetual Succeflion, and may fue or plead, or be fued and impleaded, by the Name of the Prefident and Governors for the Poor of the refpeftive Places afore mentioned, in all Courts and Places of Judicature within this Kingdom, and the Dominion oi Wales, and the Town of JSwif/c^ upon Tweed i f4) and by that Name every of the faid Corporations ftiall and may without Licence in Mortmain, pur- chafe or receive any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, not exceeding the yearly Value of three thou- fand Pounds per Annum, of the Gift, Alienation or Devife of any Perfon or Perfons, who are hereby without further Licence enabled to give the fame, and any Goods, Chattels or Sums of Money whatfo- ever, to the Ufe, Intent and Purpofes hereafter limited and appointed ; (5) and that each refpedive Cor- poration, or any feven of them, (hall have hereby Power and Authority from Time to Time to meet and keep Courts for the Ends and Purpofes in this A« exprelTed, at fuch Time and Place as (hall be appointed by the faid Prefident, his Deputy, or the Trealurer, who are hereby required upon the Defire of any four of the faid Corporation, at any Time to caufe a Court to be warned accordingly, and (hall have hereby Authority from Time to Time to make and appoint a Common Seal for the Ule of the faid Corporation. VI. And it is further enadted. by the Authority aforefaid. That it (hall and niay be lawful to and for the faid Prefident and Governors of the faid Corporations for the Time beiiig,. or any two of them, or to or for any Perfon authorized and appointed by them or any two of them, from Time to Time to appre- hend, or caufe to be appreliended, any Rogues, Vagrants, Sturdy Beggars, or idle and "diforderly Per- fons withinthe faid Cities and Liberties, Places, Divifions and Precindts, and to caufe them to be kept and fet to work in the feveral and refpedlive Corporations or Work-houfes ; (2). and it (hall and may be lawful for the major Part of the Juftices of Peace in their Quarter-Seffions, to.fignify unto iiis. Majelly's Privy Councif, the Names of fuch Rogues, Vagabonds, idle arid diforderly Perfons and Sftirdy Beggars, «s they (hall think lit to be tranfported to the EngUJ)) Plantations ; (3) and upon the Approbation ot his Majeity's Privy Council to the faid Juftices of Peace fignilied,. which Peifons (hall be tranfported,-. it (hall and Prefident, De- puty- Prelident, Treafurer and ■Afliftants for Middlefex and Surrey, how to be ele^ed. City of Weft- miofter. The Powers of the faid Prefi- dent and Go- fernors of the tiid Corpofa-