628 C 31' Anno feptimo &.o6i;avo Gulielmi III. A. D. 1696. " direfted. Subfcriptions for 2,564,000!. Bank of England except(td. Subfcriptions of Land. The yearly " Sum of 179,480). to be applied to the Ufe of the Subfcribers. Commiffioners of the Treafury to diredt " the Payment^ and Officers of Exchequer to ifTue the Monies without Fee. Contributors to be incorpo- " rated by the Name of The Governor and Company of the National Land Bank. If the whole Sum be not " paid by 1 fan. 1696. Subfcribers to receive only i. per Cent, per Ann. After Incorporation, the faid* " yearly Surri to be paid to the Bank, in Truft for Payment of Bills. Interefts and Stocks to go to Exe- " cutorsi If the whole Sum, or one Moiety thereof, be not contributed in the Time limited, Corporatioa " to ceafe. A fourth Part to be paid down, or in default Subfcription to be void. Refidue to be paid before I Jan. 1696. Perfon having Stock or Place in the Bank, to have no Interefl: or Place in this Corporation^ ^' Penalty on the. Corporation advancing Money on any other Fund than by Credit given by Parliament. " Corporation not to trade by themfclves or others with the Stock : But may fell Goods of the Produce' of Lands purchafed by them. Fines, (^c. againft the Corporation not to be pardoned. Yearly Sum not
- ' to, ftand charged with more than the Monies paid into the Exchequer. Money payable by this Aft not
" to be taxed. In a Year's Notice after 1 707. on Repayment of 2,564,000 1. and Arrears of the yearly Sum,
- •' by Parliament, the Corporation to determine. Redemption of the Fund, isfc. not to extend to Forfei-
" ture of Lands, but be fubject to all lawful Ufes for which conveyed. Duties granted by 5 & 6 W. & M. '^' c. 20. further continued for five Years. 560,000!. to be applied for paying the Remainder of 564,700!. 6 ft 7 W, 3. and Interefl: advanced on Security of the aforefaid A£t, 140,000 1. for making good the Rates of Tun- '• '^' '.' nage of Ships. A like Sum for making good the Duties on Salt. Rules ajipointed by i W. & M. ff. 2, " c. I, to be in Force for diftributing the Sums hereby appropriated. 500,00^1. to be lent at 3!. ros. per " Ce7it. per Ann. to the Members of the Corporation, to be paid quarterly, or 4.]. per Cent, payable half- " yearly. Aflfignments of Lands to be entred in Books kept by the Corporation. Lands fo entred may be " affigned. Governor, is'c. taking Conveyance of Lands, &c. to charge the fame by Bills in the Form " prefcribed, and the Corporation liable to Aftion of Debt for the Money. Owners of Lands paying off " Monies, and the Companies Bills not ready to be delivered, to cancel fo many Bills charged on other " Lands. A Transfer of the Bills {landing out, to be entred in the Counterpart, and to be indorfed on the "Bill, and entred. Penalty for charging Lands with more than the Sum lent. Bills under Seal of the " Corporation intitle the Bearers to an Adtion of Debt againft them. Counterfeiting Seal or Bills, Felony. " Interefl on Land Security not being paid in Time, Lands may be fold, detaining the Monies due, and " Charges, arid returning the Overplus. Owner to be foreclofsd, except Infants. Member of Parliament " may be of the Corporation. Guardian may advance Money for Benefit of Infant. Truftees, &'c. to ." take the Oaths i W. &M. IT. i. c. 8. Corporation may tranfcribe Dockets, &'c. paying the Fees. No
- ■ " Member to be adjudged a Bankrupt in refpe(5l of his Stock therein, nor Stock liable to foreign At-
" tachment." ■ ' XLIII. And whereas in and by an A3: of Parliament made in the fifth and fixth Years of the Reign of S & 6 W. & M. ' ' His Majefty and the !ate Queen Mary of blefTed Memory, intitled. An ASi for granting to their Ma-
- • ?• jefties certain Rates and Duties upon Salt, and upon Beer, Ale, and other Liquors, for fecuring certain Recom-
' pences and Advantages, in the faid ASi mentioned, to fuch Perfons as /hall voluntarily advance the Sum of ten
- hundred thoufand Founds towards carrying on the If^ar againj? i rznce, it is provided and enafted. That there
' fhould be raifed, levied, collected, and paid to tiieir Majefties, their Heirs, and Succeffors, until the Se- ' venteenth of ^ay one thoufand fix hundred ninety and feven, for every Gallon of Salt and Rock Salt ' made at the Salt-works, or taken out of any Pits within the Kingdom of England, Dominion of IFales, ' or Town of Berwick upon Tzveed, one Peny Half-peny, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Quan-
- tity: And whereas (bme Difpute hath fince arifen, whether Salt refined, or Salt made from Salt, either
- imported or made in England, and hath paid the Duties by the faid Aft impofed, and is fince melted
- down, either in Sea Water or other Water, and made into Salt again, fhall be charged with- the Duty
Sa!t made from « of one Peny Half-peny :' For the fettling whereof, it is hereby declared and enafted by the Authority Rtck Salt, and aforefaid, That all Salt made from Rock Salt (allowing the Drawback for the fame, as in the faid Aft pn'Tne Pen/" is mentioned) aiid all refined Salt, or Salt made from Salt, either imported or made in ^'k^/ijW, was and Hal.frpenj^ per is. intended to he charged and chargeable with the laid Duty of one Peny Half-peny /;«r Gallon ; anything GaUuu. iri, the faid Aft to the contrary notv.'ithftanding. All Salt, except • ' XLIV. And whereas the Meafures for making the JVinchefler Bufliel at eight Gallons to the Buflie! ap- RockSait, to be ' pointed by the faid Aft for meafiiring of Salt, for Payment of the faid Duties, are various and unequal, ^ fifh'^'"^ h "*' ' ^"'^ ^^^^ proved inconvenient, not only to the Duties, but to the Makers and Traders in Salt in general:' Eufiiel" ^'^^ ^^ Prevention whereof, and the Payment of the faid Duties more equally, it is hereby declared and l!y 9&'ioW. 3. enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Salt at all Salt-works and Salt-pits (Rock Salt excepted) ftiall c. 6. ^. I. Salt is be afcertained as to the Payment of the faid Duties, at the Rate of fifty-fix Pounds Weight to the Bufhel^ to be retailed ac j^j j^q fjiore ; any thing in the faid Aft to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. Alt'creri^'io & ^^"^ ■ And .be it further enafted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That all Salt, whether brought II w%.c,'az. f'om A'fif/rtW by Land, and alfo all imported Salt, whether the fame be of the Produft or Manufafture of ,^.■2. / , this Kingdom, or of the Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tivecd, brought in, landed, or Sa t braught put on Shore, befoie due Entry made with the Officer appointed to receive the fame, and Payment of Du- from Scotland, (jgg j^y ^<|-^^ fi^jj y^Q impofcd,' {hall be forfeited, oiie Moiety to His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeffors, and I'uXd'before'"' '^'^ Other Moiety thereof to him or them that fliall or will feize, inform, or fue for the fame 3 any thing DutypaiJ to be '■! 'he faid Aft to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. foiteiteJ. XLVI. And for the 'better afcertaining the faid Duties on Salt, according to the Bufhel of fifty-fix Founil's Weight herein before declared, in all j-'arts and Places where any Salt-work or Salt-pit is or fhall be; Be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, Tlat every Colleftor or Officer, appointed to receive and colleft