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252 C. 19, 20. Anno decimo tertio 8c quarto Caroli II. A. D. 1662, one Aa of this prefent Seffion of Parliament, made againft the Tranfportation of Wool, Wool-fells, iaCar.2. c.32. Fullers-Earth or any Kind of Scouring-Earth ; (2) or to the Prohibiting of the Loading on Board of any 13 Car. a. Stat. Ship or Veffel, of any Weather Sheep, Wool, Wool-flocks or other Goods mentioned in this Act, that

  • '*• by the aforefaid AdV is permitted to be loaden on Board of any Ship or Veffel, for the neceffary Ufe or

Provifion of fuch Ship or Veffel as aforefaid; any Thing in this A6t contained to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. v^ „. , i, ^ o a r • Provifo for XI Provided always, That if any Owner of any Ship or Veffel, or any Mafter or Manner, knowing Owners of Ships ^^ ^^^j^ Tranfportation of fuch Sheep, Wool, Wool-fells, Mortlings, Shorlings, Yarn made of Woo], fended, and Wool-flocks, Fullers-Earth, Fulling-CIay or Tobacco-pipe-Clay, Ihall within three Months next after fliail firft dif- the Knowledge thereof, or after his Return into the Kingdom of England or Ireland, or into the faid Town cover the fame. ^^ Berwick or Dominion of fVales aforefaid, give the firfl Information bona fide before any of the Barons of either of the Courts of the Exchequer in England or Ireland for the Time being, or before the Heacl- °x'^mp"'fr?m Officer of any Port where he Ihall firft arrive, upon his or their Oath, of the Number and Qiiantity of the Penalties, and Goods mentioned in this Adl, fo carried, conveyed and tranfported, and by whom, where and in what intitled to Bene- gj^ ^j. Veffej^ gnd afterwards (hall be ready upon reafonable Warning by Procefs to juftify and prove Afts "^ the fame; That then fuch Owner and Owners, Mafter, Mariner and Mariners ftiall not be puniflied for I w.'& M. Felony by Virtue of this Adt, but fhall neverthelefs be fubjedl to all other Penahies and Forfeitures in Seff. I. e. 31. ^.jjjg or any other A<ft contained for the Offence aforefaid. (2) And all fuch Exportation, Tranfportation, Common Nu- Carrying or Conveying of any the Goods, Wares or Commodities in tliis A6t mentioned, is hereby de- fance. dared and adjudged to be a common and publick Nufanee.. Who may hear XII. And for the better Execution of this Ad, Be it further enaded, That all Juftices- of Affize, Juf- and determine ^ices of Gaol-delivery and Juftices of Peace, (hall enquire of all the Premiffes in their General Quarter- 'A'iStpr!";!-" Seffions, and hear and determine the fame; (2) and that all Mayors^ Bailiffs and other Head-Offieers of. as relating here- CiiiQSy Boroughs and Towns, not having Jurifdidion to try Felony, (hall enquire of all and every Of- to, iH^.&M. fgnce within this A&. not made Felony, and hear and determine the fame. 7^8^. i.f.28. 9 fif 10 J?^. 3. <■. 40. 10©" II ^. 3. c. 10. 3G«i.i.c.2i. aCco. I, c. 11. 5 Geo. i. c. ji. laGm. i. <■, 34, 13 Gen. i. f, 23. sGa, z. c.zi, izbeo, 2, c. 2,1, isGm.2. f.a?. z^ Gem z, c. i^. 26 Gee. z, c. i & 11, 29 Ge«. a. c. 33. <i»<i 30 Geo. a. c. 12.. C A P.. XIX. An Ad againft Importing of Foreign Wool-Card^, Card-Wyre or Iron-Wyre. Ed c * T XT' H E R E A S by the A6ts of Parliament made in the third Year of King Edward the Fourth, and 39 Eliz,' c.*i4. ' VV the nine and thirtieth Year of Queen Elizabeth, andfeveral other Statutes before that Time made, ' It is enadted (amongft other Things therein contained) that no Cards for Wool, nor Iron-thread (com- ' monly called White- Wyre) fhall be imported, fent or conveyed into this Realm of Engla/zd, whereinthe ' iDeft Iron-Thread or Wyre for making W'ool-Cards is made, and by the faid Manufacture of making and ' drawing of W yre, and Wool-Cards, very many poor People of this Kingdom, and their Families have

  • been imployed and maintained, and the Wool-Cards made thereof are of great Concernment to this

' Kingdom for the good making of Woollen Cloth ; (2) and whereas contrary to the faid Statutes, not ' only much Foreign Card-Wyre but alfo Foreign Wool-Cards have been in thefe late Times imported ' into this Kingdom, and alfo within the fame many old Wool-Cards are by ill-difpofed Perfons (for ' their private Lucre) bought up, and the old Iron-Wyre of the faid old Wool-Cards, being very weak ' and infuflicient for the well-carding of Wool, is put into new Leather and new Boards, and fo uttered ' and fold to ignorant People for new Wool-Cards, to their great Detriment and the Indamaging of their ' Work, Carding of Wool, and the Cloth made thereof: By all which, very great Inconveniencies have ' been found by Experience of Clothiers in their Making of Englijh Cloth, which is lately much debafed ' and decayed, and wherein this Nation is greatly concerned to uphold and encourage the well-making Ho '? - ; n ' thereof in and by all Ways and Means in any wife conducible thereunto ;' (3) Be it therefore enadledby w°oai°ci?cs, the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Cird-Wyre or Temporal, and the Commons, afiembled in Parliament ; and it is hereby enacted by the Authority afore- vo"oi^r,rds" f^'"^' That no Foreign Wool-Cards or Foreign Card-Wyre or Iron-Wyre for making of Wool-Cards, be may bs import- imported into this Kingdom oi England, Dominion of Wales or any Parts thereof, nor ufed within the f-i. . fame, nor any Card-Wyre taken out of old Cards, be from henceforth put into new Leather and new ^f"J,'^'^P^y^/j^" Card-Boards, nor any fuch Wool-Cards made thereof be put to fale ; (4) upon the Pains, Penalties and reei&3W. & Forfeitures hereafter following, (that is to fay) Every Perfon or Perfons who fhall import or bring any M. Self. 2. C.4. Foreign Wool-Cards or Foreign Card-Wyre, or Iron-Wyre for making of Wool-Cards, into this King- ^' ^" dbm of England, Dominion of Wales or any Parts thereof, or make any Wool-Cards of any fuch old ThePenalty. Wyre as aforefaic!, or put the fame to fale, (liall forfeit the faid Wool-Cards and Card-Wyre, or Iron- Wyre for making Wool-Cards, or the Value thereof if the fame be not feized ; the one Half- Part thereof Bvrn, V.T.. 5831 to the King's Majefty, and the other Half-Part thereof to fuch Perfon or Perfons who (hall firft fe^fe or fue fe'c. for the fame by Adtion of Debt, Plaint, Bill, Information or Indiftment, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at Wejiminjler, or within the County, City, Borough or Town Corporate where fuch Offence (hall be committed ; wherein no Effoin, Protedtion, Wager of I^aw or Injundtion fhall be allowed or admitted. Provifo for a- ^- Provided always. That this Adt (hall not extend to hinder the Owners of any Wool-Cards, to mending of old caufe them to be amended for their own Ufe, or to tranfport or fell (for Tranfportation only) any their Wool-Cards. q^ ovcrwosn Wool-Cards, into any Parts beyond the Seas out of his Majefty's Dominions. See the Rsferctxes t 1 j j 1 tothcfor^gomg CAP. XX, Chapter. II Car 2. c. 14 ^^ ^^ ^°^ providing of Carriage by Land and by Water, for the Ufe of his Majefty's Navy and Ord- 4&5 W.&M," nance. How Carriages fhall be provided for his Majelfy's Navy and Ordnance. The Rates allowed «'M' for Carriages. ImprelFing of Perfons, Ships, Veffeis for Carriages. Penalty on fuch as negledt or re- 8 fufe.