538 C. 17— 20.V Anno qiiinto GuLiELMi 6c Mari^. A. D. 1^94.! 1 CAP. XVII. ; I An A(fl for the Exportation of Iron, Copper, and Miindick Metal. it Ed. 3. 33 H. ' • S- ' TT/HERE AS by feveral Statutes, the one made in the eight and twentieth Year of the Reign of ^^ 7. ' yV Ediuard the Thkd, and the other in the three and thirtieth Year of the Reign of King i/««;-u the s&3Ed. 6. c. « Eighth, and another in the fecond Year of the Reign of Edward the Sixth, late Kings oi England, Iron 3 ' Copper, and Bell-metal, are prohibited to be exported out of this Realm, under feveral Penalties in the ' faid Statutes refpeiSlively contained :' For the better Encouragement of the working of Copper Mines within their Majefties Dominions, Iron, &c. to be II. Be it therefore enafted by the King's and Queen's mofl Excellent Majefties, by and with the Advice exported. g^j^j Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament alTem- 8. l.'s^Br'idlh * ^^^^i ^n^ by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the five and twentieth Day of March one Copp'cr'niay be thoufand fix hundred ninety-four, it ihall and may be lawful to and for any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, , e.-jpotted Duty Bodies politick or corporate, to ftiip and export all and all Manner of Iron, Copper, or Mundick Metali ■"■' out of this Realm of England, Dominion of TVaLs, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed; except unto ort for the Ufe of the French King, or any of his Subjects refiding within his Dominions, or in to or for anyi Port or Place within his faid Dominions, during the prefent War between their Aiajefties and the Fretubl King, paying the Duties and Cuftoms by Law payable for the fame ; the faid recited Statutes, or an»> other Statute, Law, or Ufage, to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. Pnt- metal, &c. iij_ Provided that this Adt fijall not extend to the Exportation oi' any Pot- metal. Gun-metal, Shruff- excepted, metal, or any old Metal, or any Mixture therewith, or of any Copper or other Metal, than what is made of Englijh Ore only. CAP. XVIII. E X Pe An A& for enabling their Majcfties to make Grants, Leafes, and Copies of Offices, Lands, and Here- ditaments, Parcel of their Duchy of Cornwall, or annexed to the fame, and for Confirmation of Leafes and Grants already made. Grants by King Charles Second, &c. of any Part or Parcel of the Duchy of Cormvall good. Grants to be for 31 Years, or determinable upon 3 Lives. Not difpunifhable of Wafte. Ufual Rent. Covenants, &c. to bind Reverfioners. Saving to all their Rights, except the King, &c. Tenants compounding for the increafed Rent, old Rent only ts^tand. Fees for Grants of fmall Value.. Penalty upon Officers offending. »• . CAP. xi:5f. EXP. An Aft for raifing the Militia of this Kingdom for the Year one thoufand fix hundred ninety-four, althtf^ the Month's Pay formerly advanced be not repaid. j C A P. XX. An Aft for granting to their Majefties feveral Rates and Duties upon Tunnage of Ships and VefTels, and upon Beer, Ale, and other Liquors, for fecuring certain Recompences ., ^ :, .; and Advantages in the faid A£l mentioned, to fucb Perfons as fliall voluntarily advance ' -i; the Sum of fifteen hundred tliDufand Pounds.,, towards the carrying on the War againft France. Mojl Gracious SoUerei^ns^ ' [ WE your Majeflies moft duti&l aiicl loyal- Siili)j£<9i3y the Cotttuaons affembled in Parliament, for the > further Supply of your Majefties extraordinary Occafions, for and towards the neceflary Defence of your Realms, do humbly prefent your Majefties with the further Gift of the Impofitions, Rates, andj Duties herein after mentioned 5 and do befeech your Majefties that it may be ena£ted, To«ii'«ee upcn' II- And be it enadted by the King's and Queen's moft Excellent Majefties, by and with the Advice and ( Sh^'s given tcr Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and; 4 Yeai», by the Authority of the fame. That for and during the Term of four Years, commencing fri.m the firft ' - ■ Day of June in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred ninety and four, there {hall be thiough^ 1