A. D.. 1694. Anno quinto Gultelmi 8c Mari^. '.. C.'y/ 547 fiich Principal and lutercft Monies, which fliall be or remain clue upon the Regiflcr kept in the faid Re-Surplus of Ex- ccipt of Exchequer, for the two third Parts of the Rates and Duties of Excife granted in the fecond Year'"-' "•' Vi'.""^ of their Majelties Reign, intituled. An Ail for granUng to their M.ijejlus feverat addU'tonal Duties of Exdf/°^^lJf^^fl';^ upon Beer, y//-, and other Liquors for four Years, from the Time that an Ai^ for douiding the Duty of Excifi.s. ifv. t!. upon Beer, Ale, and other Liquors, during the Space of one Year, doth expire, and continued-by Claufes in 'az. c. io. fubfeciuent Ktk, intituled, An Ael for ruiflng Money hy a Poll, payable quarterly for one Year, for the carrying^ &4W. & M. ( on a vigorous War againji France. And that fuch Surplus or Remainder, together with the Moiiie. appji- . I cable by the two Adts laft mentioned,, (hall be iiiued and paid jointly and fevcrally, ibr and towards the.,;;'^,'J,.",o'i5avy ' difcharging of the Principal and Intercft Monies which from Time to Time ihall be or remain due and un-to N;.vy and paid upon rhc faid Regiltor, until the fame fliall be fully falisfied, and afterwards tlie Monies, which {hall Army by 5 & 6 further arife by the laid Surplus or Remainder, fliall be to the Ufe of their Majerlies, their Heirs and Suc-)^- ^ ^ '• ^°' ■ ccllors, for the carrying on the War againfl France. .Provided always, That in cafe the whole Sum of^*' ■ ten hundred thoufand Pounds be not advanced and paid into the Exchequer, by or for Contributions upon ' this Acl, the Surplus or Remainder of the Monies arifing by the Rates and Duties hereby granted, more than is requifite to pay the Annuities or Payments direiited by this AiSt, {hall bo difpoied as fhall be [ hereafter direcTied by A£l of Parliament ; any Thing in this Act contained to the contrary thereof notwith- I ftanding. _ ..,■.. I LVI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That fuch Receiver or Receivers General, Rtcc'vei? to i or other Perfon or Perfons, who is, or fhall be employed in the receiving, collecting, or paying the fcvc-e'^'^ ■'>" ■'"""=' ' ral Duties upon Salt by this hSt granted, fhall, and are hereby required, between the five and twentieth-^"^""^^"'^.'^^'^!^'^ - foUovy-impreft^ tolv. deliver in declared before Day ol March one thoufand fix hundred ninety-five, and the nine and twentieth Day of Septewber ino', and io from Year to Year yearly, at thofe Times, during the Continuance of this A6t, to d their refpeftive Accounts thereof to tncir Majefties Auditors of the Impreft for the Tim,e being, or onethcTrcafuicr, of them, who fliall, and are hereby from Time to Time refpeftively authorized to examine upon Oath'"-'" the faid Receiver or Receivers General, or other Perfon or Perfons, Accomptants, whi:h are or fhall be employed in raifing, receiving, and collefting the faid Duties, of what Sum or Sums of Money was or were by them or any of them refpeftively railed, collefled, or received, within the Time of fuch their Ac- ■counts, and likewife what Part thereof was by them or any of them paid into their Majefiies Receipt of Exchequer, or by virtue of any Warrant of Privy-feal, or Warrant of the Lord High Treafurer, or Com- miffioners of their Majefties Treafury for the Time being, otherwife paid, and to whom, and for what Service or Services ; and in making the faid Accounts to and before the faid Auditors, or one of them, they are to produce proper Vouchers for every Sum or Sums of Money fo by them or any of them raifed, receied, and paid, according to the ancient Methods of the Exchequer. And to the end it may appear upon Record what the fame amounted to in the Year, for which fuch Account or Accounts fnall be made, and what thereof was paid, and to whom, and for what Ufe and Service, Ufes and Services, as aforefaid, and what remains unpaid, and refls infuper upon each refpeftive Receiver and Colleftor; and fuch Account or Accounts, fo to be taken by the faid Auditor, is and are to be declared before the Lord Treafurer, or Lords Commiffioners of the Treafury, and Chancellor of the Exchequer now and for the Time being, ac- coiding to the Courfe of the Exchequer in fuch Cafes. m m h LViL Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That no Member of the Houfe g„° ^^ (^.^ J/ of Commons fhall at any Time be concerned direftly or indireftly, or any other in Trufl: for him, in the m^fiionei s of farming, colleiSting, or managing, any of the Sums of Money, Duties, or other Aids granted to theirXreaUiry and Maj«ftTes by this Aft, or that hereafter fhall be granted by any other Aft of Parliament, except the Com-^f"^'^!"^"'* jtii'ffioners of the Treafury, and the OfHcers and Commiffioners for managing the Cuftoms and Excife, [^^■p.^^^^^'^^'" hot.exceedin^ the prefcnt Number in each Office, and thofe appointed to be Commiffioners for putting in Members of jExecution an A£t, intituled. An A£l for granting to their Mrjefties an Aid of four Shillings in the Pound for Uonfe of ine Year, for carrying on a vigorous IVar againji France, as to their executing only the Authority of the faid Commons Aft, by which they are appointed Commiffioners. Provided always, That Thomas Neale Efquire may be™^ f the"' •employed by their Majefties as they fliall think fit, in the ordering, or managing the feveral RecompencesBjn]. of En- and Advantages hereby given to the Contributors upon this Aft; any Thing in this Aft contained to thegiand by 5 * contrary notwithftanding. 6 w. & 'M. c. 20. §. 33. 5 & 6 W. & M. c. I. Fanbcr Provijians coiicermng Excife, 7 ff. 3. c. 30. S Pf'. 3. c. 19. 10 ?F. 3. c. 21. li T-K ■^. c. 11 & jz. i Ji„i. Jf. 2. c. ;. 4y/i/M. ir. 6. i Am. c. 7. 10 Ann. c. 19. 12 Ann. f. 2. c. 9. 6 Geo, i, c. 21. li Geo. i, c. 30. 11 Geo. 1, c, 28. I C«. 2. c, 16. ^3 Gn. z, c.zd. 32 Geo. 2, c. 17. 33 Geo. 2. f.J. and 1 Ga, 3. c, 7. 4A 2 ' CAP,