262 C. 32y'33- Anno declnio tertlo & quarto Caroli 11. A. D. 1662 Farthr Pnnjifi- be z Freeman or Freemen, or privileged Perfon or Perfons, of any City or Corporation as aforefaid, the: o«z relating hen- j^g qj. jj^gy f^^^ fuffgj. Imprifonment -without Bail or Mainprize for the Space of fix Monihs next enfuin °'--- "'1^'^'i'. his or their Convidion as aforefaid. 8;^ 9 ^.3. IX p. ai Jac, I. c, j8, 26. g iT, 3. f. 2. 9 &'joW.%. c. ^l, Am. Stat. i. e.g. and 15 Ceo. a. f. a8. CAP. XXXII. An Aft for the better Regulating of the Manufa(5bire of Broad Woollen Cloth within the Weft Riding o the County of York. A Corporation of Clothiers in the Weft-Riding of Torkjhire. The Oath to b( taken by the Mafter, Wardens and Affiftants. Who fliall be of the faid Corporation for ever, anf how called. Times and Places of their Meeting. Power to appoint a Common Seal, and to maki Orders and By-Laws. Penalty for not Conforming to By-Laws. Power to appoint Searchers of Cloth, The new Drapery moft in Ufe. The Oath to be taken by Searchers. Penalty upon Searchers. The Authority and Power of the Searchers. None may make Broad Cloth, but fuch as have ferved as Ap- prentices to Clothiers for feven Years, or have been exercifed in the Trade for that Time. The Pe- . nalty. Houftiolders and Houfewives may not make Cloth to fell, not being free of the faid Trade. The Penalty. Power to appoint a Clerk, Regifter, Treafurer, and other Officers. How the Fines and For- feitures ftiall be levied. Counterfeiting the Seal of the Corporation. The Penalty. All Claufes in any other Statute contrary to tliis A(5l concerning Clothing, repealed. Perfons fued tor executing this Adl, may plead riie General liTue. The Rights and Duties of Aulnage faved. Provifo that Rates of Wagcj, of Workmen may not bd fet by Colour of this Ad. Continuance of this A(5t to the next Parliament. C A P. XXXIIL A.I Adl for preventing the frequent Abufes in Printing feditious, treafonable and unlicenced Books artd Pamphlets, and for Regulating of Printing and Printing-Prefles. See Appendix. PR. This Aft conti- nued as to Hert- fordfliiie, from November 1712. forfifteen Years, by 6 Geo. i, e. so. §. I. 4.5 Eliz. c. 7. 21 & 23 Car. 2. I Geo. I, c.ds. ThePunilliment for cutting and fpoiling any Woods. Anno decimo quinto Caroli fecundi Regis. T the Parliament begun at Weflminjler the eighth Day of May one thoufand fix hundred fixty-one, and in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of our So- vereign 'Loxdt Charles the Second, ^c. Defender of the Faith, ^c. and by divers Prorogations and Adjournments continued to the tvventy-feventh Day oi July in the fifteenth Year of his faid Majefty's Reign j and thence prorogued to the fixteenth Day of March next following. v'-. C A P. L An Aft for repairing the Highways within the Counties of Hertford., Camhridge and Huntington. The . ■ ' Highway from London to York., and. Scotland., Hertford, Cambridge., Huntington. Who may appoint Sur- veyoi-s of the Highways yearly for Hertford/hire, Cambridgeflnre, Hunti7igtonJhire. The Power of the Juftices of the Pi.ace in their feveral Counties. The Power of the Surveyors in the faid feveral Coun- ties, to appoint Receivers and Colletftors of Toll, and other needful Officers. Charging of Carts and Carriages. Allowance of Wages to Labourers and Owners. The Penalty for refuling. How far and often Carts and Carriages may be charged. Who may determine Differences about Carriages and La- bourers Wages. How Gravel, Chalk, Stones, £5c may be taken. Who rhay appoint the taking of Toll or Cuftom of all Carriages and Paffengers. Places for taking of Toll in Hertfordflnre, Camhidge- /lnr&, Huntingtonfhire. Power to diftrain for TolL refufed to be paid. " The Toll received to be ac- counted for and paid to the Surveyors. To whom the faid Surveyors ftiall account for Money receiVed. How the Toll Profits may be engaged for Advance of Money. In what Cafes a Rate may be made upon the feveral Parifties. The Penalty for refufi g to take the Office of Surveyor. Fines and Forfei- tures upon this Adl, how to be paid and difpofed. Suits upon this AcSl Ihall be laid in the proper Coun- ty, and the Defendant may plead the General Iflue. Double Cofts. Toll not to be paid twice in the fame Day. The Continuance of this Adl: for eleven Years only. Provifo for exempting certain Per- fons and Things from paying any Toll. Stories, Gravel, i^c. Hay, Corn in Harveft-time, P]ou>i^hs and Implements of Hufoandry. Proyifo touching Money received Overplus, and remaining at the End of eleven Years. Soldiers in marching and Pofts exempted. Provifo for ceafing the Toll within the eleven Years. Continued 16 fef 17 Car. 2. c. ip. and by 6 Geo. i. c. 20. from Nov. -]Z2.. forfif- teen Years. Repealed as to the County of Hertford by 6 Geo. 2. c. 24. CAP. IL An Ad for die Punifhment of unlawful cutting or ftealing, or fpoiling of Wood and Under- wood, and Deftroyers of young Timber- Trees. i .
- "TTTHEREAS in one A(5l of Parliament made in the three, Und fortieth Year of the Reign of the
' W late Qutun Elizahcth, intituled, An AB do avoid and prtvent divers Adifdcmeanon in idle and Icvji ' Perfo?is, among other Things it is enaded. That all and every fuch lewd Perfon and Perfons that fnall ' cut or fpoil any Woods or Underwoods, Poles or Trees ftanding, and their Procurer or Procurers, ' Receiver or Receivers, knowing the fame, and beng thereof lawfully ccnvided by his or their own Ciy^r ' feffion, or by the Teftimony of one fufficient Witntfs upon Oath, before fome one Juftice of Peace, ' or otheir Head Officer of the County or Place where fuch Offence was committed, fhall give the Party ' or