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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/306

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25B G. 25. Anrio decimo tertio & quarto Caroli ll. A. D. 1662. Provifoforothtr ■ IV. Provided always, and it is hereby declared, That every Perfai or Perfons who (hall trade, traf- Tiading. gqyg Qj. merchandize in any otjier Way or Manner than in the faid Royal Fijhlng Trade, ox the Trade managed by the laid Ecft-lndia Company or the Guhicy Company as aforefaid, ihall for and by reafonof his and their Trading, Traffiquing and Merchandizing, be liable to Commiffion and Commilfions a- gainft Bankrupts, as fully to all Intents and Purpofes, and not otherwife, as if this Aft had never been made; any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwithllanding. r i. j • The Judgment • y. And be it further enacted. That a Verdicl and Judgment in Replevin heretofore had or gwen in johrwohien- the Tt oiEaj]er in the Year one thoufand fix hundred fifty-three, in the King's Bench, betwixt P/w/?- hoinnmade has' Aiidrezus, Plaintiff, Richard Woolward and JVilliam Meggs^ Defendants, whereby bir John JVoljhu- '^°' ' holme Knight, an Adventurer in the faid Eaji-India Company, was adjudged and found liable to a Com- mifflon of Bankrupts, only for ajid by reafon of a Share he had in the joint Stock of the -(aid Company, and a pretended felling for Money Part of the Return which he had in Specie for his faid Adventure, ihall be and is hereby dechred contrary to Law, and is hereby reverfed and made void and null. Provifo for Pur- VI. Provided always and be jt ena6ted, That no AdV, Sale or Difpofition of any the Lands, Tenements CafeTf Sir'lol.n ^^^ Hereditaments, Goods, Chattels, Debts or Credits of the faid Sir JohnWolJhnhohm^ or any Dillri- WoiiUnholine. bution of the fame, or of any Money, heretofore rnade or done by the Commiffioners of Bankrupts, or any claiming under them or any of them by Virtue or Colour of any Commiffion or Commiflions taken oiit againll the faid Sir John Woljlenhohne, and whereof any Perfon or Perfons is by Virtue or Colour of Tarth:rPr^;ji- Of Under any fuclV Aa, Sale or Difpofiribn adually feized or pofTeffed, fhall be hereby impeached or fruf- 7o 7lAn^""' ^'■^t^'^' but that the fame be enjoyed tor and toward Satisfaftioti of the Debts for which the fame have "'g°o. iTc.'-iu' been difpofed or diftributed. jCea. 2.,c 30. f -which is centimcJ ij ^1 Ces. z. c. iS, to z^.SeJ>l. ly^nJ, igGeo.a, c^i. «Krt' 24 G«. 2. f. 57- §• 9' ' . C A P. XXV. ' • An A£t for the reftoring of all fuch Advowfons, Redlories Impropriate, Glebe-lands and Tithes, to his Majefty's loyal Subjefts, as were taken from them, and making void certain ' Charges impofed on them upon their Compofitions forDeIinqviency,by the late ufurped PowerS;

  • "IT ^H E RE AS many loyal Subjects of our late Sovereign Lord King Charles the Firft, and of the
  • V y Ring's Majefty that now is, were upon Pretence of Delinquency for adhering unto and faithfully

' ferving their faid Majefties according to their Duty and Allegiance, enforced and conftrained by the pre- -, * tended Power of the Long Parliament, not only to part with great Sums of Money in Satisfadion of th6 - faid fuppofed Delinquency, butlikewife to fettle all or Part of fuch Advowfons, Redories, Glebe-lands ' and Tithes, Eflates and Terms, as they, or any in Truft for them, v/ere then feifed or poiTeffed of, and

  • to make Grants and Aflurances of Rents and Annuities to and upon fuch Truftees as were appointed by

' the faid Long Parliament, as well for the Augmentation of cenain Vicarages, as for the Ufe and Main- ' tenance of preaching Minifters and Lecturers, without any valuable Confideration given for the fame, V ' other than fome Abatement of thofe exceffive Fines impofed on them for their pretended Delinquency, ' and exa6Ved from them by thofe arbitrary Powers, to the Impoverifhing and Undoing of many of the AU'Eftatesmade ' King's moft loyal Subjefts ;' (2) Be it therefore enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and Del^nqofms'of ^'^^ the Advicc and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this preferu ^dvpwfonf, Parliament aflembled, and by Authority of the fame. That all Grants, Feoffments, Bargains and Sales, fteaories.&c.for Releafes, Confirmations, and other Conveyances and Affurances in the Law, of any higher or lower made'void!" Nature whatfoever, had or made by any fuch pretended Delinquents, their Heirs,. Executors or Admini- flrators, or by any Perfon having any EftSte or Intereft in Law or Equity in Truft for them, or by any other Perfon or Perfons having any Eftate or Intereft jointly or in common with them, 01 in Reverfion or Remainder after them, to any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, of any fuch Advow- fons, Redlories impropriate. Glebe-lands, Tithes, Eftates, Terms, Annuities and Rents as aforefaid, to or for the Ufes aforefaid, as Part or in full of their Compofitions for fuch pretended Delinquency as a- forefaid, and all Securities touching or concerning the fame only, be and are hereby adjudged from hence- Saving other forth null and void in Law to all Intents and Purpofes whatfuever; laving to all Perfons other than the Rights. faid Truftees and their Heirs, and all claiming under them, all Right to the faid Redfories and Premiffes as hath accrued unto them before the nineteenth Day of May one thoufand fix hundred fixty and two. How Tenants 11. And be it further ena6ted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Tenanis, Leffees and Occupiers of de?r*h'E(i'"" alJfuch Advowfons, Rectories impropriate. Glebe-lands, Tithes and PremlfTes fo granted or fettled to or fl'a)i"pay their" "pon fuch Truftees as aforefaid, for the Ufes or Purpofes aforefaid, fhall pay all fuch Rents as (hall here- Rents. after grow due and payable to fuch Perfons only, unto whom the Right and Intereft of and in the fame Advovvlbns, Rectories, Glebe-lands, Tithes and Premifles before the faid Conveyances or Affurances (intended to be annulled and made void by this prefertt Adlj did or fhoiild of Right belong or appertain. R«rit8 and Sums ' III. And whereas the faid Conveyances arid Aflurances in and by this A61- intended to be made void, Atigmentaibn ' ^"^ '^'"^ of them of Eftates in Fee-fimple, and fome of them long Terms for Years made to Truftees, of certain Vif a- ' 'wh° Redemifed the fame at and under fiich yearly Rents and Sums of Money as were then appointed lages. ' to be the Augmentation of certain Vicarages or Maintenance for preachin. Minifters, fiiice which Time

  • many of the Redories and Lands fo conveyed and leafed have been abfolutely fold, and the Re-d'emi:es
  • thereof granted and aifigned by the Owners thereof for the Benefit of fiich Purchafers ;' (z)- Be it fur-

ther enadled and ordained by this prefent Parliament, and by the Authority of the fame. That the faid Purchafers, their Heirs and Affigns, fhall pay, and'the faid forrher, Ovv^ners of the" faid Lands and RetSto- ries, their Executors, Adminiftrators and Afligns, ftiall have, hold and enjoy, the faid Rents and Sums of Money fo referved for the Augmentation of the faid Vicarages, and Maintenance for j- reaching Mini- fters, upon the faid ieveral Re-deinifes, and fliall have the fame and the like Reme(iies by Diltreii-, or by Aiftion of Debt for the Recovery thereof, ais the faid Truftees who Re-demifed tlxe fame Ihoulii or mighi have had if this A(S had not been made. • ■• ■ - 4 CAP