Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/574

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526 C. 19, 20. Anno quarto & qubto Gulielmi 8c Marine. A. D. 1692. or Sheriffs, in whofe Cuftody he or they fhall be, for his or their Appearance by Attorney in the fafd Court, at fome Return in the Term then next follov/ing, to reverfe the faid Outlawry or Outlawries, and to do and perform fuch other Thing and Things as fhali be required by the faid Court, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Sheriff and Sheriffs, after fuch Security taken, to difcharge and fet at liberty the faid Prifoner and Prifoners for the fame ; any Law or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding. VI. Provided, That nothing in this A£l relating to Inforinations ftiall extend or be conlirued to extend to any other Informations, than fuch as are or fhall be exhibited in the Name of their Majefties Coroner or Attorney in the Court of King's Bench for the Time being (cominonly called the Mafter of the Crown Office) any thing in the faid A£l contained to the contrary notwithftanding. VII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That upon the Demifc of any King or Queen of this Realm, all Pleas to Informations in the faid Court fliall ftand and be good in Law, without calling. Defendants to plead again to the fame, unlefs the Defendants defire fo to do, and make Requeft to the faid Court for that Purpofe within five Months next after fuch Demife ; any Law or Ufage to the conti-ary. notwithftanding. This Aft only cJtends to In- totmations by 'lUafter of Ciown Office. Defendants (except (icriring) not to plead attain upon the King's Demife. Sec farther 9 An. c. 20. IX P. To indemnify Lords of the Council, &c. afting beyond their Power in Delence of tlic ■Kingdom. CAP. XIX. An Aft for preventing Suits againil: fuch as afted for their Majcfties Service in Defence of the Kingdom. ' WHEREAS in this prefcnt Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred ninety and two, it was ' W notorioufly known that there were great Preparations for an Invafion intended from Frana^ the ' Lords of the Council, and thofe that have afted by their Authority, having apprehended and imprifoned ' feveral fufpefted Perfons, and feized and ufed Horfes and Arms, and caufed ibme Part of the Militia of ' this Kingdom to be raifed, continued, and mantained, otherwife than is authorized by the Afts made in ' the Reign of King Charles the Second in that Behalf, and to march and be quartered in divers Places ' upon that Occafion : That thofe Proceedings in that extraordinary Junfture, and the Parties concerned

  • therein, may be indemnified ; therefore, and for the preventing the Trouble and Charges which the faid

' good Subje6ts might be put to by the Profecution of their Majefties, their Fleirs and Succeflbrs, or by the ' means of Suits of any Perfonwhatfoever, for and by reafon of their Aftings and Doings aforefaid, iiff.' CAP. XX. An Aft for the better Difcovery of Judgments in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer at Wejlminjier. « ^TZHEREAS great Mifchiefs and Damages happen and come, as well to Perfons in their Life- « Yy times, but more often to their Heirs, Executors, and Adminiftrators, and alfo to Purchafers ' and Mortgagees, by Judgments entred upon Record in their Majefties Courts at Wejlminjier, againft ' the Perfons Defendants, by reafon of the Difficulty there is in finding out fuch Judgments :' For Remedy judgments to be II. Be it enafted by the King's and Queen's moil Excellent Majefties, by and with the Advice and Con- doggeited, fg^t of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Clerk of the Eflbins of the Court of Common Pleas, every Clerk of the Dos;gets of the Court of King's Bench, and the Mafter of the Office of Pleas in the Court of Exchequer for the Time being, ihall, before the laft Day of Eajier Term next coming, and fo in every Eajler Terra after, make or caufe to he made and put into an alphabetical Dogget by the Defendant's Names, a Parti- cular of all Jiidgments for Debt by Confefuon, Non fum informatus, or Nihil dicit, entred in the faid refpec- tive Courts, of "the Term of Saint Hilary preceding, which fliall contain the Name and Names of the Plaintift' and Plaintiffs, the Name and Names of the Defendant and Defendants, his, her, or their Place or Places of Abode, and Title, Trade, or Profeffion (if any fuch be in the Record of the faid Judgment) and the Debt,. Damages, and Cofts recovered thereby ; and in What County, City, or Town the relpetSive Adiions were laid, and the Number Roll of the Entry thereof; and alfo that every Clerk of the Judgments^ and every other Clerk of the faid Court of Common Pleas and King's Bench refpecSively fhall, within ten Days befoi'e the Time aforefaid, bring to the refpeftive Clerks of the Doggets of the faid refpedive Courts, Notes in Writing of all the Judgments by them and every of them refpe£lively entred, of the faid Term of Saint i-J/V^n', upon Verdifts, Writs of Inquiry, Demurrer, and every other Judgment for Debt or Damages, in all Things as aforefaid ; and alfo that the Clerk of the Judgments, and every other Clerk of the faid Court of Exchequer, Ihall, within the Times aforefaid, bring to the faid Mafter of the faid Office of Pleas, the like Note in Writing of all the like Judgments by him or them refpedively entred of the laid Term, in all Things as aforefaid ; to the end the fame may be, (by the Clerk of the Elibins of the faid Court of Coynmon Picas, the Clerk of the Doggets of the faid Court of King's Bench, and Mafter of the Office of Pleas) refpe<2:ively entred in the refped'tive Doggets before mentioned, in Manner and Form afore- faid; and alfo that the refpe<Ll-ive Officers and Clerks of the faid reipeftive Courts fhall likewife, before thelaft Day of the I'erm of Saint Michael alfo next coming, and in every Michaelmas Terai after, malce, or caufe to be made, as aforefaid, the like Dogget, containing all fuch Judgments in the faid refpeftive Courts, of the refpedive Terms of Eajier and Trinity then laft paft, and the Names of the Plaintiffs and Defendants, Titles