Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/362

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1 314 C. 7 — 12. Anno decimo nono Caroli II. A. D. 1667 II. For Remedy of which Mifchief fo frequeritly happening to fuch Leflbrs or Reverfioners, Be it enadi ed by the King's mofl: Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual an Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembied, and by the Authority of the fame rerfons beytinri That if iiich Perfon or Perfons, for whofe Life or Lives fuch Eftates have been or fhall be granted as afore Je'nti^n^theni- " ^^'' ft'al' r^'nain beyond the Scas, or elfewhere abfent themfelves in this Realm, by the Space of fevfe; fdvcsfor feven Years together, and no fufficient and evident Proof be made of the Lives of fuch Perfon or Perfons refpec Ytar'. tively, in any Adtion commenced for Recovery of fuch Tenements by the LefTors or Reverfioners ; in ever Carihew 246. fuch Cafe the Perfon or Perfons upon whofe Life or Lives fuch Efl:ate depended, fhall be accounted as na 1 turally dead ; (z) and in every Aftion brought for the Recovery of the faid Tenements by the Leflbrs Reverfioners, their Heirs or Affigns, the Judges before whom fuch Action fhall be brought, fhall di reft th Jury to give their VerdicJt as if the Perfon fo remaining beyond the Seas, or othervi'ife abfenting himfelf were dead. '^ooj"c'haiicr'-^ HI. And be it further enafted, That in any fuch Aftion wherein the Life or Death of any fuch Perfoi fo°Tui-ofs uporT ° Perfons fhall come in Quefiion between the LeiTor or Reverfioner and the Tenant in Pofleffion, it ihal Tii.i! of Lives and may be lawful for the Leflbr or Reverfioner to take Exception to any of the Jurors returned for thi in Being. Trial of that Caufe, that the greateil Part of the Real Efiate of any of fuch Jurors is held by Leafe 0; Copy for Lives, who upon Proof thereof fhall be fet afide as in Cafe of other legal Challenges. Provifofoi- iV. Provided always, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That nothing in this Adt containec -1 Lands held by {[^^ extend to any Lands held by the Life or Lives of any Perfon or Perfons attainted of Treafon for thei > TrJtors at-"" horrid Murder of his late Majefty of Blefled Memory, who now conceal or hide themfelves, which Landii t-iinted. 2re or have been vefted in his Majefty, and are now granted to his Royal Highnefs the Duke of Tork, bu|i that the Courfe of Evidence heretofore uied in fuch Cafes fliall be had and ufed ; any Thing to the contrary in this A£t notwithftanding. rrovito fovPer- V. Provided always, and be it enadled. That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall be evidled out of any Lands I " A (f "V^ '^'^ Tenements by Virtue of this Aft, and afterwards if fuch Perfon or Perfons upon whofe Life or Lives I'erfti-s not be* ^"""^ Eifate or Eftates depend, fhall return again from beyond the Seas, or fhall on Proof in any Action to ing dead, he brought for Recovery of the fame, be made appear to be living, or to have been living at the Time of the EviiSion ; that then and from thenceforth the Tenant or Leffee, who was outed of the fame, his or their Executors, Adminiftrators or Affigns, fhall or may re-enter, repoflTefs, have, hold and enjoy the faid Lands or Tenements in his or their former Eftate, for and during the Life or Lives, or fo long Term as the faid Perfon or Perfons upon Vv^hofe Life or Lives the faid Eftate or Eftates depend, fhall be living; (2) audi alfo fhall upon Action nr Aftions to be brought by him or them againft the Leflbrs, Reverfioners or Tenants' ' j in PoflelTion, or other Perfons refpecSively, which fince the Time of the faid Eviftion received the Profits' of the faid Lands or Tenements, recover for Damages the full Profits of the faid Lands or Tenements re- fpedlively, with lawful Intereft for and from the Time that he or they were outed of the faid Lands or Te- nements, and kept and held out of the fame by the faid Leflbrs, Reverfioners, Tenants or other Perfons, who after the laid Eviction received the Profits of the faid Lands or Tenements, or any of them refpec- See6 Ann.e.iS. tively, as well in the Cafe when the faid Perfon or Perfons upon whofe Life or Lives fuch Eftate or Eftates i wbi.h extendi to ^y^^ depend, are or fliall be dead at the Time of bringing of the faid Action or Adtions, as if the faid Per- I Rcve,J!c,e,s after ^ ..'d„,.,1„„ „.... ^U„„ !;„;„„ '^ " the Death oj Mt lio'-i or married Women, &e. fon or Perfons were then living. CAP. VII. E X P. An A(p£ (-0 prevent the Difturbances of Seamen and others, and to preferve the Stores belonging to his Ma- j6Cai-. 2. c. 5. jefty's Navy Royal. Who may examine and punifh Offences and Difturbances committed by Seamen re- lating; to the Navy. Imbezilling of Stores and Ammunition of the Navy. Encouragement of Mariners and Soldiers ferving in the Fleet. Altered by zz is' 23 Car. 2. c. 23. §. 10. The Continuance of this r A£l for two Years, £sV. { CAP. vm. An Act for granting the Sum of twelve hundred fifty-fix thoufand three hundred forty-feven Pounds thir- teen Shillings, to the King's Majefty, towards the Maintenance of the prefent War. EXP. ' rro m this Place C A I . IX. Aas"are I'.fid to An Acl for taking the A-ccunts of the feveral Sums of Money therein mentioned. EXP. hi decimo nono & vicelimo Car. CAP. X. 2ui by ihe Stiie of the Roll.' An A(?c for Banifhing and Difenabling the Earl of Clarendon. P R. CAP. XI. An A61 to make Prize-Ships free for Trade. EXP. CAP. XII. An Aft for afljgning Orders in the Exchequer without Revocation. Orders regiftred in the Auditor's Office of the Receipt may be afllgned. The Afiignor may not revoke his Affignment. Auditor's Fee. The Continuance of this Aft. Contiruied by 1 1 & 12 W. 3. c. 13. for feven Years from September one thou- fand feven hundred. EXP. CAP.