Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/374

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326 C. 6. Anno vlcefimo fecundo Caroli II. A. D. 1670. ' the fame, to the utter undoing and impoverifliing of many Clothiers, and the great Hindrance of the Trade ' of Clothing : 51 T].. c. 4. ' II. And whereas by an A£l made in the one and thirtieth Year of the Reign of the late Qiieen Eliza- ai&zjCar. 2. 4 [j^fiy^ ij j.. jimongfl: other Things enacted, That if any Perfon having the Charge or Cuftody of any Ar- c.2,3. *!. II. i niour, Ordnance, Munition, Shot, Pov/der or Habiliments of War of the faid Qiieen's, her Heirs or Suc- c. 41!° ' ^ ' ceflbrs, or of any Vii5tuals provided for the viftualling of any Soldiers, Gunners, Mariners or Pioneers, iGeo, I, c. 25. ' fliall for any Lucre or Gain, or willingly, advifedly and of Furpofe to hinder or impeach her Maje{ty's ' Service, irnbezil, purloin or convey away any the fame Armour, Ordnani.e, Munition, Shot or Powder, ' Habiliir.ents of ¥ar, or Viftuals, to the Value of twenty Shillings, at one or feveral Times, that then ' every fuch Offence (hall be adjudged Felony, and the Offender th- rein to be proceeded on, and fufier as ' in Cafe of Felony ; (z) unto the committing of which feveral Offences many Perlbns are the more em- ' boldened, in Refpect that in thofe Cafes the Benefit of Clergy is allowed by Law :' III. Be it therefore enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majofty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and the Perfons dealing Authority thereof. That no Perfon or Perfons who fhall from and after the five and twentieth Day of May Clo'.h from the in the Year of our Loid one thonfand fix hundred and feventy, be indi£fed for felonious Cutting and 9. Geo, I. c. and there- any Other his Majefty's Naval Stores, to the Value of twenty Shillings, and thereupon found guilty by of found guilty, Verdift of twelve Men, or fnall confefs the fame upon his or their Arraignm.ent, or will not anfwer direftly f'^" h'^R^'^^'r '° '^^ fame according to the Laws of this Realm, or fhall fland wilfully or of Malice and obflinately of Cler»v. ^"" Riute, or challenge peremptorily above the Number of twenty, or fhall be upon fuch Indiilment out- 31 Eliz.'c!4. lawed, fhall from and after the faid five and twentieth Day of May not be admitted to have the Benefit of his cr their Clergy, but utterly be excluded thereof, and fhall fuffer Death in fuch Manner and Form as they fhould if they were no Clerks. Judges may re- IV. Provided always, and be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be pneve and tranf- lawful for the Judges or Juflices of the Court before whom fuch Offender fhall be arraigned and condemned, port them. ^^ their Difcretion to grant a Reprieve for the Staying of Execution of fuch Offender, and to caufe fuch Offender to be tranfported to any of his Majefty's Plantations beyond the Seas, there to remain for the Space of feven Years, to be accounted from the Time, of fuch Tranfportation, and during all that Time Penalty for re- there to be kept to Labour: [z] And if fuch Offender fhall refufe to be fo tranfported, or after fuch fufing to be Tranfportation fhall return or come again into this Kingdom of England., or the Dominion of Wales, or traatjjortcd, or q^Q^^ ^f Bcrivick upon Tweed, within the Time aforefaid, that then and in every fuch Cafe the Perfon fo ju/™^'^'"' '"^'^' returning fhall be put to Execution upon the Judgment fo given and pronounced againft him. CAP. VL An Aft for advancing the Sale of Fee- Farm Rents, and other Rents. HEREAS his Majefty is feifed of feveral Fee-Farm Rents, and other Rents in Right of his Crown, fome whereof are Parcel of his Highnefs Duchy of Coj-nwall, and is alfo feifed of feveral Fee- Farm Rents, and other Rents in Right of his Highnefs Duchy of Lancajler; ' II. And whereas it is convenient that fome fpecial Privileges and Advantages fhould be granted unto the Purchafers, which cannot well be transferred unto them without Authority of Parliament ; (z) and whereas the better to enable his Majefty to pay fuch Debts owing at Intereft, whereof his Majefty fhall ' find Reafon to hallen the Difcharge, his Majefty is minded to grant and convey to certain Perfons, and Fee-FarmRcnts, ' their Heirs and Affigns for ever, as Truftees for Sale thereof, divers Fee-Farm Rents, Rents-Service, Rent-Service, c E.ents-Seck, or Dry-Rents, Chauntry Rents, Rents referved, Guild-Rents, Penfions, Vicontiel-Rents, RentT"&c. ' AfTart- Rents, Rents for Purpteftures arented. Rents certain, or divers other Rents of what Nature or ' ' ' Kind foevcr they be, due and payable to his Majefty, his Pleirs and SuccefFors, as his Majefty fhall think ' fit to mention and exprefs in the faid Letters Patents, whether the fame be due to his Majefty in Right ' of his Crown of England., or in Right of his Duchy of Lancajler, or be Parcel of, or annexed unto the Except Quit- ' Duchy oi Cormvall ; (3) except and always referved and foreprized out of fuch Letters Patents, all Rents, Copy- ' Quit-Rents and Copy-hold Rents ftanding in Charge as Parcel of or belonging to any Manor or reputed hold-Rents, « Manor; (4) and alfo all Tenths and Firft-Fruits, and Rents referved no?nine Dechna, due and payable Fruits c'.' ' ' l^y any Archbifliop, Bifhop, Dean, Dean and Chapter, Archdeacon, Prebendary, Parfon, Vicar, or any ' ' " ' other Spiritual or Ecclefiaftical Corporation ; ' III. And alfo all Rents.referved upon any Leafcs or Eftates, whereof the Reverfion is now in his Ma- ' jefty, and which are incident to fuch Reverfion ; (z) and alfo all Rents referved upon any Leafe or ' Farm made or granted, or to be made or granted, of his Majefty's Cuftoms or Excife ; (3) And alfo ex-

  • cept all Rents or Sums of Money due and payable to his Majefty, his Heirs and SuccefTors, for or in Re-

' fpeift of any Fire-Hearths or Stoves :' Letters Patents IV. Be it therefore enafted by the King's moft- Excellent Majefty, with the Advice and AfTent of the granted by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by Authority of t^rRenis^e- ^^^ fame. That all and. every Letters Patents to be granted by his Majefty before the four and tvventieth fore the 24th Day of /«<;^e in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred feventy-two, under his Great Seal, or of June 1672. under the Seal of his Duchy of Lancafter, Or under the Seal of the County Palatine of Lancajler, of all or confirmed. any of the Rents aforefaid (except before excepted) fhall be and are hereby declared and enatSed to be good, fufficient, aad efte*Sual in the Law, for the Giranting and Afluring the feveral Rents aforefaid, or any 2S & 23 Car c. Z4.