A. D. 1604. Anno fecundo [vulgo primo] Jacobi I. C. 22. 19 taught as Apprentices, or covenant or hired Servants for that Furpofe, by the Space of feven Years, in the Myftery of Tanning of Leather : h) And except the Wife, and Rich Sou or Sons of a Tanner as hath been brought up, and hath ufed the Myftery of Tanning of Leather by the Space of four Years, or the ^on or Daughter of a Tanner, or fuch Perfon who fliall marry fuch Wife or Daughter, to whom he hath or (hall leave a Tan-houfe and Fats ; (4) upon Pain of Forfeiture of all fuch Leather by him or them fo tanned, or whereof he or they ihM receive any Profit or Commodity by Tanning, or the juft Value thereof. VL And be it further enacted by the Authority aforelaid, That no Perfon or Perfons ufing the Myfiery No Tanner <hM of Tanning of Leather by himfelf, or by any other Perfon or Perfons, from and after the faid Feaft of St. !'= a Cutter of Bartholomew, Ihall, during that Time that he fhall ufe the faid Myfiery, occupy or ufe the Craft or cro! Car. c?? ' Myftery of a Shoemaker, Currier, Butcher, or of any other Artificer, ufing or exercifing Cutting or " . ^ Working of Leather ; (2) upon Pain to forfeit and lofe all and every fuch Hide and Hides, Skin and Skins fo by them or any of them wrought or tanned, during the Time that he ihall ufe the Myfiery or Craft of Tanning aforefaid, or the juft Value thereof. VIL And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons after the Feafl: of Whomiy buy St. Bartholomew next coming fliall bargain, buy, make any Contradt for, or befpeak any rough Hide, or cai?es*ft;^ns "'" Calve-skin in the Hair, but only fuch Perfon or Perfons as by Virtue of this Adt may lawftiUy ufe the Craft or Myftery of Tanning. of Leather, and fiiall tan the fame, or fuch Perfon or Perfons which fliall taw the fame, (except Salt-hiides for the neceffary Ufe of Ships ;) (2) upon Pain to forfeit and lofe all and every fuch Hides and Skins fo bought, or the jult Value thereof: (3) And that no Tanner or other Per- Foreftaliing of fon or Perfons fliall foreftall any Hides coming towards any Fair or Market, nor fliall buy any Hide any Hides, other where than in open Fair or Market, unlefs it be of fuch Perfon or Perfons as fliall kill the fame Beaft whereof the faid Hide Ihall be, for the Provifion of his or their own Houfe or Houfes ; (4) upon Pain of Forfeiture for every Hide fo foreflalled or bought contrary to the true Meaning of this prefent Aiff , fix Shillings eight Pence. ■ VIIL And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons fliall or may Who may buy ■ after the Feaft of the Nativity of our Lord God next coming buy, fell, bargain, befpeak, or take Promife ^a""^"* J-'^'l'^f to have, exchange, or put away any tanned Leather, not wrought and converted into made Wares, but "°' ^^■■°"6^f' only fuch Perfon and Perfons as will and fliall work and convert the fame Leather into made Wares, upon Pain of Forfeiture of the Leather fo bought, fold, exchanged, or put away, or the Value thereof. IX. Provided always, and be it enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Artificer, and Buying Leather other Perfon and Perfons ufing to convert tanned Leather into made Wares, as well Strangers born as 5' Leaden-Hall others, may lawfully buy all kind of tanned Leather, to make or convert the fame into made Wares, at '" ^"°"> Leadcn-hall in London, upon every Monday, tlie fame being firft duly fearclied, fealed and regifcred, as is hereafter limited. X. Provided alfo. That the Sadlers and Girdlers may fell their Necks, Shreds of tanned Leather red, Sadiers ard without incurring any Pain or Forfeiture for the fame. ftlTthe'ir Necks XL And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That after the faid Feafi: of St. Bartholomew &:c. ' * next coming, no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, which fliall after the faid Feaft occupy Or ufe by him or How Hides fhalt themfelves, or. by any other Perfon or Perfons, the Craft or Myfiery of Tanning of Leather, fliall fufFer J^^^"'^^ '" ^'^"" a)iy Hide or Skin to lie in the Limes till the fame be overlimed, nor fliall put any Hides or Skins into any '^' Tan-fats, before the I>ime be well and perfectly fokened and wrought out of them and every of them ; ■ (2) nor fliall ufe, imploy, occupy, or put, by themfelves or by any other Perfon or Perfons, any Thing ■ ' or Stuff" in or about the Workmanfliip or Tanning of Leather, but only Afh-bark, Oak-bark, Tapwon, ' Malt, Meal, Lime, Culver-dung or Hen-dung ; (3) nor (hall willingly fuffi^r his or their Leather to be hid, or to hang, or to lie wet in any Froll, until the fame be frozen; (4) nor ihall dry or parch the faid Leather with the Heat of the Fire, or of the Summer-Sun; (5) nor fliall tan, or caufe to be tanned any , Hide or Skin being putrified or rotten by long lying, either before the putting of it into the Limes, or after in the Water or Liquor, or by any other Means ; (6) nor (hall iufter the Hides for utter Sole-leather to lie in the Woozes any lefs Time than twelve Months at the leafl" ; ( 7 ) nor the Hides for Upper-leathers in the like Woozes any lefs Time than nine Months at the leafi; (8) nor (hall negligently work the Hides in the Woozes, but (hall renew and make ftrong their Woozes, as often as fliall be requifice; (9J nor fliall after the faid Feaft of St. Bartholomew put to Sale any tanned Hide or Skin, which (hall be after the faid Feair wrought and tanned in any other Sort than by this Statute is limited and appointed ; (10) ujjon Pain of Forfeiture of every Ox-hide, Bull-hide, Steer-hide, Cow-hide, or Skin tanned or wrought, aitd oftered to be put to Sale, contrary to the true Meaning of this prefent A3:, or the jull Value thereof. ' Xn And forafmuch as much Damage hath redounded to the Commonwealth, by Reafon that di- ' vers Tanners for their private Lucre have ufed to convert to Sole-leather fuch Hides as are altogether in-. ' fufficient for that Ufe, which Hides they do raife in the Workmanlhip by diers Mixtures, thereby ' making the fame to feem very ftrong- and fubftantial Leatlier, whereas the iame doth in the wearing prove ' hollov/, deceitful, and altogether unprofitable for the Cominonv>"ca]th :' XIIL Be it enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That no Perfon or Perfons, uling or which hereafter f^^ifmg of Hide fliall ufe the Craft or Myftery of Tanning of Leather, ihall after the faid Feaft of St. Bartholomczu next ""*> •■^•'■"'' coming, raife with any Mixtures any Hide, to be imployed and converted to Backs, Bend-leather, Clou ting-leather, or any other Sole-leather, except the fame Hides be for Largenefs, State and Growth, fit and fufficient for that Ufe and Purpofe; the fame to be tried by the Triers hereafter in this prefent Aft to be appointed; (2) upon Pain of Forfeiture of all fuch Hides v/hicJi ihall be railed and con- verted to Sole-leather contrary to the true Meaning of tiiis prefent Provifion. . . . .; XIV. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That from the faid Feaft of St. Bartholomew $aie of tarrfd ■next coming, no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever (hall put or caufe to be put to Sale, exchange, or other- Le.^ti'crrtd and wUV depart vv'ith any kind of tanned Leather red ami unwrought, but in open Fair or Market in the Places "nwiougin, D 2 there-