Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/567

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h.D. i6g2. Anno quarto GuLiELMi & Mari^. C. io — 12. 519 he colleding, paying, Ingaging, or accounting for the faid Tell at lVtii:lfs Mill, be from henceforth by nrtue of this Aft renewed and put in Execution again, during the Continuance of this prefent Aft, es if hey were herein particularly exprcffed and repeated. [Repealed as to the County of H-rtford, 6 Geo. 2. • 2*- C A P. X. An hdL for prohibiting the Importation of all Foreign Hair Buttons. WHEREAS by an Aft made in the fourti-enth Year of the Reign of his late Majefly Ivirig C/W/ff t3«: r^Car. 27 the Second, intituled. An Aii prohibiting the Ithpoitation of Foragn Bone-lace, Cut-vjoii;, Imbroi-'^- 'i:'

dery. Fringe., Bund-Jirings, Buttons, ond Needle-work, amongfl other Tilings in the faid Aft mentioned, J^^" 5- ';^' 

j all Foreign Buttons made of Thread or Silk are prohibited to-be imported and fold in the Kingdom of . c""',"^' ^._ I England, or Dominion of Wales: And whereas fince the making of the faid Aft, Hair Buttons aro-^ gm. i. c u. I chiefly ufed and worn, and the Button-makers of Enghnd do make better Hair Buttons than any are im- ported from Foreign Parts, and are able to fupply this Kingdom with greater Qt^iantities of them than I they can make ufe of; yet becaufe Buttons made of Hair are not exprcfly mentioned in the faid Aft ( j1- I though they were thereby intended to be prohibited) many Perfons who are Enemies to the A'lanufac-' } tures of this Kingdom, taking Advantage of the faid Omiffion, do daily import fueh great Qiiantities of' Hair Buttons, that the Button Trade of England, is very much decayed, and many Thoufands of pioor r People, that were formerly kept at work in the faid Trade, are like to perifh for want of Employment, and .j' all the other Mifchiefs mentioned in the faid Aft, which relate to the Button Trade, and were thereby f intended to be remedied, are become as great as they were at the Time of the making of the faid Aft ;' 'For Redrefs whereof, and the more effeftual Prevention of the like Mifchiefs for the future; n. Be it enafted by the King's and Queen's moft Excellent Majefties, by and with the Advice Foreign Hair ind Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affem- ^"'.'°"* """^ '.* ,iled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the five and twentieth Day of March in^^^^f"""!^' the if ear of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred ninety and three, no Foreign Buttons made or to be made ibf Hair, nor any other Foreign Buttons whatfoever, (hall be imported,, brought in, fent, or conveyed into ihe Kingdom of England^ Dominion of Wales, or Port or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, or bartered, ford, exchanged, or offered to be bartered, fold,, or exchanged, upon pain of forfeiting all the faid But- Penalty. ■ "ions fo imported, brought in, bartered, fold, or exchanged, or offered to be bartered, fold, or exchanged, uid upon fuch further and other Pains, Penalties, and Forfeitures, as are mentioned, contained, and ex- prefled in the faid recited Aft ; one Moiety of all which Forfeitures to be to the Ufe of our Sovereign Lord iond Lady the King and Qiieen, their Heirs, and Succeflbrs, and the other Moiety thereof to the Perfon ■ ar Perfons that fhall fue for the fame in any of their Majefties Courts of- Record, by. Bill, Plaint, Aftion lif Debt, Information, or otherwife,. wherein no Eflbin, Pfoteftion,, or Wager of Law fhall be al-.- ilowed. I in. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That for the preventing the importing,, bar-juftrces of itering, felling, vending, or expofing to fale any Foreign Buttons whatfoever, the Juftices of the Peace Peace havs within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Port or Town of 5^riwVi upon Tiveed, within P°*'= *? ^"*" their feveral and refpeftive Counties, Cities, and Towns Corporate, have the fame Authority and Power, ^'"■'i""'-^^'!f'- and the fame Authority and Power is hereby given unto the faid Juftices, to iffue forth their Warrants, sl,Z""'"'off^. £0 feize, or caufe to be feized, all Foreign Buttons whatfoever, as by the faid Aft is given unto them f6r3. r. z.' « Antu the feizing'of Foreign Button? made of Thread or Silk, and other the Manufaftures in. the faid Aft men-'^- ^- 4^^"- tioned. . 7- ^'"'7&'". I . f . 12. ■ C A P. XL. lAniAft for examiiiing, takings and ftating the publick Accounts of this Kingdom.- Exp. [Revived by.

5 & 6/^ &.^. Cap. 23. till April 1695. j,

G A P. XII. jAn Aft to make Pariihioners of the Church United Contributors to the Repairs and Orna-- 1 meats of the Church to whom the Union is made. '.■fTZHEREAS by an Aft of Parliament made in the feventeenth Year of the Reign-of King^iyO^A 2.C.3. ' VV Charles the Second of bleffed Memory, Provifion was made for the Uniting Churches in Cities

  • and Towns Corporate: And forafmuch as it is highly reafonable that Pariftiioners of Parifhes whofe-

I* Churches are demolifhed, and either before or afterwards united to other Churches, fhould be Contribu--

  • tors towards the Repairs and other Parochial Charges of fuch other Church, to which by Virtue of the;
  • iiii Aft they are united ;- 37 H, 8i <. %ir
