A. D. 1696. Anno feptimo 6c 0(5tavo Gu LIE LMi Ilf. C. 32. 631 the hd Iffue at any other Affizes, fliall fue forih and profecute a new Writ of Venire facias direJlcxl to the Sheriff in this Form :
- Qiiod de novo venire facias coram, he. duodecim liberos & legales homines de vicincto de A. quorum pg^m of tbe
' quilibet habeat decern librat' terrae tenemcntor' vol reddituum per annum ad minus, per quos, he. Writ. ' lit qui nee, &c.' And the R.efidue of the faid Writ fliall be after the ancient Mannrr ; which Writ being duly returned Dcf.-nJnnt trying and iiled, a Writ of Habeas Corpora, or Dlftringas, with a Nifi prius, fliall illue thereupon (for which the any liTnc jf)ini:™pancl Perfon. ■RldintrQ orDivifions, fhall caufe to be delivered a Duplicate of the aforefaid returned Lift, by the Clerks ^JTil^" J . 6i ,. /-^ .__ .„r>:j: ^_ »!._ CI :£C. .-V,^:- T> = „,, <-.■,,„ „„ „,. K„f „ .U„ C„/i TA_— _r "am i^iits. ty on Con- 1 negleft- ained and lions; ana no oucnu niaix ....h""-- "- ;- "•*/ "■--'- --; " "i ~"' r'n "-- j--.— "U""', enforced by 8 a of the faid Courts, or to-be or ferve in any Jury at the Affizes, Seffions of Dyer and Ter?niner, Gaol -^y /j^'r Delivery, or Seffions of the Peace, that fhall not be named or mentioned in the faid Lift ; and any Con- Farther" Provi'fi- ftable Tvthingman, or Headborough, failing at any Time to make the Return aforefaid, ihall forfeit ons relating here- and 'o> 3 *= 4 Anna, i8, ^. i.