Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/404

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2^6 C. 8. Anno vicefimo fecundo 8c teitlo Caroli II. A. D. 1670, this A<5>, every fuch Perfon fo refufuij or ncglecling, Ihall be fined at the Difcretion of the Bailiff, or any- one of the Juftices of tlie Peace of the laid Borougli for the Time being, fo as fuch Fine doth not exceed HowtobclcvieJ.the Sum of five Pounds for any one Offence : (2) Which faid Fine fhall be levied by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of the faid Jjallilf and any one Jufl-ice of the Peace for the faid Borough, on the Goods How the Fines and Chattels of the laid Offender, by Diftrefs and Szfle, rendring the Overplus, if any Ihall be, and fhall fliall be em- be employed and difpofed of to the life and Benefit of the poor Artificers of the faid Trade, at the Difcre- ploycd. tion of the faid Bailiff-" and any one Juftice of the Peace of the faid Borough. Liiien-Yamto VII. And for the better Regulation of the faid Trade and Manufacture, and the avoiding of Frauds and be reeled on 3 Deceits therein; (z) Be it further enaflied by the Authority aforefaid. That all Linen- Yarn reeled, and Reel ufually bought and fold, or eflimated by the Lea, to be hereafter ufed by any of the faid Artificers and Stuff- aboiif, and fold -^ggyej-g within the faid Borough or Parifla of Kidderminjier or Liberties thereof, fnall be made without Market." ^ Fraud or Deceit, and be openly bought and fold in fome publick Market-Place on the Markec-Day within the faid Borough, to be appointed by the Bailiff of the faid Borough for the Time being ; and before the- fame be expofed to Sale, fhall be reeled on a Reel four Yards about, every Lea of the laid Yarn contain- ing two hundred Threads. The Penalty. VIII. And in Cafe any Perfon or Perfons fliall hereafter fell or expofe to Sale any the Yarns aforefaid^ i-nade or reeled in any other Manner than as aforefaid, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Prefi- dent. Wardens and Affiftants, or any two or more of them, to feize, take and carry away all fuch deceit- How to be tried, ful and defciSive Yarns; (2) which faid Yarns within twenty Days after fuch Seizure, fhall be tried bya Jury of twelve honeft and able Artificers of the faid Trade, vv'ho fhall be from Time to Time impanelled ■ and fummoned by a Precept under the Hands and Seals of the Bailiff and any one Juflice of the Peace of the faid Borough, to appear at the Guild-hall of the faid Borough at a Time certain in the faid Precept fpie- cified, and then and there be fworn by the faid Bailiff and Juftice, to enquire of the Defeats of all Yarns. feized as aforefaid, and to try whether the faid Yarns be made and reeled according to the true Intent and Meaning of this Aft, and the By-Laws and Ordinances made by Virtue thereof: (5) And if the faid Jurjr Impanelled and Sworn as aforefaid fnal! find any of the faid Yarns not made and reeled according to the In- tent and Meaning of this A£t and the By-Laws and Ordinances made by Virtue thereof; That then the- Fines, faid Bailiff and Juftice of the Peace of the faid Borough fhall impofe fuch Fine or Fines upon the Ownet " or Owners of fuch defeftive Yarns, as in their Difcretions fliall be thought meet, not exceeding the Value- ■ of the Moiety of fuch defective Yarns : (4) V/hich faid Fine or Fines, the Owners of the faid defective • Yarns fliall pay to the faid Prefident for the Time being, (to be difpofed of as to the faid Prefident, War- ' dens and Affiftants, or the major Number of them, fliall feem meet, at their next publick Meeting, within > i thirty Days after the faid Trial) and in Default thereof, the faid Yarns to be fold by the Prefident, or any 1 !~- -jTbe Overplus to two of the faid Wardens, and the Overplus of the Monies thereof coming, after the Fine or Fines deduft- ~be reftoret'. ed, to be reftored to the faid Owner or Owners upon Demand. All Kiddermin- IX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Sorts of Cloths and Stuffs woven with ftcr Stuffs (hall Wool only, or of Wool and other Materials, within the faid Borough or Parifh oi Kiddermin/ier or the Li- ^v '^^^"'/^^ '°^ berties thereof, fhall be under the Power, Government and Regulation of the faid Prefident, Wardens and aforefaid.^" ^ AfTiftants, in fuch Manner as by this A(5t and the By-Laws and Ordinances made or to be made by Virtue thereof, or by the Laws or Statutes of this Realm, are or fhall be eflablifhed. To be viewed X. And that all Clothcs and Stuffs made or to be made under the Regulation aforefaid, before the fame- and fcarchcd by f^all be expofed Or put to Sale, fhall be brought to fome convenient Place within the faid Borough, to be ^^e Pre ident, appointed by the faid Prefident and Wardens, or the greater Part of them, to be viewed and fearched by the faid Prefident, and any one of the faid Wardens, or by any two of the faid Wardens in the Abfence of the faid Prefident; and if the fame fliall be found to be well and fufficiently made and wrought according to the Pvules and Ordinances of the faid Trade and Manufacture, Then all fuch Clothes and Stuffs fhall be by the faid Prefident and any one of the faid Wardens, or by any two of the faid Wardens for the Time being. Sealed. fealed and allowed accordingly ; {2) and if upon fuch Search and View, any Clothes or Stuffs fhall be found- er conceived not to be well and fufficiently m.ade and wrought, according to the Rules and Ordinances of the -When to be faid Trade and Manufacture, Then fuch Clothes and Stuffs fliall be feized by the faid Prefident and War- ftizt-d. den, or any two of the fiiid Wardens, and be brought to Trial, and the Ov/ner or Owners fined, in fuch ^'"^' Manner and Form, as in this prefent Adl is before limited and appointed for the Trial of defective Linen- Yarn. Power to enter XI. And be it further enaCted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Prefident, Wardens and Affif- into Houfes and(.j^pfj^ P^ ^,^y ^^^ q,. ^prg of them, fliall have and hereby have Power and Authority, to enter into and earth. fearch the Houfes and Work-houfes of any Artificer under the Regulation of the faid Trade, at all Times of the Day, and ufual Times of opening of Shops and working; and into the Shops, Houfes and Ware- houfes of any common Buyer, Dealer in or Retailer of any of the faid Clothes or Stuffs, and into the Houfes and V/ork-houfes of any Dyer, Sheer-man, and all other Workmens Houfes and Places of Sale or Dreffing of the faid Clothes, Stufi^s and Yarns ; and may there view the faid Clothes, Stuffs and Yarns re- fpeCtively, whether they be made and wrought according to the Laws, Orders and Ordinances of the faid" Penalty, Trade ; and if any Cloth, Stuff or Yarns fhall be found faulty or defective, to feize and carry away the fame ; to be tried by a Jury, as afore in this A£t is appointed. Penally for buy- XII. And be it alfo enaCted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall not be lawful for any Perfon or ing of Cloth be- Perfons to buy any Piece or Pieces of Clothes or Stuffs, made or to be made within the faid Borough ojr Pa- '"^' '^ ^ '^ rifli or Liberty thereof, before the fame be fealed as aforefaid; and if any Piece or Pieces of fuch Cloth or Stuff fhall b^= found in the PoffefTion of any Perfon or Perfons unfealed, (except in the PofiTeffion of the firft Owner or Maker thereof) the Perfon or Perfons in whole Cuftody the fame fhall be found, fhall be adjudged guilty of Deceit, and fhall forfeit for every fuch Piece of Cloth or Stuff fo found in his or their Poffeflion unfealed as aforefaid, the Sum of four Shillings, and the Maker and Seller of the fame, who Ihall