A.D. 1670. Anno vicefimo fecundo Caroli 11. C, ir. 331 CAP. XL An additional Acft for the Rebuilding of the City oi LondetJ, Uniting of Parifhes, and Re- building of the Cathedral and Parochial Churches within the faid City. « TXT' HERE AS by Virtue and in Purfuance of an AiEl: of this prefent Parliament, intituled, An Al^for ,g Car. z. c. j.
- VV Rebuilding the City c/'London, feveral Streets in the faid Aft particularly mentioned and defcrihed,
' have been enlarged and made wider by the Mayor, Aldermen and Commons of the faid City, by and with
- the Approbation of the King's moft Excellent Majefly ; and forafmuch as certain oiher Streets within
- the faid City, not particularly mentioned in the aforefaid A(ft, did alfo require fome Regulation and En- Streets requiring
- largement, (that is to fay) the Street called Pater-npjler-row, the Lane called IVartvick-lane at the North- Enlargement and
« fide thereof, TVatling-ftreet, Candlewlke-Jlreet, Eq/lcheap, St. Stuithins-Iane, Little Wood-Jircet, Milk-flrect^ Reguiation. ' Tower-ftrect, Water-lane, fituate on the Eaft-fide of London-Bridge near the Ciijlom-houfe, Rood-lane, St. ' Mary-hill, Thames ^reet from London-Bridge to Puddle-dock, Pye-corner next to Smitbfield, and Thread-
- needle-Jheet ; and to that End and Purpofe the fame by Order and DireiSlion of the Mayor, Aldermen
' and Commons of the faid City in Common Council aflembled, by and with his faid Majelly's Appro- ' bation, have been furveyed, and are found neceilary to be enlarged :' II. Be it enafted by the King's niofl Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid Streets and Lanes in this Adt before nominated and appointed to be enlarged, and They (I13II le every of them, fhall be enlarged and regulated in fuch Parts and Places thereof, and in fuch Manner, and enlarged as they according as the fame are marked and flaked out for that Purpofe, and not otherwife. ' (2) And to the a»c now flaked ' End that fit and commodious Places within the faid City and Liberties thereof may be fet out and ap- °"
- pointed for the rebuilding and keeping of Markets with more Convenience than heretofore they were, fo
' as the principal Streets may not be peftered and obftruiSied thereby, as heretofore hath been accuftomed:
- And ^-sXX^az Royal Exchange, Guild-hall, t.Q Sejjions-houfe in the. Old-bailey, and the Common Gaols and Royal Exchangei
- Prifons within the faid City, may be enlarged and made more commodious for the publick Ufe and Or- GuildhjU, Sef-
- nament of the City, and better fecured from the Danger and Cafualty of Fire; and that fome convenient 'l°"o'^j"i[^-l"
- Diftance, Interval and Circuit of Ground may be left between the Royal Exchange., and other Houfes to ' ° • - ^' y*
- be built within the faid City :'
III. Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Mayor, Aldermen and Commons of the Ground to be feid City in Common Council aflembled, fhall and may, and are hereby impowered to imploy fuch Places afligned for pub- and Portions of Ground within the faid City and Liberties thereof, as by and with his faid Majefty's Ap- ^^'^ Market- probation now are, or before the tenth Day of March one thoufand fix hundred fixty-nine fhall be fet out P'^"^' and adjudged necefTary and convenient, as well for the publick Market-places there, as alfo for the Orna- ment, Enlargement and Convenience of the faid Royal Exchange, and other Places afore-mentioned, and every or any of them refpeftively ; IV. And to the Intent that reafonable Satisfaftion may be given to the Owners and others, having any Satisfaftion to Eftate or Interefl: in the Grounds and Places which have been or fhall be fet out to be taken and imployed Owners for for publick Market-places, or for the Ornament and Convenience of the Royal Exchange, Guild-hall, and Ground taken other Places in this AQ. mentioned, or any of them, or for enlarging the faid Streets, or any Part thereof, ^*^^' called Pater-noftcr-roxv, Warwick- lane, Watling-Jlreet, Candleivike-Jheet, Eq/hheap, St. Szvithins-lane, Little Wood-Jireet, Milk-Jlreet, Touier-Jlreet, Water-lane, Rood-lane, Samt Mary Hill, 'Thames-Jlreet, Pye-co>-ner next unto Smithfield, and Threadneedle Jlrect before-mentioned ; the faid Mayor, Aldermen and Commons The Mayor, fhall and may (by themfelves or others in that Behalf to be appointed and authorized) treat and agree with Aldermeiiand the Owners, and others interefted therein: (z) And in Cafe of wilful Refufal, or any fuch Difability or ^°™'"°"'> '<" Impediment as in the aforefaid Aft are mentioned, or other Incapacity whatfoever in the Owners thereof, ^^^} and agree or others interefted therein, to treat and agree, the faid Mayor and Court of Aldermen fhall and are hereby and in 03"= "of authorized and required to caufe a Jury to be impanelled in fuch Manner and Form as by the aforefaid wiifui Refuftr, Aft is direfted and appointed, fo as no two of the faid Jurors fo to be impanelled, fhall come out of one ^° impanel a and the fame Ward, to adjudge and alTefs what Recompence and Satisfaftion in every of the Cafes afore- J'^yj^hofeVer- faid ought to be awarded and given to the refpective Owners, and others interefted in the Grounds and r'^jj ^^^,^1,. ^f ,j,g Places io fet out, to be taken and imployed for any the LTfes or Purpofes aforefaid, in Purfuance of this MayorandCourt Afti according to fuch their refpe6tive Eftates and Intereifs ; (3) and the Verdift of fuch Jury in that of Aldermen Behalf to be taken, and the Judgment of the faid Mayor and Court of 'Aldermen thereupon, and the Pay- thereupon, with ment of the Money fo awarded or adjudged, at or in the Ofiice of the Cliamberlain of the faid City of f?*"";"5 "'^ l'^ London for the Time bein^, to the faid Chamberlain, there to remain by the Space of fix Months, for the ed°mo the^^"^ ' Owners or others interefted therein, as aforefaid, and after that Time to be paid unto them by the faid chamberlain's 'Chamberlain upon Demand, (if that within that Time there fhall not arife any Controverfy touching the Office, ihsilbe Payment thereof, by Reafon of different Claims made thereunto as hereafter is expreffed) fiiall be binding '""'^'"S.^"'^ and conclufive to and againft the Owners, and all others having or claiming or to claim any Eilate, Right, "^o""^'"^^' Title or Interefl of, in, to or out of the fame, their Heirs, Executors, Adminiftrators, Succeflbrs and Af- figns, and every of them ; and fhall be a full Authority for the faid Mayor, Aldermen and Commons, to caufe the fame to be converted and ufed to and for the refpeftive Ufes and Purpofes aforefaid : (4) And in Controverfies to Cafe any Controverfy fhall arife between any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, or his or '"^ '*^*'='* /.^^ their Affigns, or Under-tenants, or other Perfons, claiming any Eflate, Right, Title or Interefl in Law or ^vta^t^Mjnne'" Equity, Trufl, Charge or Incumbrance, of or in the faid Ground' o to be purchafed or converted as aforefaid, who fhall find him or themfelves aggrieved, for or by Reafon that the faid Monies 'i.o given in U u 2 ■ Satisfaction