Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/519

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.A. D.I 691. Anno tertio GuLiELMi & Mari^. G. 2. 471 of any Patent or Grant ficm their Majefties, or any of their PredecefTors, or being Mafter, Governor^ Head of any College in the Univerfity of Dubl'ni, or Mafler of any Hofpital, or School, or Barrifter at Law, Clerk in Chancery, Attorney, 'or ProfefTor of Law or Phyfick, or other Science, that {hall refide or inhabit in this Reaint on the firft Day of the faid Hilary Tow, fh.ill before the End of the faid Term take the faid Oaths, and make, fubfcribc, and audibly repeat the faid Declaration, in their Ma- jefties Court oi Chancery ^ or Court oi Kin^'i B.nch, in xis<e2. i o( England. And in cafe fuch other I't-nJiy, Perfon or Perfons, fo rtfidcnt and inhabiung in this Realm of England, fhall negledl: or r. fufe to take the faid Oaths, and make, fybfcribe, and repeat the faid ])cclaration, before the End of the faid oiher Perfon or Perfons fo refidiiig or inhabiting in the Realm of England, on the faid jirft Day of Hilary Term, (hall take the faid Oaths, and make and fubicribe the faid Dcchu-atioi as aforefaid, it {hall be a'j iffedVual to ail Intents and Purpofes, as if he or they had been then rcfident in, and hnd in Manner, and in the Time before mentioned, taken the faid Oaths, and made, fubfcribed, and repeated the faid De- claration, in any of the laid Courts of the faid "^e^-Am. o{ Ireland. XL Provided alway>. That this Aft, or any thing here.n contained, fhall not extend to hinder or difable^'^^""' "'^o any Perfon or Perfons, who on the third of OSiober one thoafanJ lix hurdred ninety-one, were inhabiting: p'^"','." '"^'^ or refiding in Lymerick, or any ether Garrifon then in the PoflclHon of the Irijh, or any Officers or Soldiers i,3"'v"f°"n.iucd then in Arms, by virtue of any Commiflion of the late King 'James, or thofe authorized by him to grants th:: K;nt, the 'amc, in the feveral Counties of Lymerick, Clare, Kerry, Cork, ZiiA May ow, or any of diem, or anv i^vcd. ■ commifSoned Oflicers then in their Majcfties Quarters, that did belong to the /,'7y&: Regiments then in Being, or were then treated with, or who were not Prifoners of War, and who had not then ta-en Pro- teftion, and have fuice returned and fubmitted to their Majefties Obedience, from ufing, cxercillng, and XI!.. Provided n; verthelefs, That every fuch Barrifter at Law, Clerk in Chancery, or Attorney or They tnuft- PraiSticer of Law or Phyfick, who fhall claim any Benefit hereby, to be exempted from taking the Oaths, '^.•'i'« "Jif arid making,' fubfcribing, and repeating the Declaration in this Aft mentioned, in the Court, and in the ^l'^v,',.lI^^i Manner hereby appointed, fhall make out his Claim thereunto, according to the refpeftive Qiialiiications Tfrr.i. herein before exprelTed, befor-e the Court of King's Bench in Ireland, in open Court there in Term-time, between the Hours of nine and twelve in the Morning, on or before the laft Day of Michaelmas Term next, to be there allowed and recorded ; for the Entry whereof upon Record there fliall be one Shilling; paid, and no more ;_and in Default of fuch Claim made, to be excluded from the fame. Gi at _^ _ habit, and procured the fame to be recorded, and obtained the Certificate thereof, fliall life, exercife, ordfinJ'^bi.lmr ht ■ praftife fuch his Calling or Profefli-on,- fhall forfeit the Sum of fi^e hundred Founds to fuch Perfon as will :ias iwoin. fue for the fame, in any of their Majefiies Courts oi 'R.tcorAm Ireland, by Afticn of Debt, Bill, Plaint, or information, wherein no Effoin, Proteftion, or Wager of Law fhall be allowed ; and furiher, fiich Perfon fo ufmg or exercifing his Profeffion or Calling, fhall be adjudged uncapable ever to ufe or exercife ■ . the faid Profeffion or Calling. XIV. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, T'hat it fhall and maybe lawful for two or Jiift;-eso!"Pw-a«  more Juftices of the Peace, whereof one fhall be of the ^oritm, within any County, City, or Town C'ov- '""^ ='y* '-Y' poraie in the faid Kingdom of Ireland, and theyare hereby required, to dircft their Warrant or YVarranis ^^'^^' "' "^ j'" to any Con liable, Tithyngman, Headborough, or other Officer, to fummon any Perfon of the Age of perlons above cightacu Years oar upwards, to appear before fuch Juitices, at fuch Time and Place as fhall be mentioned in ciilitem. fuch VV arrant, to take the Oath before-mentioned, to be faithful and bear true Allegiance to their IMajeHies : And if fuch Perfon, being fo funiiT.oned, fhall not appear at the Time and Mace, having no lawful Let or ifcn-jlry vprn Impediment, or appearing fhall refufe to take the faid Oath, being tendred to him or her by the faid Juf. f"'f -^^ -'«'■►*'•. tices; the faid 'Juitices fhall commit fuch. Perfon making Default, or reRifing to take the faid Oat;!, to the common Gaol or Houfe of Correftion, there to remain without Bail or Mainprize for the Space of three Mr rvths, unlefs fuch Offender fhall pay down to the Jullices, or any of thcra, fuch Sum of Money, not ex'ceeding forty Shiliings, as the faid Juflices fliali require fuch Offender to pay; which Money fhall be paid to the Churchwardens or Overfeers of the Poor of fuch Parifli or Place where fuch Offender did laft inhabit; and at fome Time after the End of three Months after fuch Default or P.efufal, two or more of fuch Juftices, as aforeCxid, fhall have Power, and are hereby required, to direft their Warrant in Mi.nner aS stforefaid, to fumnion fuch Offender to appear before them to. take the faid Oath ; and if fuch Offender ^^^^.^, ,.,,„„ ihall be fummoned, and make Default at the Time and Place appointed, ,not having any lawful Let or Im- trend 'Reufji.,, pedirrtent, or appearing, fhall refufe to tpice the faid Oath, being tendred to him or her; the faid Juftices fijaFl commit fuch Offender to the common Gaol or Houfe of Correftion, .there to reniain for the Space of fix Months without Bail or Mainprize, unlefs fuch Offender fhall pay down to the faid Juftices, or a:ny of them, fuch Sum of Money, not exceeding ten Pounds, nor under five Pounds, as the faid Juftices {hall require, which faid Money ihall be difpofed of to the Relief of the Poor of fuch Parifti or Place,- in Manner as aforefaid; and unlefs fuch Offender fhall become bound with two fuflicient Suretiesj with Con- dition .