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A, D. 1662, Anno decimotertio& quarto Caroli II. C. 22. 255 tefty's Remembrancer of his Exchequer, nor any Procefs or Proceeding thereupon to be had or made by Virnie of this A&, fliall be refpited, flayed, mitigated, extenuated, compounded, or otherwife difcharged, but by Order, Warrant or Judgment made, filed or entred in the faid Office of his Majefty's Remem-. brancer, where tlie Original of fuch Debt, Duty or Charge as aforefaid, is and remaineth : (5) And that in Cale any Procefs of bummons of the Pipe have been or fhaill be awarded for or upon any fuch Debt, Duty,- Fine, Amerciament or Seizure whatfoever, and t!ie fame Debt, Duty, Fine, Amerciament or Seizure, fhall not upon fuch Summons of the Pipe be levied or anfwsted unto 'hi;. Majefty ; That therv. the Clerk of the Pipe, or Engroffer of the Great Roil, fhall the next Term after the Return of fucli Sum- mons certify the fame in a Schedule into the Office of his JVIajefty's Remembrancer aforefaid, to the End that further Procefs may be from thence written forth, for the Levying and Anfwering thereof; (6) and that this Ad, or any Thing therein contained, fhall not extend unto, nor be conflrued to be prejudicial to his Majefty's Remembrancer in his Exchequer, in any juft, antient and lawful Fees by him claimed, ©r belonging or incident to his Office, and ufually had and received by him or his PredecefTors ; any Thing in this Ad contained to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. XI. This A6t to continue to the End of the firft Seifion of the next Parliament, and no longer. [Made The ConUnu- perpetual by I Jac. 2. c. 17. §. 4.] 7ar%cr Pro^jT,- tas ralathg hci-eto, 3 Geo, i. c, 15. 6 Geo. I. c. 21. . 53. 20 Geo. 2. c. 37. 24 Geo. 2. c, 48. §. 12. and 32 Geo. z, c, 14.- C A P. XXII. An' Ad for Preventing of Theft and Rapine upoB the Northern Borders of England. ' T THEREAS a great Number of lewd, diforderly and lawlefs Perfons, being Thieves and Robbers, ' W who are commonly called Mofs-Tr outers, have fucceffively for many and fundry Years laft pall ' been bred, refided inj and frequented, the Borders of the two refpedive Counties oi Northumberland ^nd

  • Cumberland., and the next adjacent Parts oi Scotland, and they taking the Opportunity of the large walle
  • Grounds, Heaths and MofTes, and the many intricate and dangerous Ways and By-paths in thole Parts,
  • do ufually, after the moft notorious Crimes committed by them, efcape over from the one Kingdom
  • into the other refpedively, and fo avoid the Hand of Juftice, in regard the Offences done and perpe-
  • trated in the one Kingdom cannot be punifhed in the other.

' II.- And whereas fince the Time of the late unhappy Diftradions, fuch Offences and Offenders as a- ' foreiaid have exceedingly more increafed and abounded, and the feveral Inhabitants of the faid refpedive-

  • Counties have been for divers Years laft pafl neceffitated, at their own free and voluntary Charge to main-
  • tain feveral Parties of Horfe for the neceffary Defence of their Perfons, Families and Goods, and to the
  • End the aforefaid evil and pernicious Members might be apprehended and brought to Judgment; (2}
  • and whereas the moft Part of the Inhabitants of the faid Counties, being more remote from the Borders
  • 'than other Parts, and confequently not fo much expofed to imminent Dangers as others, are therefore
  • unwilling to contribute their proportionable Parts of the aforefaid Charge, and yet notwithftanding it

' cannot probably or poffibly be avoided, but that thofe Inhabitants of the refpedive Counties vvho hold

  • themfelves moft fecure, muft certainly fuftain much Damage and Detriment in their Goods and Eftates,r
  • 'in Cafe the aforefaid Mofs-Troopers be not timely fupprefTed, but fuffered to grow numerous, ftrong and
  • potent, which they muft needs do in cafe there be no Reftraint upon them ;' (3) Be it enaded by the

King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with tlie Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tempo- ral, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by Authority thereof. That from and after the Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel, which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred fixty and two, for and during the Term of five Years next enfuing the Date of this prefent Ad, it fhaH and may be lawful for the refpedive Juftices of Peace of the faid refpedive Counties, or the major Part of them, at any General Seffionsof the Peace to be holden for the faid Counties refpedively, on the Behalf ef the faid Counties, or either of them, from Time to Time as they fhall fee Occafion, to make an Order in open Court of Seffions for Charging, according to their feveral Proportions, all and every the feveral Inhabitants of the faid refpedive Counties, for the Safeguard and Securing of the faid feveral Counties and Inhabitants thereof, from all Injury, Violence, Spoil and Rapine of the Mofs-Troopers aforefaid. HI. Provided, That the faid County of Northumberland be not by Force of this A6t at any Time charged above the Sum of five hundred Pounds in the Year ; nor the faid County of Cumberland charged above the Sum of two hundred Pounds in the Y'ear : (2) And for this End and Purpofe, the faid feveral Juftices of Peace of the refpedive Counties aforefaid are hereby impowered and authorized at any their General Quarter-Seffions aforefaid, to appoint and imploy from Time to Time, if Occafion require, any Perfon crPerfons to have the Condud and Command of a certain Number of Men, not exceeding the Number of thirty Men in the County of Northumberland, and twelve in the County of Cumberland, whereby the Malefadors aforefaid may be fearched out, difcovered, purfued, apprehended, and brought to Trial of the Law : (3) And all and every the faid Juftices of Peace of the refpedive Counties aforefaid, or the ma- jor Part of them, at any General Seffions of the Peace to be holden for the faid Counties, or either of them refpedively, are hereby further impowered and authorized by Force of this prefent Ad, to make and ifliie forth their refpedive Warrants under their Hands, for the Levying and Colleding any Sum or Sums of Money ordered to be paid for and towards the Safeguard and Securing of the faid Counties re- fpedively, as aforefaid, andto give full Power to the feveral Conftables and other Officers, to raife, levy and colled the faid Money, and all and every the Inhabitants of the faid feveral Counties, according to their refpedive proportionable Eflates in Lands or Goods, by Diftrefs and Sale of Goods, rendring the Overplus, if there be any, to the refpedive Owner or Owners : (4) And the faid Juftices of Peace in the faid feveral Counties, or any one of them refpedively, are hereby alfo authorized to exaroine any Cora- plaint made agairut the Colledors and Conftables, or any other Officers or Minifters of Juilice whatfo- ever 3