13. A Bill to veft the Eftate of Cadwallador Wynne, Efq;
in Truftecs, for the Payment of his Debts.
14. A Bill for the naturalizing of David le Grand, and
others. , ^ , /-.
15. An A(St for confirming to the Governor and Company
trading to Hudfoti's Bay, their Privileges and Trade.
16. An Ait for the encouraging and better eflablifhing the
Manufafture of White Paper in this Kingdom.
17. An A£t to enable Sir Edwin Sadler to fell Lands for
Payment of Debts. ,_,,.„ <^ ,
i8. An Act for the granting to Elizabeth, Rehdt oi John
Hobby, Efq; and now the Wife of the Lord Alexander,
Son and Heir Apparent of Elenry Earl of Starling, in
the Kingdom oi Scotland, one Annuity oryearly Rent
charge of 450/. for her Life, in Satisfa£tion of i;oo/.
per Annum in Lands, which flie was to have for her
AnnozlV.& M. Sejj:2.
1. y* N Act for granting an Aid to their Majefties of the
X Sum of fixteen hundred fifty-one thoufand feven
hundred and two Pounds eighteen Shillings.
2. An Act concerning the Commiffioners of the Ad-
3. An Act for doubling the Duty of Excife upon Beer, Ale,
and other Liquors, during the Space of one Year.
4. An Act for granting to their Majefties certain Impo-
fitions upon all Eajl India Goods and Merchandifes, and
upon all wrought Silks, and feveral other Goods and
Merchandife, to be imported after the five and twen-
tieth Day of December one thoufand fix hundred and
5. An Act for the Continuance of feveral former Acts
therein mentioned, for the laying feveral Duties upon
Wines, Vinegar, and Tobacco.
6. An Act for punilhing Officers and Soldiers who (hall
mutiny or defert their Majefties Service, and for punifh-
ing falfe Mufters.
7. An Act for reviving a former Act for regulating the
Meafures and Prices of Coals.
8. An Act for paving and cleanfing the Streets in the
Cities of London and Wejiminjler, and Suburbs and Li-
berties thereof, and Out Parifhes in the County of
Middle/ex, and in the Borough of South%vark, and other
Places within the weekly Bills of Mortality, in the
County of Surrey, and for regulating the Markets there-
in mentioned.
9. An Act for the encouraging the diftilling of Brandy and
Spirits from Corn, and for laying feveral Duties on Low
Wines, or Spirits of the firft Extraction.
10. An Act for granting to their Majefties feveral addi-
tional Duties of Excil'e upon Beer, Ale, and other Li-
quors, for four Years, from the Time that an Act
for doubling the Duty of Excife upon Beer, Ale, and
other Liquors, during the Space of one Year, doth ex-
ii. An Act for appointing and enabling Commiffioners to
examine, take, and ftate the publick Accounts of the
12. An Act for raifmg the Militia of this Kingdom for the
Year one thoufand fix hundred ninety and one, altho'
the Month's Pay formerly advanced be not repaid.
13. An Act for preventing vexatious Suits againft fuch as
acted for their Majefties Service in Defence of the King-
14. An Act for the more effectual putting in Execution an Act, intituled, An Act for prohibiting all Trade and Commerce with France.
15. An Act for Relief of poor Prisoners for Debt or Damages.
Anno 2 W. & M. Sess. 2.
1. AN Act for the enabling the Sale of the Manor of Kempton and Kempton Park, and other Lands late of Francis Phelips, Esq; deceased.
2. An Act to enable Dacres Barret, alias Lennard, Esq; to charge the Reversion of his Estate in England with the Sum of 1500l.
3. An Act to prohibit the covering of Houses, and other Buildings, with Thatch or Straw, in the Town of Marlborough in the County of Wilts.
4. An Act to vest diverse Messuages and Tenements (the Estate of David Big, Esq;) in Trustees, to be sold, and for laying out the Money to be raised thereby in the Purchase of Lands more to his Convenience, to be settled to the same Uses.
5. An Act to vest the Manor and Lands late of George Villet, Esq; in Trustees, to be sold for raising Portions for his Daughters.
6. An Act to enable Elizabeth Montague, Widow, to let Leases for Years of Houses and Ground in Stepney, in the County of Middlesex.
7. An Act for securing the Portion of Elizabeth Lucy, and breeding her up a Protestant; and for transferring the Trust for that Purpose.
8. An Act for the enabling of Trustees to sell certain Lands of Richard Cooke, deceased, to pay Debts, and to raise a Portion for his Daughter.
9. An Act to enable Philip Hildeyard, Esq; to sell Lands in Surrey, and to settle Lands in Lincolnshire in lieu thereof.
10. An Act to annul and make void a Marriage between Mary Wharton an Infant, and James Campbell, Esq;
11. An Act for vesting diverse Lands in Trustees, to be sold for the Payment of certain Debts of Saintleger Scroop, Esq;
12. An Act for the better enabling Jane Bray, Widow, the Relict and sole Executrix of the last Will of Reginald Bray, Esq; deceased, and others, to the speedier raising the Portions already appointed for her Daughters by the said Reginald Bray.
13. An Act for the naturalising of Francis de la Chambre, and others.
14. An Act for settling the Estate of Henry Serle, Esq; deceased.
15. An Act to free the Estate of Sir Samuel Barnardison from several Incumbrances, occasioned by a Judgement given against him, upon an Information in the Court of King's Bench.
16. An Act to give Catharine Lady Cornbury certain Powers to act as if she were of full Age.
17. An Act to bar a Remainder limited to Dudley Bagnal, Esq; in the Estate of Nicholas Bagnal, Esq; in Ireland.
18. An Act for the limiting the Power of James now Earl of Salisbury, to cut off the Intail of his Estate.
19. An Act for the vesting several Messuages and Tenements in the City of London, late the Estate of John Bains, Gent. deceased, in Trustees, to be sold for Payment of Debts.
20. An Act for raising Money out of the Estate of Thomas