A. D. 1697. Anno octavo & nono GULIELMI III. C. 36. 685 CA P. XXXVI. An Act for the further Encouragement of the Manufacture of Luftrings and Alamodes within this Realm, and for the better preventing the Importation of the fame. C C < W of new Manufactures within this Realm, whereby the Exportation of Money to procure foreign < < < modes or Luf- trings, without paying the Cuf- " Commodities is prevented, the Wealth of the Kingdom increafed, and the Poor are employed: And whereas there are great Quantities of Alamodes and Luftrings confumed by His Majefty's Subjects, which " till of late Years were imported from foreign Parts, and thereby the Treafure of this Nation much ex- haufted, but are now manufactured in England by the Royal Lufting Company, to as great Perfection as in any other Country, whereby many thoufands may be employed: And whereas Provifion hath been made by divers Laws for the Encouragement of the faid Manufacture, and for preventing the Importa- "tion of fuch Foreign Silks without paying the Duties charged thercon, which have been frequently cluded by the fubtil Practices of evil-difpofed Perfons: For Remedy thereof, and for the further Encourage- ment of the faid Manufacture, be it enacted, and it is hereby enacted by the King's moft Excellent Maje- fty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That every Perfon or Perfons, who fhall Perfons import- import any foreign Alamodes or Luftrings, from Parts beyond the Seas, into any Port or Place within the ing foreign Ala- Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed, without paying the Rates, Cuftoms, Impofitions, and Duties, that ſhall be due and payable for the fame at fuch Importation, or fhall import any Alamodes or Luftrings prohibited by Law to be imported, or fhall by way of Infurance or other- toms, &c. wife undertake or agree to deliver, or in purſuance of any Undertaking, Agreement, or Inſurance, fhall deliver, or caufe to be delivered, any fuch Goods or Merchandize, and every Perfon or Perfons who fhall agree to pay any Sum or Sums of Money, Præmium, or Reward for infuring or conveying any fuch Goods or Merchandize, or fhall knowingly receive or take the fame into his, her, or their Houfe, Shop, or Ware- houfe, Cuftody or Poffeffion, fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall and may be profecuted for any the Offences or Matters aforefaid, in any Action, Suit, or Information, and thereupon a Capias in the firſt Procefs, fpe- may be profe- cifying the Sum of the Penalties fued for, fhall and may iflue, and fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall be obliged cuted, and a to give fufficient Bail and Security by natural-born Subjects, Perfons naturalized, or Denizens, to the Of- Capias thereupon ficer ferving or executing the Writ or Proceſs on or againſt him, her, or them, to appear in the Court out of which fuch Writ or Proceſs did iffue, at the Day of the Return of fuch Writ or Procefs, to anfwer fuch Suit or Profecution, and fhall at the Time of fuch Appearance give fufficient Bail or Security by fuch Perfons as aforefaid, in the faid Court, to anfwer and pay all the Forfeitures and Penalties incurred for fuch Offence, in cafe he, he, or they fhall be convict thereof, or to yield his, her, or their Bodies to Prifon. be &c. 4 & W. II. And whereas by an Act made in the fourth and fifth Years of King WILLIAM and Queen MARY, 4 & 5 W. & M. intituled, An Act for continuing feveral Acts therein mentioned, and for charging certain Joint Stocks, a Pe- c. 15. nalty of five hundred Pounds is laid upon Perſons infuring to import prohibited Goods, or Goods without Penalty in the paying Duties and Cuftoms, and alſo a Penalty of five hundred Pounds upon any Perfon who fhall be fo & M. c. 15. for infured:' For the more eafy and certain Recovery of the fame it is hereby further enacted, That it fhall infuring prohi- and may be lawful for any Perfon or Perfons to fue for or profecute, and to recover the faid Penalty by bited Goods, Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint Information, in any of His Majefty's Courts of Record at Weftminfier, may be fued and wherein no Efloin, Protection, Privilege, or Wager of Law, fhall be allowed, nor more than one Im-recovered by Ac parlance. tion of Debt, &c. III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Black Alamodes and Luftrings where - Black Alamodes foever manufactured, which ſhall be found in the Cuftody or Poffeffion of any Perfon or Perfons, not mark- and Luftrings ed and fealed with the Mark and Seal or Marks and Seals of the Cuftom-Houfe, or of the Royal Luftring not having the Company, fhall and are hereby declared and adjudged to be forfeited, and fhall or may be feized as forfeited, whether the fame have been before fuch Seizure bought and fold, or not, and the Perfon, in whofe Cuftody tring Company's or Royal Lui- or Poffeffion the fame fhall be found, fhall incur all the Penalties contained in a Claufe relating to Alamodes Marks, to be and Luftrings now in force, in a certain Act made in the fixth and feventh Years of the Reign of His pre- forfeited. fent Majefty, intituled, An At for granting to His Majefty certain Duties upon Glaf's Wares and Earthen Perſon in whole Pottles, Coals, and Culm, for the carrying on the War against France. Cuftody found, liable to the Pe- IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Alamodes and Luftrings, that from nalties in 6 & 7 and after the tenth Day of April one thoufand fix hundred ninety-feven, fhall be feized and forfeited by W.3.c.18. §.28. virtue of any Law now in force, fhall be confumed or ufed in this Kingdom, but fhall be exported again, Alamodes and and not fold otherwiſe than on Condition to be exported: And for preventing their Confumption in Eng- Luftrings ſeized land, the fame fhall immediately on Seizure be carried to the Cuftom-Houfe Warehouſe in London, and and forfeited, to be exported a- there fuch as are forfeited fhall be fold by Inch of Candle, on Condition to be exported, and not delivered. to the Buyer or any other Perfon, but only to be carried on Ship-board in order to Exportation, and not on Seizure to be until fufficient Security be given, that the fame and every Part thereof fhall be exported, and not landed carried to the again in any Part of England, Dominion of Wales, or the Town of Berwick upon Tweed; which Security Cuftom-Houfe, fhall be difcharged by Certificate from the Chief Magiftrate or Officer of the Place or Port where fuch Goods and there fold. fhall be landed, or by Oath made that the fame were loft at Sea, and not otherwiſe. Security to be given for Ex- gain; 6 V. And forafmuch as there is no Reafon that any of His Majefty's Subjects fhould have Luftrings and portation, &c.
- Alamodes at a cheaper Rate than the Inhabitants of this Kingdom, or that it fhould be more profitable
to export foreign Luftrings and Alamodes beyond the Seas, than fuch as are made in this Kingdom, which would happen, in cafe the Exporter be allowed to draw or receive back, on Exportation, all or any Part of the Duties paid or payable on the faid Commodities on Importation of the fame;' Be it further enacted 3 by