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Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/45

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34. An Act for lessening the Duty upon Tin and Pewter exported, and granting an Equivalent for the same, by a Duty upon Drugs.

35. An Act for raising the Militia for the Year one thousand six hundred ninety seven, although the month's Pay formerly advanced be not repaid.

36. An Act for the further Encouragement of the Manufacture of Lustrings and Alamodes within this Realm, and for the better preventing the Importation of the same.

37. An Act for explaining and enforcing the Act for paving and cleansing the Streets within the Cities of London and Westminster, and Borough of Southwark, and Weekly Bills of Mortality, and Streets adjoining thereunto; and for widening the Street at the South End of London Bridge.


Anno 8 W. 3.

1. AN Act for naturalising Frederic Christiaen de Rhode called Lord Agbram, and others.

2. An Act for the Settlement of the Manor of Treyagoe in the County of Hereford, and other Lands, late of Crompton Minors, Esq; deceased; and for raising and increasing of the Portion of Theodosia Minors, the Daughter of the said Crompton, she being an Infant of the age of seventeen Years.

3. An Act for vesting the Manor of Holm, alias East-holm, and Swannage in the County of Dorset; Part of the Estate of Sir John Hanham, Baronet, in Trustees, to be sold for discharging a Mortgage thereupon, and upon the residue of the said Sir John Hanham's Estate; for Payment of his other Debts.

4. An Act for enabling Oliver Neve, of Great Witchingham in the County of Norfolk, Esq; to sell two Houses in London, and for vesting other Lands in the said County, of greater Value, to the same Uses.

Anno 8 & 9 W. 3.

5. An Act for enabling James Duke of Ormond to raise Money by Sale of Woods, and make Leases for Lives, renewable for ever, for Payment of Debts, and for encouraging English Plantations in Ireland. And for Charles Lord Weston, Earl of Arran in the Kingdom of Ireland, to make Leases of his Estate in the said Kingdom.

6. An Act for the Exchange of certain Advowsons between the Bishop of London and the Earl of Nottingham.

7. An Act for the speedy satisfying the Debts of Francis late Lord Holles, deceased.

8. An Act to enable Sir Ralph Ashton, Baronet, to supply an Omission of Limitation intended in his Marriage Settlement, for the Benefit of his Issue Male.

9. An Act for the Sale of the Estate of Francis Griffith, late of London, Scrivener, deceased, for Payment of his Debts.

10. An Act for settling the Estate of Mary Savile, an Infant, upon her Marriage.

11. An Act to enable the Sale of Lands, late of Jeffery Stockley, in the County of Chester, deceased, for Payment of Debts, and for making Provision for Mary his Daughter.

12. An Act for vesting certain Messuages, Lands, and Tenements, late of Charles Milson, deceased, in Trustees, to sell for Payment of Debts and Legacies, and lay out the Surplus Money in a Purchase of Lands for the Ule of Edward Milson, and his Heirs, according to the Will of the said Charles Milson.

13. An Act to enable Nicholas Goodwin the Elder, and Nicholas Goodwin the Younger, to sell the Manor of Winslow in the County of Bucks, and with the Monies arising thereby, and other Monies to be advanced by the said Nicholas Goodwin the Elder, to purchase Lands of a greater yearly Value, to be settled to the same Uses as the said Manor is now settled.

14. An Act for the vesting of certain Lands of William Milward, in the County of Hereford, Clerk, in Trustees, for Payment of Debts.

15. An Act for vesting the Estate of Edward Kerrey, Esq; lying in Benocston in the County of Salop, in Trustees, to discharge Encumbrances thereon, and to raise Portions for younger Children; and for confirming the Marriage Settlement of the said Edward Kerrey.

16. An Act for vesting Part of the Estate of Thomas Panton, Esq; in Trustees, to be sold for Payment of Debts, and securing a Jointure to Mary his now Wife.

17. An Act for naturalising of John Keyser, and others.

18. An Act to enable Edward Leigh, Esq; and Jane his Wife, and their Trustees, to sell the Manors of Waxham and Horsey, and certain Lands and Tenements in the County of Norfolk, and to purchase and settle other Lands to the same Uses.

19. An Act for vesting and settling certain Estates of William James, Gent. in and upon Trustees, to be sold for the Payment of Debts, and making Provision for himself, his Wife, and their Children.

20. An Act for importing several Goods and Merchandises laden in Turkey, on board the Ships called the Success, and Dragon Galley, paying Customs as if imported by English Ships.

21. An Act to enable William Fallows, an Infant, to sell an Estate in the County of Chester, to pay Debts secured by Mortgages.

22. An Act to supply a Defect in an Act for enabling Oliver Neve, Esq; to sell two Houses in London, and for settling Lands in the County of Norfolk, of greater Value, to the same Uses.

23. An Act explaining a former Act of Parliament, intituled, An Act for enabling Trustees to sell Part of the Estate of Edmund Warner, deceased, for Payment of his Debts, and for preserving the rest for the Benefit of his Heir.

24. An Act for vesting Part of the Estate of Roger Crowle, Esq; deceased, in Trustees, for raising Portions for his younger Children, in regard he (being a Lunatick) could not execute a Power in his Marriage Settlement for that Purpose.

23. An Act to vest certain Lands, late of Samuel Trotman, Esq; deceased, lying in Barking, Eastham, Westham, and Woolwich, in the Counties of Kent and Essex, in Trustees, to be sold, and to settle other Lands in lieu thereof.

26. An Act for the speedy Payment of the Debts of Sir William Thomson, Knight, Sergeant at Law.

27. An Act for annulling the marriage of Hannah Knight, an Infant, and to direct the Guardianship of the said Infant.

28. An Act for the enabling the Sale of the Manor of Rowling in Kent, which by Mistake was by general Words comprised in the Marriage Settlement of William Hammond, Gent. contrary to the Meaning of the Parties.


Anno 9 W. 3.

1. AN Act against corresponding with the late King James and his Adherents.

2. An Act to prevent the further Currency of any ham-
