A. D. 1692". Anno qliafto GuLiELMi & Mari^/ .C..'^ 513 thoufand fix hundred ninety and thre?, there fliall be anfwered and paid unto their IVTajt flies' for every hun- . dred Weight of Coftec imported, containing as aforefaid, during the Continuance of the faid laft mentiOiTc'd ' j A(3, the Sum of fix and fifty Shillings, and no more: And for every Found of Cocoa Nuts imported ■ from any of tlje Dominions or Plantations belonging to the Crown of EngL/id, after the faid 'I'imc, du^ ' ring the Continuance of the faid A£t, the Sum of fix Pence, and no more ; and from any other Coiit- - ' tries or Places after the faid Time, during the Continuance of the faid Aft, eight Pence : And for every ' Pound of Tea imported after the faid Time, from any Place from which it may be by Law imported^ j one Shilling, and no more : And for every Pound Weight of Chocolate ready made, imported after the ■j Time aforefaid, during the Contjnuance of the faid Aft, one Shilling and no more ; any Thing in t!ic faid lait recited Aft, or any other Matter or Thing to the contrary in any wife notvvithftanding. I'rovided always. That the Rates and Duties hereby appointed to be paid as aforefaid, for the faid rcfpeftive Merchan- i dizes of Coffee, Cocoa Nuts, Tea, and Chocolate, {hall be paid and anfwered to their Majefiiei, during ■ j (he Continuance of the faid Aft, over and above the refpeftive Duties charged or chargeable upon every of | them in the faid Book of Rates before the making of the faid Aft. . XIV. Provided alv/ays, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, for the better Encouragmcnt of •'^'•"^°" "^ • the Manufafture of plain Silks, called Alamodes and Lujb-ings, in this Kingdom none of the faid foreign "'"' "^■^'""* Silks Ihall be iinported into this Kingdom after the five and twentieth Day oi March one thoufand fix hun-^ dred ninety-three, but upon Notice hrft given to the Commiffioners or Farmers of their Majelties Cuiloms I for the Time being, of the Quality and Quantity, with Marks, Numbers, and Package, of fuch Silks (o j intended to be imported, with the Name of the Ship and Mafter or Commander) on which they are to be I laden, and the Place into which they intend to import the fame, and taking a Licence under the' Hands of tlic Commiffioners or Farmers for the Time being, or. any three of them, for the lading and importing ! thereof as aforefaid, which Licence they are hereby authorized and required to grant without any Fee of f Reward, or any ether Charge, to the Perfons demanding the fame ; any Law, Cuflom, or Ufage to the ■ contrary notwithitanding : And in cafe any of the faid Goods {hall be imported without fuch Notice be- ; ing fii'ft given, and Licence taken out, as aforefaid, the fame {hall be forfeited, one Moiety thereof to the j Ufe of their Majeflies, their Heirs and SuccelTors, and the other Moiety to him or them that fhall feize of j fue for the fame in any of their Aiajefties Courts of Record at Wcjlminjhr, wherein no EfToin, Privilege; Proteftion, or Wager of Law, nor more than one Imparlance {hall be allowed. ' j XV.. Provided always, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Officers of the Cufloms j {hal! not take or receive frbm the Merchant exporting any of the Commodities chargeable by this or any other Aft with any additional Duties, above what is chargeable by the Bock of Rates, any Fee or Re- ward for pafling any Debenture for Repayment of the Duties to be paid back on Exportation, according to ! the faid Afts, but fliall only receive fuch Fees as were payable for Debentures for the Repayment of the half Subfidy, according to the Book of Rates, and no more : Nor fhall any Fee or Reward be taken for iany Oath to be adminiltred at any Cultom Houfe upon this Aft. ' ■ ' XVL And whereas by an Aft made in the third Year of their Majeflies Reign, intituled. An JSf fori w. X;M.c. i. ; 'y srar.tlng to their Aiajcfties certain Impofttioris upon Beer, Ale^ and other Li^uors^ for one Year, it is enafted, ■'", '-"""'"^°" i ' That no Colleftor, iSupervifor, Gauger, or other Officer, concerned in the charging, collecf ing, or ma- ^^^ "°' '"p,™"' ' j' naging the Duty of Excife, fliall either by Letter, Meffage, or Word of Mouth, endeavour to pcrfwade "one, and flnU ' I '-'any Eleftor to give^ or dillwade any Elector from giving, his Vote for any Perfon or Pcrfotis that fhall gi-.-eNote* ot i' be in Nomination to b^ elefted a Member. or Members of Parliament ; And whereas by the faid Aft it is their Ga!>gL-f, ■ i ' further declared and enafted. That trueNotes-in V/riting of the lait Guagcs, made or taken by the faid '^o""""'^-- ' Gangers, fhall be left by them with all Brewers, Makers, or Retailers of Beer, Ale, or other excife- 1 .' .able Liquors reipeftively, or fome of their Servants, at the Time of their taking the faid Gauges, con- J !taining the Quantity and Quality of the l^iquors fo gauged, under the ftveral Penalties in the faid Aft j .'•mentioned ;' Be it declared and enafted. That the faid Aft, fo far as relates to Ekftions of Menitiers to ferve in Parliament, and leaving true Notes in Writing of the laft Gauges made or taken by the f.iid Gaugers, with the feveral Penalties refpeftively relating thereuiilo, be, frorri and after the firil Day of ] March next, hereby revived, and fhall continue and be in force during the Contihuance of this Aft, and from thence to the End of the next SefTion of Parliament, and no longer. , . ^ XVIL And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fflall 'and iiiaybe' lawful to ahd ciaufe of Cie- ■ for any Perfon or Perfons, Natives or Foreigners, Bodies Politick or Corporate, to advance and lend to Jit lor 510,050!, i their Majeflies into the Receipt of their Exchequer, upon the Creditof this Aft, zny Sum or, Silms of : Money .not exceeding the Sum of five hundred and ten thoufand Pounds in the v/hole ; and to have and . j receive, .for the Forbearance of all fuch Monies as fhall be lent, Interefl not exceeding the Rate of eight 1 Pounds per Centura per Annum. XVIIL And be it further enafted and ordained by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every the Of-^ Money to bo 1 Day after which fhall not be an Holiday ; and "upon Negleft or Refufal of the fame Ihall incur the PenaK ties. Forfeitures, Damages, and Cofts, as other the Officers of the £Vi:/'(?j«^r herein -after mentioned fliall i)e liable to ; which Monies fo paid inj fhall be applied to the Ufes hereafteririenti'oried in this Aft, -and ao otiierwife. ■ ' i-- i' '-' Vol. III. ^^2 . XiX-.