Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 3.djvu/702

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646 C. 17. Anno odlavo 8c nono G u l i e l m i III. A. D. 1 697 Space of three Months after fuch Precept to him or them directed and delivered, negleiSl^r refiife to caufe fuch Stone or Poft to be fixed as is aforefaid, every fuch Offender fhall forfeit the Sum of ten Shillings, to be levied by Warrant under the Hand and Seal of any Juftice of the Peace of the County, Riding, Divi- fion or Liberty, where fuch Parifli or Place fhall be, fuch Warrant to be direfled to the Conftablc of fuc4i Parifh or Place, requiring him to diflrain the Goods of fuch Offender, and fell the fame, rendring to hyn the Overplus (if any be) and to employ fuch Sum, fo levied, in and towards fuch Stone or Pofl: as is afore- faid ; and in cafe any Part of the faid Sum {hall remain after fuch Stone or Poft erected, then to emplow fuch remaining Sum in amending the fame Crofs Highways, and not otherwife. Geo. t,J}at, z, c, II, ^Gcc.i.ciz. J4. Ga, t. e. ^z, j^, i6 Ga, i. c, zg> l8 Geo. 2. c. 17. 30 Geo, z, c, 28. and 31 Geo. z, c, 34. •which e^ch Higliway leads. ronalty on Sur- veyors ncgl'^ft- ing to fix fuch Poft. Tarther Proi'i' fions yelat'wg to 'Highways^ 6 Ann, c. zg, g Ann. c. 18. 84 Geo. z. c. 43. 26 Geo, z. c. 28 & 30, 13 & 14 Car. 2. c, 2. Owner to piy 3 d, for tvery Cjrt-ioad of Hay brought into liic Hay Mark.'t to lie fold, every Cart-load of Straw I d. towu-ds paving thcHayMaikel. Owners of Hay or Straw not to pay again for what is not fold. Owners refufing to pay. the fame to be IcvjeJ by'Di- ftrefs, and Sale of Goods, Extent of the Hay Market, aW. 5:M.n;2. c. 8. CAP. XVII. An Adt for paving and regulating the Hay Market in the Parilhes of Saint Marlht in the Fields and Saint 7^«a within the lulbeny of PFeftminJier. HE RE AS by an A&: of Parliament m?de in the thirteenth and fourteenth Years of Charle* the Second, late King of England, intituled. An A£l for repairing the Highways and Sewers, and ' paving and keeping dean the Streets, in and about the Cities c/" London «««? Weftminfter, and for reforming ' of Annoyances and Diforders in the Streets of, and Places adjacent to, the faid Cities, and for the regulating and ' licencing of Hackney Coaches, and for the enlarging of fever al Jirait and inconvenient Streets and PaJJages, it ' was among other Things enacted. That every Load of Kay, which from the firft Day of May one thou- ' fand fix hundred fixty and two, fhould be brought, and fland to be fold upon any the Ways in that A£t ' expreflcd and adjudged fit to be new paved, fhould pay fix Pence for every Load, and likewife every Cart ' of Straw to be fold in the faid Places fhould, after the faid Day, pay two Pence, which faid Sums fhould ' be paid to the Commiffioners which fhould be appointed for the paving and mending the Higliways and ' Streets, or fuch as they fhould appoint, for and towards the paving of the Streets and Highways : And ' forafmuch as the faid Aft is now expired, the Owners of fuch Hay Carts and Straw Carts, which are

  • daily brought into and ftand in a Street commonly called the Hay Market, lyingand being in the Pariflies

' of Saint Martin s in the Fields, and Saint James's within the Liberty of IP ejlminjier, by reafon whereof ' the Repairs of the faid Street are grown a great Charge to the Parifliioners there inhabiting, and cannot ' by Law be compelled to contribute towards the paving, repairing and amending the faid Street, to the ' great Grievance of the faid Parifhioners ;' May it therefore pleafe Your moft Excellent Majefty that ,it may be cnafted, and be it cnafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Con- fcnt ol the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame. That from and after the five and twentieth Day of March, which (hall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred ninety-feven, the Owner of every Cart-load or Parcel of Hay, which fliall be brought into and ftand to be fold in the faid Street commonly called the Hay Market, fhall pay to fuch Perfon or Perfons as fliall be appointed by the Juftices of the Peace of the County of Middlcfex, and Cllv and T^jiberty of /i^c/i'w/fl/Ar, the Sum- of three Pence, and likewife that the Owner of every Cart-load or Parcel of Strav/, wliichfhall be brought into and ftand to be fold in the faid Street, fhall alter the faid Day pay the Sum of one Peny, in Eafe of the Pariftiioners of the faid Parifticp, to fuch Perfon or Perfons who fhall be iippointed from time to time, for and towards the paving, repairing, and amending' ' tliefaid Street called the Hay Market. If, And be it further enafied by the Authority aforefaid. That the Owner or Owners of any fuclii Cart- load or Parcel of Hay or Straw, having paid the relpeftive Sums aforefaid, and the fame being then not fold, but remaining to be brought to be fold the next Market Day, fuch Cart load or Parcel of Kay or Straw fliall not pay again the like Sum as above, the next Market Day, for ftanding there to be fold. III. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That in cafe any Owner or Owners of fuch Cart-load or Parcel of Hay or Straw fliall, after the find five and twentieth Day of Alarch, refufe to pay the Sum of three Pence for every Aich Cart-load or Parcel of Hay, and the faid^ Sum of one Pejiy for every fuch Cart-load or Parcel of Straw, brought into, and ftanding in, the faid Street called the Hay Market, as aforefaid, it fhall and may be lawful, after Demnnd thereof made by fuch Perfon or Perfons as fh:i]| be thereunto lawfully authorized, to ty the fame upon the Goods and Chattels of the Offender or Offenders, by Warrant of IJiftrefs, which any juftice of the Peace of the County of Middlefnx, or the faid City and Liberty of Wejlminjicr, is hereby authorized to grant under his Hand and Seal, on Oath to be made before him by the Party who demanded the fame, that the (;ime is refufed to be paid, and that it is not paid; which faid Goods and Chattels fliall and may be fold within three Days after the Diftrefs made, and the Overplus to be returned to the Owner, the Charge of the Diftrefs being only dedufted. IV. And for preventing all Difputes concerning the Extent of the faid Street; Be it further cnafted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fliall be conftrued to extend in Length from the old Toll Poft at the upper End of the Hay Market, over againft a Houfe lately called Coventry Hnfe, to the Phoenix- Inn at the lower End of the faid Hay Market, and the Houfe over againft it, and in Breadth from the Channel ruiiniiig hy the Houfes on the Eaft-fide to the Channel running by the Houfes on the Weft-fide, at which Places Pofts or Stones fhall be fet up by the Direftions of the faid Juftices of Peace, which fhall be efteemed to be the Bounds and Extent of the faid Market. ' V. And whereas by an AiSt mcde in the fecoud Year of His prefent Majefty and^the late Queen Mary, ' ' intituled. An AB for paving and cleanfng the Streets in the Cities of London <?«»/ Weftminfter, and Suburbs

  • and Liberties thereof, and Out-Par iJJus in ths County ij/" Middlefex, and in th( Rorough of ^QMrh-^zxk, and
  • other