640 C. 9. Anno odavo Gulielmi III. A. D. 1696. ^ By 6 Geo; i.e. Leopard's Head and the Lion, fliall for this Plate be the Figure of a Lion's Head erafcd, and the Figure of J t'- ^m"'h^'^' ^ Woman, commonly called Britannia, and a diftincl variable Mark to be ufed by the Warden of the faid 't Scandard"re"'^" Myftery, to denote the Year in which fuch Plate is made ; upon Pain that all fuch Silver VefTels, Plate, or '^ btth eftablifticd. Other manufadlured Silver, which fliall be made, expofed to fale, fold, or exchanged, contrary to this Act, i or the Value thereof, fl[iall be forfeited, the one Flalf thereof to the King, and the other Half thereof to * fuch Perfon or Perfons that will feize or fue for the fame, to be recovered by A£tion, Bill, Suit, or Infor- J mation, in any Court of Record, wherein no EfToin, Protection, Wager df Law, or more than one Im- >! Penalty on War- parlance fliall be admitted : And if any Silverfmith, Goldfmith, or other Perfon, fliall after the faid five , dens and Matters and twentieth Day of March make any Silver Veflels, Plate, or manufa<Stired Silver, contrary to this AQ, J °n^'^^Hh'te ^'"^ ^^^ '^'^'^ ^^^' ^ touched, marked, or allowed for good by the Wardens or Maflers of the faid My- forgoodf coniia- ftcy? or thofe authorized or employed by them for the efTaying and marking of Plate, and if in the fame ^ ryto thi's Aft. there fliall be found any Falfliood or Deceit ; then the Wardens and Corporation of that A-Iyftery, for the i Sieg& T.o?i^. time being, fliall forfeit and pay the Value of the Plate fo deceitfully marked, the one Half thereof to the 3..:. 28. King, and'the other Half to any Perfon or Perfons that fliall buy the fame, and be grieved thereby, to be '^ recovered, as aforefaid; any thing in this or any former A61: or Acls of Parliament contained, or any other < Order or Provifion heretofore made, to the contrary notwithftanding. . ' 8&9W. 3.C.5. " Colleiflors may receive the Land Tax inwrought Plate at jj. ^'d^T^n Ounce, &c. before yan. 1697. ^ " Hammired current Money at 5 x. zd. an Ounce, and wrought Plate, to be-fflelted down and coined in:o ; " new Money, i^c" . ■ . ■?> CAP. IX. '] An Afl to reftore the Market at Blackwell H.iH to the Clothiers, and for regulating the Fac- tors there. ' , .' O R A S M U C H as of late Years, by the great Increale of the Faftors of Bhckivcll Hall in the City • n't London, and by the Advantages given them by the Governors of the faid Hall, not only in aflign- 1 ' ing them the moft convenient Lights, but permitting them to hir'j V/archoufes in the faid Hajl to their j ' own Ufes, into which they enter upon thofe Days that are no Market Days, and cany the Clothiers ' Cloths thence, and expofe them to falc in a clandeftine Manner in their own Houfes, whereby reat In- j; ' convenience and Difcouragement hath accrued to the Clothing Trade, on which the Welfare p hisNa- | ' tion very much depends:' For Remedy hereof be it enafted by the King's moft Excellent iV :fty, by •, and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in tli" ( prefenc * ^°'"""°"5; Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the firfl: Day o{' Alfi^-, which To o'^aTrrv- ihc ^^"" ^'^- '" ^'^ X^^^ "^ °"'" ^oi'd One thoufend fix hundred ninety-feven, the Governors of Black'Well Hall^ Kules'hcrsby and their Deputies, fliall ftricHy perform, obferve, and keep, the fet Times and Rules herein aftjsr limited limited. and appointed for the exa61: Keeping and Government of the publick Market o'i Biackivell Ha!i, ti'jat is to -■'//hen the fay. The fiiid Market flial! begin and be held on every Tina/day, Friday, and Saturday, from eighf of the b^hdd"' '° Clock in the Forenoon, until twelve a Clock in the fame Forenoon, and from two of the Clock in .the Af- WarLt Bell to ternoon. Until five a Clock in the fame Afternoon ; and that the faid Flours, for the Beginning and Ending be rung in the o^ '^'^ fiiid Markets, fliall be known by the ringing of the Market Bell in the Hail aforefaid, appoini-ed for A Hall. thatUfe and Purppfe; and the fame to be held and continued weekly throughout the whole Y'ear, ixcept 1 No Cloth to he Days ot Humiliation or Thankfeivinp- appointed to be othervvife fet apart by Act of P.Hli.iment, or pudiiick on other Da"s" ^"^'^o'ity ; and the Keepers of the faid Hall fliall not permit or fufter any buying or felling of any W " und'er aVenalty. C'?'' ^t t'^^ (^^ Hall, in or upon any other Days or Hours, than upon the Marke ■ pointed, as aforefaid, upon the Penalty of one hundred Pounds. Governors to ap- H. And be it further enafted by the Autlioritv aforefaid, l^hat the Governors of B!ackwell HrdI, and f hrir IhTHalirmlv Deputies, fnall fet forth and appoint unto the Clothiers of all Counties, that (hall bring up Cloch to kl at Cloth, andWare. '^p f^id publick Market, the mofl: convenient Room in the feid Hall for the Sale of their CloJi, and me.- houfe Room, v.'ife Warehoufe Room for the lodging and fafe keeping of any Cloth- of the faid Clothiers unfold, the 0;lo-, paying Duty. thlcis or th-ir Servants paying unto the Hall-keepers "the ancient Duties of the fiid Hall, and no more. ^ NoFaftor, »»-■ HL And for the further fencouragement of the faid publick Market, ]?e it enafted by the Authorit^' theoCner", w aforefaid, That no Facftor or any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, other than the Owner of th; Cloth, fliaF fell Cloth o'ut of ^«1U caafe to be fold, or expofe to fale, out of the faid Market of B/aciwe/I Hal/, any Cloth configned o- the Market. directed by the Owner thereof to be brought to the faid R-Iarket of B'nctMell Hall, or to any Factor there) Penalty. to be fold, upon the Penalty of five Pounds for every fuch Cloth fo fold, ( Hall keepers, to IV. And be it further enafled, That the Hall-keepers, Clerks, and Maftcr-porters of the fiiid Hall, f« nbiervealiP.uies far as they are hereby concerned, fnall take Care that all the Rules and Orders annointcd to be obferved k ana Orders and this ASt, in every Branch of it, be put in Execution ; and fliall alfo diligently 'and faithfally keen theii' Re?ifter&e.^ Books, and weekly Regifters, of all the Cloths bought and fold in the faid Market; in which Books and Owners 'and' Regifters they, and every of them, as they are concerned in their refpeiflive Places, {hall truly enter the fi Buyers Names, Names, Surnames, and Places of Habitation of the Owner, Buyer, and Seller, of every the laid Cloths, &c. to be en- together Vt the Time of the Sale thereof, and likevvife of the Faflor, or any other Perfon (other than Tin'e'oftale t^'^.Oj,"^^'") buying or felling the fame, to the end Clothiers and others concerned may be fati,fied how Penally on hJu- *^'^!'" Cloths are dilpofed of from time to time, to which faid Books it fliall be lawful for the faid Clothiers, keeper, &c. neg- their Agents and Servants, at all convenient Times to have Recourle without any Fee, Gratuity, or Re- kaing his Duty, ward to be paid for the fame ; and if anv Hail-keeper, Clerk, or Mafter-oorter, fiiail neglect to perform his Penalty onPer- Dut-y herein, he fliall for cverv fuch Ofience forfeit the Sum of ten Pounds : And in cafe any Perfon or c'lo'th wilhout ^2^^°"^' ^"^^'^ ^^'^ =^fter the faid firfl: Day of May, fliall buy any Cloth of my Fadtor or Faftors, or other 3 Perfon