A. D. 1694* Anno quinto GuLiELMi & Mari^. C. 10. 553 XXII. Provided always, and be it enafted. That when, and as often as any Application fliall be madeOrplians licrc- to the faid Mayor and Court of Aldermen for the Time being, on Behalf of any Orphan or Orphans of •^■■ '"'J' ^'h' the faid City, by the Executors or Adminiftrators of the Father of fuch Orphans, to pay in and lodge any^'?"IJ'^'^°°' Sum or bums of Money, of or belonging to fuch Orphan or Orphans, in the faid Chamber, and to have the Benefit of the faid Frovifion hereby made, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid Mayor and Court of Aldermen, and they are hereby impowcred and dircfted, to order the Chamberlain of the faid City for the Time being, to pay ofFthe like Sum to fuch Perfdn or Perfons intitled to the faid yearly Pay- ments as aforefaid, as they think fit, not being Orphans under the Age of one and twenty Years, and giving three Months Notice to or for the Perfon or Perfons fo to be paid off and difcharged; at the End of which three Months, upon Payment, or tendring of the faid Monies due for Principal and Intereft to or for the Perfon or Perfons to whom fuch Notice Ihall be given, according to the Provifion hereby made, at the Office of the faid Chamberlain in Guild-hall, London, then and from thenceforth the annual Sum or Sums of Money payable to fuch Perfon or Perfons, to whom fuch Notice, Payment, or Tender fhall be made or given, fhall ceafe and determine, and the fame fhall become due and payable to or for the Ufe of fuch Orphan or Orphans, who fhall have paid in the Monies for the fame, and fhall be regiflred ac- cordingly, and be affignable as aforefaid. Neverthelefs, the Monies fo tendred fliall be paid to fuch Perfon and Perfons, upon their Demand of the fame, and affigning or giving a Difcharge for the fame, it being hereby enaded and declared. That the Provifion hereby made fhall be and remain a perpetual Stock or Fund for the Benefit of the Orphans of the faid City fucceiTively. -. XXIII. And be it further enacied and declared. That all fuch of the faid Debts due to any of the faid Orphans wh» Orphans, as have been at any Time before the faid five and twentieth Day of December afligned or '""^^ '" granted, or covenanted to be affigned or granted, or for which any Authority hath heretofore been given orrtdeemTn 3°^^ granted, by any of the faid Orphans, their Hufbands, Executors or Adminiftrators, to any Perfon orPer-Ycavs Time, jbns, to receive the fame, or any Part thereof, to the Ufe of fuch Perfon fo authorized, or any other Per- fon befide fuch Orphan, fhall and may be redeemed, and are hereby declared to be redeemable by the faid Orphans, or their Hufbands, or their refpeftive Executors or Adminiftrators, on Payment of the faid principal Sum of Money paid in Confideration of making the faid Aflignment, Grant, Covenant or Au- thority, together with the Charges and Intereft for the fame, from the Time of the Payment thereof, after the Rate of eight Pounds per Centum per Annum, for one Year, difcounting for what hath been received for or in refpedl of the faid Debt by any fuch Perfon to whom fuch AfTignment or Authority was made or given, and upon Payment or Tender of the faid principal Money, Intereft, and Charges, fuch Grant, Alignment or Authority, and all Covenants and Agreements concerning the fame, fhall be void. Pro^ vided neverthelefs, That fuch Redemption as aforeiaid be made within the Space of three Years from and after the End of this prefent Sellion of Parliament. , ' XXIV. And whereas divers Perfons, pretending as Agents and Solicitors fo obtain the Payment of theEonds to ' Orphans Debts by A61 of Parliament or otherwife, have induced many Orphans, and others for them, to^S^n's void, '-enter into Obligations, Agreements, ContraiSts, Subfcriptions, or other Securities, for Payment of large ' Portions of their Debts whenfoever it fhould be recovered, which may amount to very great Sums;' Be it therefore enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That all fuch Bonds, Obligations, Agreements, Contrafts, Subfcriptions, and other Securities fo entred into, fhall be null and void ; and that it fhall be iav/ful for
- the Mayor and Court of Aldermen of the City of London, out of the Revenue fettled by this Aft for Re- Masw, See. t»
lief of the Orphans and other Creditors, to allow and pay unto fuch Agents and Solicitors what they pay Agents. ' judge may be rcafonablej winch Sums fhall be allowed in the Account of the faid Revenue; and in cafe I any fuch Agents or Solicitors fhall demand or receive any more Money upon Account of, or from any of ^S^"' offending the faid Orphans, than what fliall be fo adjudged due to them refpeftively, they fhall refpeftively forfeit !?^'^"' "'^^^^ treble the Sum they fhall fo receive, to be recovered together with Cofts of Suit, by fuch Perfon or ^'"^^"* Perfons, who fhall fue for the fame, by Aftion of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of their Majefties Courts of Record '■i.tWeJi'mb-Jifr, wherein no EfToin, Protedlion, Privilege, or Wager of Law fhall be allowed, nor any more than' one Imparlance. XXV. Provided, That this Ai£l: fhall not extend to the New i?/wr Water, nor to the Profits andNewRiv?? Perquifites thereof. Provided neverthelefs. That nothing in this Aft contained fhall be conftrued or taken ^'^'= faved. to hinder or obltruft the Governor and Company of Undertakers for raifing the Thames Yf ixzx x 2^ar/^ York Buildings Buildings, or their Affigns, from taking or drawing Water out of the River of Thatnes, or from laying ^^'^"^ '^*'> or , repairing their Pipes or Branches, according to an Aft of Parliament in that Behalf made ; but that they may itill enjoy ;ill their Rights and Titles by the faid Aft provided, and may ftill continue to take the faid Thames Water, and to lay and repair their Pipes, as they rnight have lawfully done be- fore the making of this Aft ; any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftand- " ing. Provided alfo, That neither the faid Governor and Company of Undertakers for raifing the Tha!nes'Pxav{o t'ot Water in Tork Buildings, or their AfTigns, nor the faid Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens, or tfieirfipes. AfBgns, do or fhall difturb, obftruft, or hinder each other, in laying, repairing or amending lich their ' r'efpectlve Pipes or Branches, or to do or caufe to be done any Prejudice or Damage to each others Pipes or j Branches. . , XXVI. Provided, That nothing in this Afl fhall be conftrued or taken to hinder or obftrufi: theShadwellWatM Governor and Comp.any of the Water-works and Water-houfes in Shadwell, or their SuccelTors, of^*'^' ' • •' any Right or Title to take and receive Water out of the River of Thames, nor to hinder or obftrufl Vol. III. 4B them