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THE STATUTES at Large, & c.

Anno Regni JACOBI Regis Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ, VIZ. Angliae Franciae & Hibernae secundo [vulgo primo] & Scotiae tricesimo septimo.

At the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster the nineteeth Day of March in the first Year of the Reign of our most gracious Sovereign Lord James, by the Grace of God, of England, France and Ireland King, Defender of the Faith, &c. and of Scotland the seven and thirtieth, and there continued until the seventh Day of July one thousand six hundred four, and then prorogued until the seventh of February next following : To the high Pleasure of Almighty God, and the Weal publick of this Realm, were enadcted as followeth.

A most joyful and just Recognition of the immediate, lawful and undoubted Succession, Descent and Right of the Crown.

A recognition that the crown of England is lawfully descended unto King James, his Progeny and Posterity. 'GREAT and manifold were the Benefits (most dread and most gracious Sovereign) wherewith Almighty God blessed this Kingdom and Nation by the happy Union and Conjunction of the two noble Houses of York and Lancaster, thereby preserving this noble Realm, formerly torn and almost wasted with long and miserable Dissension and bloody civil War;The Benefits ensuing by Conjuction of the houses of York and Lancaster. The Uniting of England and Scotland in the King's Person.(2) but more inestimable and tended unto unspeakable Blessings are thereby poured upon us, because there is derived and grown from and out of that Union of those two princely Families, a more famous and greater Union (or rather a Re-uniting) of two mighty, famous and ancient Kingdoms (yet anciently but one) of England and Scotland, under one Imperial Crown, in your most Royal Person, who is lineally, rightfully and lawfully descended of the Body of the most excellent Lady Margaret, eldest Daughter of the most renowned King Henry the Seventh, and the High and Noble Princess Queen Elizabeth his Wife, eldest Daughter of King Edward the Fourth; the said Lady Margaret being eldest Sister of King Henry the Eighth, Father of the High and Mighty Princess of famous Memory, Elizabeth late Queen of England:

The Acknowledgement of the King's Title, and the Love of his subjects shewd by several MeansII. In Consideration whereof albiet we your Majesty's Loyal and Faithful Subjects, of all Estates and Degrees, with all possible and publick Joy and Acclamation, by open Proclamations within few Hours after the Decease of our late Sovereign Queen, acknowledging thereby with one full Voice of Tounge and Heart, That your Majesty was our only lawful and rightful Liege Lord and Sovereign, by our unspeakable and general Rejoycing and Applause at your Majesty's most happy Inauguration and Coronation, by the affectionate Desire of infinite Numbers of us, of all Degrees, to see your Royal Person, and by all possible outward Means have endeavoured to make Demonstration of our inward Love, Zeal and Devotion to your most excellent Majesty, our undoubtful rightful Liege Sovereign Lord and King: (2) Yet as we cannot do it too often, or enough, so can there be no Means or Ways so fit, both to sacrifice our unfeigned and hearty Thanks to Almighty God, for blesssing us with a Sovereign adorned.
