302 C. 5' Anno decimo oclavo Caiioli II. A. D. 1666. other Way or Revenue whatfoever ; which faid Duty they are hereby enjoined to receive and pay according to the Ceveral DirecSlions of this Aft, without any Salary or Fee. ' ^ VII. And be it further enaSed and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That all manner of Wines, Vi- -negar. Cyder, Beer, Brandy-Wines and Strong-Waters imported as aforefaid, fliall pay their feveral and refpe£tive Duties impofed by this A£l ; and upon Non-payment thereof fhall be liable to fuch and the fame Pains, Penalties and Forfeitures, as in and by the late A£ts for Tonnage and Poundage, and for Frauds, are enafted and appointed, upon Non-payment of the Duties by the faid Ads impofed upon Goods and Merchandizes of the fame Nature with thofe mentioned in this Aft. yGeo. I. Stat. VIII. Provided always, and it is hereby enaded. That for what of the aforefaid Commodities flial! be (I, C.21. §. 10. tranfported into any Parts beyond the Seas, within the Term and Space of one Year after the Importation thereof, that the Duty paid by this AcT; for the fame fhall be repaid by the refpeftive Colledlors of the Cuftoms for the Time beinjr. ■Monies leviable IX. And it is hereby further enafted, That no Monies leviable and payable by this Aft fhall be applied upon this Aft Qj- converted to any Ufe or Ufes whatfoever, other than to the defraying the Charge and Expence of the ^/"ni'%Tthc^' ^'"'^ *■ Mints, and of the Affaying, Melting-down, Wafte and Coinage of Gold and Silver, and the En- |rfe°o/theMint. couragement of the bringing in of Gold and Silver into the faid Mint or Mints, there to be Coined into ' the current Coins of this Kingdom; (2} nor fliall any of the faid Monies be iffued out of the Exchequer, but by Order or Warrant of the Lord Treafurer and Under Treasurer, or Commiffioners of the Treafury for the Time being, to the Mailer and Worker, or Mafters and Workers of your Majefty's Mint or Mints for the Time being, and mentioning, that they are for the Ufe and Service aforefaid, to be kept in his Majefty's Office of Receipt in the faid Mint or Mints, under the ufual Keys of the Warden, Mafter and Worker, and Comptroller for the Time being, and illued out thence from Time to Time, according to the Manner and Courfe of the faid Mint or Mints refpedively. <ereJ by X. And it is hereby further enafted. That there fhall not be iflued out of the Exchequer of the faid Mo- 4 Ann. c. 22. -,,nies in any one Year for. the Fees and Salaries of the Officers of the Mint or Mints, and towards the pro- viding, maintaining and repairing of the Houfes, Offices and Buildings and other NecefTaries for Affaying, Melting-down and Coining, above the Sum of three thoufand Pounds Sterling Money, and the Overplus of the iaid Monies fo kept or to be kept as aforefaid, fliall be employed for and towards the Expence, Wafte and Charge of Affaying, Melting-down and Coinage, and buying in of Gold and Silver to Coin, and not otherwife. The Cpntinu- xi. And laftly. Be it enaded, and it is hereby enacTrsd by the Authority aforefaid. That this A&. (hall '""ar 2 c 3 ' continue and be in Force until the twentieth Day of Decembe?- which fhall be in the Year of our Lord Farther conti- ' one thoufand fix hundred feventy-one, and until the End of the lirft Seffion of Parliament then nextfol- sijed'by 9 G<»o. lowing and no longer. I.e. 19. and XII. Provided always, and be it further enafted, That whereas his Majefty in and by his Letters Patents 4Geq,z. c. 12. y^jgr his Great Seal, dated at JVeJlminJler the twentieth Day of Anguft in the twelfth Year of his Reign, Comi'nued from <3>J fof divers good Caufes and Cohfiderations him moving, give and grant to Dame Barbara Villiers Widow, I Mar. 1745. the Sum of two Pence by Tale out of every Pound Weight Troy of Silver Monies, which from thenceforth for 7 Years, &c. fhould be Coined by Virtue of any Warrant or Indenture made and to be made by his R4ajefty, his Heirs .by 19 Geo. s. ^pj Succeffors, to have, hold, receive, perceive and take the fame unto the faid Dame Barbara p'ilHers, her D me Ba bara -Executors, Adminiftrators and Affigns, from the ninth Day of the then Inftant Angujl weekly, as the faid ■Villiers. Monies fhould be Coined, for and during the Term of one and twenty Years, as by the fame doth ap- And farther con- ^z'i.x That his Majefty may out of the Monies leviable by this Aft appoint and caufe reafonable Satjf- tir.uiifcr 7 Years faftion to be made yearly to the faid Dame Barbara Villiers^ her Executors and Adminiftrators, for her In- hy 27 Geo, z. {ereft in the Premiffes, not exceeding the Sum of fix hundred Pounds in any one Year. Anno Regni Carol i II. Regis Anglic, Scotis, Franci:^, & Hiberniss, decimo nono. T the Parliament begun at TVcftmtrJier the eighth Day of May Anno Dom. one thoufand fix hundred fixty-one, in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of our moft gracious Sovereign Lord Charles, by the Grace of God, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, feV. and "* there continued by feveral Prorogations to the eighteenth Day oi September one thoufand fix hundred fixty- ' fix ; and then continued to the eighth of February following ; and thence prorogued to the tenth of Odobef ' one thoufand fix hundred fixty-feven, were enacted as folioweth. C A P. L iSCar. 2. C.I, An A61 Explanatory of the Adt for ralfing Monies by a Poll, and otherwife, towards the Maintenance of this prefent V/ar. EXP, CAP. II. E X p. An Aft for erefling a Judicature for Determination of Differences touching Houfes burned or demoliflied by reafon of the late Fire which happened in London. Juftices appointed to hear and determine Diffe- rences betwen Landlords and Tenants, i^c. The Powers of the faid Juftices. Hov/ to proceed upon Complaints.