66o C. 20. Anno odavo & nono Gulielmi III. A. D. 1697. to the faid Governor and Company on any Tallies to them belonging, to which Books the faid Governor and Company, their Affigns, Agents and Servants, fhall have free Accefs, from time to tiriie, and at all feafonable Times, without any Fee or Reward to be paid for the fame, to infpect, fearch, examine, and copy out of the faid Boolcs, as they (hall think fit; which faid Auditor of the Receipt {hall from time to time duly diredl the faid Orders, and the Clerk of the Pells fhall record the fame, and the Tellers in the Paymrnts to lie Receipt of the Exihi^i^uer ih-dl duly make Payment thereupon, in their due Courfe, without Delay, to the ittadeinCourfe, faid Governor and Company, their Agents, Servants and Afligns ; and if any fuch Auditor, Teller, Re- ceiver or Officer of the Exchequer for the time being, fhall either negleft or refufe to keep fuch Accounts, ■or to direct, record, or make fuch Payments in due Courfe and Order, as are herein before required, or Ihall delay or put off the Payment thereof, or divert or mifapply any of the Monies fo as aforefaid or any otherwife due or belonging to the faid Governor and Company, in fuch Cafe he or they ^o offending re- fpeftively, for any fuch Offence fhall forfeit his or their Places, and be ever afterwards uncapable of enjoy- ing any Office or Place of Truft whatfoever, and alfo fhall be liable to pay double the Value of any Sum or Sums fo delayed to be paid, or fo diverted or mifapplied as aforefaid, to the faid Governor and Com- pany, or to any Perfon or Perfons grieved thereby, and who will fue for the fame, to be recovered in any of His Majefly's Courts of Record in Weftm'injier, by any Aftion of Debt or on the Cafe, to be framed and founded on this A(5t, or by Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no ProteiSlion, Wager of Law, Effojn, Privilege of Parliament, or any other Privilege fhall be allowed, nor any more than one Irri- parlance. MonSesarlfing XXXVIII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all the Monies which fhall arife ^^^'l ^^^"f- and be brought into the Receipt of His Majefty's Exchequer^ of or for the Subfidy of Tunnage and Pound- to'^maiceRmd^ '"'S^' ^■"'^ Other Duties upon Merchandizes therewith continued by this Act from the five and twentieth Day Deficiencies of of December one thoufand fix hundred ninety-nine, until the faid firft Day oi Auguji one thoufand feven Tunnage and hundred and fix ; and of or for the faid Impofitions or Duties upon Wines, Vinegar, Tobacco, Eajl India Poundage, Goods, wrought Silks, and other Duties, therewith continued by this A£t from the eight and twentieth y^,'""' Ij^J,"^' Day o September one thoufand feven hundred and one, until the faid firft Day o'i Auguft one thoufand feven ^^ " ' hundred and fix; and of or for the faid additional and other Rates, Duties, Impofitions and Charges upon Additional Im- feveral Sorts of Goods and Merchandizes by this Act continued from the laft Dzy o^ February one thou- pofitioiis. fand fix hundred ninety-fix, to the faid firft- Day of y^KP-?//? one thoufand feven hundred and fix; and of or Vdlum, Parcli- for the faid Duties upon Vellum, Parchment and Paper, by this Aft continued from the eight and twen- ment, and Paper, tieth Day of y^;zf one thoufand fix hundred ninety-eight, until the faid firft Day of yfa^j-a/f one thoufand Marriages, feven hundred and fix; and of or for the faid Rates and Duties upon Marriages, Births, Burials, Batche- Births, and Bu- Jqj.^^ ^j^j Widowers hereby continued from the firft Day of May one thoufand feven hundred, until the faid " ■ „ ^ firft Day of ^/h^z^ one thoufand feven hundred and fix ; and oforforthe faid feveral Rates or Duties upoii ou es. J^Q^fgJ^ ijy (.j^jg ^^ continued from the five and twentieth Day oi March one thoufand feven hundred and three, until the faid firft Day of yfojra/? one thoufand feven hundred and fix ; and all the Monies (if any fuch be) which from and after the full Payment and Satisfadtion of the Sums of Money, not exceeding fifteen hundred thoufand Pounds, borrowed upon the Credit of the faid AcS paffed in the Parliament holden 7 & 8 W. 5. ^ ^^^ feventh and eighth Years of His Majefty's Reign, intituled. An ASi for continuing feveral Duties grant- c. 10. cd by former ASis upon Wine and Vinegar^ and upon Tobacco and Eaft India Goods and other A^lerchandizes im- ported, for catrying on the War againjl France, and the Intereft thereof, fhall arife and be brought into the Exchequer, oforforthe faid Impofitions or Duties upon Wines, Vinegar, Tobacco, Eafl India Goods, wrought Silks, and other Goods, thereby granted or continued until the faid nine and twentieth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and one; and all the Monies, which from and after the Satisfadtion of the Principal Sums, not exceeding feven thoufand three hundred eighty-two Pounds eleven Shillings 7 & 8 W. 3. and four Pence, borrowed upon the faid A6t made in the Parliament holden in the feventh and eighth Years «• j8, of His Majefty's Reign, intituled. An A5i for granting to His Majejiy feveral Rates or Duties upon Houfes for 7naking good the Deficiency of the clipped Money, and the Intereft thereof^ and after that all the Bills figned" by the Mafter and V/orker of His Majefty's Mints, for the Reward after the Rate of fix Pence per Ounce for every Ounce of Sterling Silver proceeding from wrought Plate, Veffels, or any other manufaftured Silver, brought into any of His Majefty's Mints between the fourth Day oi May one thoufand fix hundred ninety- fix, and the fourth Day o'i November one thoufand fix hundred ninety-fix, fhall be fully paid off' and fatif- fied, fhall arife and be brought into the Exchequer:, of or for the faid Rates or Duties upon Houfes, granted by the faid A(?t for feven Years, from the five and twentieth Day of March one thoufand fix hundred ninety- fix ; and all the Monies, which from and after the full Payment and Satisfaftion of the Sums of Money, not exceeding one Million feven hundred twenty-four thoufand Pounds, borrowed or to be borrowed as aforefaid, for the Service of the War, upon Credit of the faid hB. paffed in the Parliament holden in the IM 8;W. 3. feventh and" eighth Years of His Majefty's Reign, intituled. An A£i for continuing to His Majefly certain '^•3 ■. Duties upon Salt, Glafs Wares, Stone and Earthen Wares, and for granting feveral Duties upon Tobacco Pipes^ and other Earthen TVares, for carrying on the War againft France, and for efablijhing a National Land Bank, a)id for taking off" the Duties .upon Tunnage of Ships and Veffels, and upon Coals, and after the Intereft thereof fhall alfo be fatisfied, fhall arife and be brought into the faid Receipt of Exchequer, of and for the faid Du- ties upon Salt, Glafs Wares,. Stone and Earthen Wares, and upon Tobacco Pipes, and other the Duties thereby granted or continued, to His Majefty, His Heirs and Succcffors, fhall be and are hereby declared to „ , , 1., - be the Gcnera,l Fund, for making good the particular Funds before in this AEt expreffed or computed to be deficient, and are and ftiall be appropriated, iffued and applied, for and towards the making good of the faid D'^ficlent Funds, by the Payment and Satisfaftion of the Principal and Intereft due and to grow due 1l !:r . thereupon,, in fuch Manner and Form, and according to fuch Rules and Methods, as are hereafter in this Won^jVp^jd'i- Aft prefcHbed a|id direft'ed, and fhall not be diverted or'divertible to any other Ufe,. Intent or Purpofe what- wrtiBl^i: • • ■ foever, until all the faid Principal and Intereft flxall be fully fatisfied and paid off. ■ ■ ■ XXXIX. And ^x,