Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/308

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Potters (haU fet the Weight of every Pot burnt, andtheii'Names. How to be dif- pofed, DoubJe Cofts. Within what Time Suit muft be begun upon this Aft. Concerning Butter X Jac. I, c. 3Z, Fiiheryof great Concernment to this Nation. J3 Ed, I. c, 47. 260 C. 27j 28. Anno declmo tertio & quarto Caroli II. A. D. 1662. or Cafk after feafoning, or not fettinethe firft Letter of his or their Chriftian Name and his or their Sur- name at Length on every Firkin ana Cafk as aforefaid, fhall for every fuch Offence refpedtively forfeit the Sum often Shillings for every hundred Weight of Butter, and fo proportionably for a greater or a leffer Quantity that fhall be in every fuch Cafk. VI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Potter (hall fet upon every Pot which he (hall fell for packing up of Butter, the ju(f Weight which (liall be of every fuch Pot when it is burnt, together with the lirft Letter of his or their Chriftian Name and his or their Surname at Length ; (2) upon Pain and Penalty that every Potter which (hall not fo do, (hall forfeit and pay for every Pot which he fhall expofe to Sale for the Ufe aforefaid, whereupon he (hall not have (irft fc;t tire juft Weight, and the firft Letter of his Chriftian Name and his Surname at Length as aforefaid, the Sum of one Shil- ling ; (3) and that no Farmer or other Perfon whatfoe'er (hall expofe to Sale any Butter packed up in any other Pot than fuch as (hall be marked by the Potter as aforefaid, upon Penalty of two Shillings for every Pot of Butter which he (liall expofe to Sale as is not fo marked ; (4) all and every of which laid Offences are enquired of, fued for, heard and determined in the Seifions of Peace for the County, City, Bo- rough, Town or Liberty, or in the Court of Record of the City, Borough, Town or Liberty, wherein fuch Offence (liall be committed, by A6tion of Debt, Indictment, Information or Prefentment, wherein no Effoin, Protection or Wager of Law (hall be allowed to the Defendant ; (5) and the one Half of all fuch Forfeitures (hall be to the Ufe of the poor People inhabiting within the Parifh where fuch Offence fhall be from Time to Time committed, to be paid to the Churchwardens and Overfeers of the Poor of and in fuch Parifli, and the other Half to liim or them that will fue for die fame, befides his double Cofts thereby expended. VII. Provided, That every Suit and Information which (hall be brought upon this Ad (hall be com- menced within four Months after the Sale of fuch Butter. fee farther, 32 Car. 2. c. z, §. 9. ^ }f^. (si M. c, J. % Get. 1, C.7.-J, CAP. XXVII. An A61 for repairing of Dover Harbour. EXP. See ii £3" 12 ^. 3. c. 5. Duties payable at and towards the Repair of Dover Harbour. Who (hall infpedt and overfee the Repairs. Provifo for Ships belong- ing to Weymouth, Melcomb-Regis, Lime-Regis. CAP. XXVIIL An Aft for the Regulation of the Pilchard-Fifliing in the Counties of Devon and Cornwal ' W/ H E R E A S the publick Honour, Wealth and Safety of this Realm, as well in the Maintenance ' V V of Trade and Support of Navigation, as in many other Refpeds, doth in an high Degree, depend ' upon the Improvement and Encouragement of the Fifhery ; ' II. And forafmuch as of late Years there have divers pernicious Diforders and Abufes, by the Licen- ' tioufnefs of the Times crept in, and yet continue, evidently deftrudfive to that Trade : For Prevention ' and Redrefs whereof there is no Law hitherto particularly provided, in the growing Evils occafioned by ' Driving-Nets, and other fraudulent and injurious Pradtices to the extream Damage of the Fifliery :' (2) Be it therefore enaded by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in Parliament affembled, and it is enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the five and twentieth Day of Mny, one thoufand fix hundred fixty and two, no Perfon or Perfons (hall in any Year from the firft Day of June till the laft of November prefume to take Fifti in the high Sea, or in any Bay, Port, Creek or Coaft, of or belonging to Cornwal or Devon, with any Drift-Net, Trammel or Stream Net or Nets, or any other Nets of that Sort or Kind, unlefs it be at the Diftance of one League and an Half at leaft from the refpedlive Shores ; (3) upon the Penalty of Forfeiture of the faid Nets fo imployed, or the full Value thereof, and one Month's Impri- fonment without Bail or Mainprize. III. And it is hereby enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons, being neither ^ Owners, Partners or Adventurers in the Craft of^Fifliery, and in the Boats and Saynes thereunto belong- the Owners and ings ^^all prefume from and after the Day before limited, to make or caufe to be made any Pilchards or Adventurers in Fumathoes in Cafk to be fold or tranfported, except he or they (hall openly buy the aforefaid Fiih of the FlihiDg. refpedfive Owners, Partners and Adventurers in the faid Pilchard-Craft, or with their exprefs Allowance, Leave and Confent, that they fhall in fuch Cafe forfeit all and Angular fuch Pilchards and Fumathoes fo made, and every Cafk thereof, or their full Value; the one Half to the King, and the other Half to him or them that fhall fo fue for the fame by Bill, Plaint or other Information, and upon legal Proof re- cover the fame. IV. And be it further enadfed. That if any Owner, Partner or Company, or any other Perfon or Per- fons whatfoeyer, (hall fraudulently purloin, imbezil, hide, convey, carry away or Sale or othgr- 1 wife, or caufe to be purloined, imbezilled, hidden, conveyed, carried away or difpofed, out of the Netijjtj Boats or Cellars, any Pilchard-Fifh, without the exprefs Leave, Confent and Allowance of the propiefij Owners, and major Part of the Company refpedtively ; that then every fuch Perfon and Perfons that (haBij offend therein, upon legal Evidence, (hall pay treble the Value in Satisfaction to the Parties fo wronged,J and be fent to the Houfe of Corredhon for three Months. " ' ' i V. And be it further enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any idle or fufpicious Perfon or Pef-.j fons fhall in the Night affembl.e and flock together about the Boats, Nets or Cellars belonging to any [ Pilchards- Boats P'lchard-Craft, uponany of the Co-i^s oi Cornwal or Devon, having no Bufinefs there to do, and being to departupon' ■warned by the Company or Owner of fuch Boats or Cellars to be gone ; that then upon Complaint madq i ■Warning. unto any one Juftice of the Peac;-, every fuch Perfon or Perfons refufing fo to do (hall pay five Shillings ^nPcoZefJh^/' ^° *^ ^^'^^ "^^^^ ^^"^^ '^^^^^ ^"'^'^ Offence was committed, or (hall be fet in the Stocks for the Space fi/7...y, 3oL-. or fi^eHours. ;. 0.. Slat. I. c. g. 4 Gf 5 fK. ©■ M. f. 23. 4^nn. C.21. ^jinn,c,i6, i Ceo, i. Stat, z, c.lZ. s Ceo. i, c. 18. 13 G«. 2. ^. a6. §. 7. 26 Cm, 2. c. 9. 30 Ceo, 2. c, 2I| 'S 30. ana 33 Geo, 2. c. 27, CAP. Times prohibit ed to Fifh in Cornwall and Devon. Penalty. Pilchards and Furnathoes to be bought of Idle and fufpi- tious Perfons flociting about