Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/324

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iyS C. 1 6, Anno decimo qiiinto Car'oli ir A. D. i66i Making of Ta- piflry Hangings, Foreigners may life thole Trades, and enjoy all Privileges as na- tural-born Sub- jefts. Oatli of Alle- giance and Su- premacy. Farther Prc-vl- fiom concernwg Linen Clothj I uinn. fiat. a. f . 8. 3 Ann. c. 8. 7 Ann. c. & 36, ai Cm. making of Tv/ine of Nets for Fifhery, or of ftoving of Cordage : As alfo the Trade, Occupation or Myftery of making any Sort of Tapiftry-Hangings ; any Law, Statute or Ufage to the contrary in any wile notwithftandiiig. III. And all Foreigners that fhall really and bona fide fet up and ufe any of the Trades and Manufaftures, by the Space of three Years in this Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Beriuick upon Tweed, fliall from thenceforth, taking the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy before two Juftices of the Peace near unto their Dwellings, y/ho are hereby authorized to adminifter the fame, enjoy all Privileges whatfosver as the Natural-born Subjects of this Kingdorti. IV. And it is hereby enacled and declared, That fuch Foreigners as fhall exercife any of the Trades aforefaid'by Virtue of this A&i, fliall not at any Time be liable to any other or greater Taxes, Payments or Impofitions, than fuch as are or fliall be paid by his Majefty's Natural-born Subje£ts, unlefs in Cafe they fhall ufe and exercife Merchandize into and from Foreign Parts, in which Cafe they fnall be liable to pay fuch Cuftoms as have ufually been paid by Aliens during the Space of five Years next enfuing, and no longer. 7. so Ann, c. i,j a, c, z6. at Geo. 2. c. 46 II Ann. fial. 2. c. 9, 19, Gf jr. I Gca. i. c. ,36, 3 Gm. i. c. 7, £f al. 17 Geo. 2. c. 30. 18 Geo. 2. c. 24, 27^ 29 Geo, 2. c. 15. and 32 Geo. 2. c. 32. See ItUwije 4 W. Sf M, c, 5. to •what Duties Tafifiry ;j liable. 13 S^. I. ir.47. 3i£rf. 3.77a'. s. c. I, 2, is 3. 3i£^. 3•>^3• <:. I &f 2. 33 Jj. }. c. 19. 17 K. 2. c. 9. a H. 6. c. 15. S2 Ed. 4. c, 2. 31 H. '%. c. 2, I £/. c. 17. Haw Herrings Ihall be packed. Able Packers to be appointed and Iworn. Penalty for not appointing and Iwearing Pack- M'3. Wcftmony, 'Ifland. jKcwfoiindsnd, None fnay tle- ftroy Hollies or fpoilNefs, ac. foi^^fiflilng in Newfoundland. CAP. XVI. An Act for regulating the Herring and otlier FiiTieries, and for Repeal of the Ad concerninff Madder. O R the preventihg of A'bufes ill the p^acking and ordering of Herrings, and bringing that Commodity _ into Credit in Foreign Parts beyond the Seas ; (2) Be it enafted, and it is hereby enatSed by the King's mofl: Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this ptefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the firft Day of Angiift one thoufand fix hundred fixty-four, no White or Red Herrings of EngUf) catch- ing fliall be put to Sale in England, Wales, or in the Town of Berwick upon Tweed, but what fhall be packed in lav^cful Barrels or Veffels, and which fhall be well, truly and juftiy laid and packed ; and fliall be of one Time of Taking, Salting, Saving or Drying, and equally well packed in the Midil and ei-ery Part of the Barrel or Veffel, and by a Sworn Packer ; and the Veffel or Barrel marked or branded by fuch Sworn Packer, with a Mark or Brand denoting the Gage of the Barrel or Veffel, and the Quantity, Qua- lity and Condition of the Herrings packed therein, and the Town or Place where they were packed ; (3) and the Bailiffs of Great Yarmouth for the Time being, and the Mayor,_ Bailiffs, ©r other Head Officer for the 'Lime beitig of every Port, Haven or Creek, out of which any Veffels or Ships do proceed to fifli for Heniiigs, are hereby authorized and required before the firft Day of ^»/y in the Year one thoufand fix hundred fixty-four, and before the firft Day of July in every Year after, to appoint for their refpeftive Haven, Port or Creek, a competent Number of able and experienced Packers, to view and pack all fuch White or Red Herrings of Englijlj catching, as fhall be brought into their Port, Haven or Creek, and well and truly to mark and brand the Barrels or Veffels in which they fliall be packed, with fuch Mark or Brand as is above direfted, and to adminifler to them yearly an Oath, (which 'Oath they are hereby authoriae«!_ and appointed to give to theni) for the well and true doing thereof according to this Aift : (4) And in cafe the faid Bailiffs of Great Yarmouth, or the Mayor, Bailiffs, or other Head OfEcer for the Time being of any fuch Port, Haven or Creek, fhall not appoint and fwear fuch Packers before fuch Time in every Year, as is by this Aft required, they fhall for every Default forfeit the Sum of one hundred Poimds of lawful Money of England; one Moiety to his Majefly, his Heirs and Succeilors, and the other Moiety to him or- them that fhall inform or.fuefor the fame in any Court of Record, by Bill, Plaint or other Aftion, wherein no Effoin, Proteftion or Wager in Law fhall be allowed: (5) And for the better regulating of tht Jjland and Wejlmony Fiflieries, and Prefervation of the Spawn of Fifh there, be it enacted, and it is hereby enaft- ed by the Authority aforefaid, i hat from and after the five and twentieth Day of December one thoufand fix hundred fixty-three, . no Ship or Veffel 'fhall proceed upon a FiSiing Voyage for IJland and Wejlmony out of any Port, Haven or Creek in England or Wales, or out of the Yon of Serv/ick upon Ttveed, until the tenth Day of yMerc/:? iii any Year, upon the Pain of the Forfeiture of every fuch Ship or Veffel, with aif her Furniture, Tackle and Apparel, and of all the Fifh caught in fuch Ship or Veffel : (6) And it is here- by further enacted by the Authoriijy aforefaid. That no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever do colleift, levy or take, or caufe to be colledted, levied or taken,

Nevjfoundland, any loll or other Duty of or for any 

Cod or Poor- John, or other Fifh of Englijh catching ; under the Pain of the Lofs of double the Value of what fliall be by them levied, ;Coliedlod or taken, or caufed to be collected, levied or taken : (7) And that no Planter or other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, do call or lay any Seine or other Net in or near any Har- bour in Ncivfciindland, whereby to take the Spav/n^ or young Fry of tiie Poor- John, or for any other Ufe ■orfUfes, except for the taking of Bait only ; (3) upon Pain of the Lofs of all fuch Seines or Nets, and of 'the Fifh taken in them, or of the Value thereof, to be recovered in any of his Majefty's Courts in NexO- fnundlcmd., or in any Court of Record in England or Wales, by Bill, Plaint or other Action; wherein no "EflQin, ProteiStion or Wager in Law fhall be allov/ed. II. And it is hereby further cnaftcd by the Authority aforefaid. That no Planter or other Perfon or Per- fons whatfoever fhall burn, deftroy or fteal any Boat, Cafk, Salt, Nets, or other Utenfils for Fifhing or ma'kiiig of Oil, or other Goods or Merchandize, left in T^Wf '^H^xhowx Ncivfoundland or: Greenland, by Em^ii/iy; '.or burn, .pull down or deflroy any Houfe built by EngliJij in Newfcimdland or Greenland, to live iaa.uring.the Fifhing- Seafon, or Stage built by them in either of the faid-Places for the faving or ordering' of