692 C. 6. Anno nono& decimo Gu LIE LMi III. A. D. 1697* Law, Injun<5lIon, or Order of Reftraint, or more than one Imparlance, (hall be granted or allowed j and in the faid Action the Plaintiff upon Recovery Ihall have his full Cofts. CAP. VI. An Aft that all Retailers of Salt Ihall fell by Weight. 7 & 8 W.3. « '^T JHEREAS by an Aft made at the Parliament, held in the feventh and eighth Years of the Reign '■3'" ♦ VV of His prefent Majefl;y, intituled, An A£l for continuing to His Majejiy certain Duties upon Salt,
- Glafs JVares, Stone and Earthen Wares, and for granting feveral Duties upon Tobacco Pipes and ether Earthen
' Wares, for carrying on the War againft France, and for eJiaUijhing a National Land Bank, and for taking of ' the Duties upon Tunnage of Ships and upon Coals, it was enafted amongfl: other Things, That all Perfons ' felling Salt (except foreign Salt) made for ufe, ihould after the Time therein limited, fell th? fame after ' the Rate of fix and fifty Found Weight to the Buflrel, and not otherwife, and fo in Proportion for a grea- ' ter or lefTer Quantity; and that every Perfon offending therein, fliall forfeit the Sum of five Pounds to
- the Informer, to be recovered in fuch Manner as is therein expreffed : And whereas feveral Doubts and
' DifBculties are made and have arifen upon the Interpretation of the faid Claufe, and other preceding ' Claufes in the faid Aft, touching the Meafure of Salt, whereby the Badgers and Retailers of Salt have ' made great Advantages and Gain to themfelves, and ufed great Deceit and Wrong to the Buyers, contrary
- to the true Meaning of the faid Aft;' For the explaining and clearing of the faid Doubts and for Remedy
and Prevention of any Deceit by Retailers of Salt for the future, be it declared and enafted by the King's inofl: Excellent Majefly, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and No Sanger, Re- x-^q Commons, in this prei'ent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That no Badger, taller, &c. ftiall RetaJJer, or other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, making or dealing in Salt, or buying Salt to fell again, wife than by ' fhall, from and after the five and twentieth Day of j^ivrt-A one thoufand fix hundred ninety-eight, fell or Weight, after put to Sale, exchange or otherwife difpofe of any Salt to any Perfon or Perfons, or in any County, City the Rate of 561b. or Place whatfoever, within the Kingdom o( England, Dominion oi Wales, and the Town oi Berivick upon y»^e|t':othe Ttveed, otherwife than by Weight, after the Rate of fix and fifty Pound Weight to the Bufliel, and not by '" ' ■ Meafure, or in any other Manner, and fo in Proportion for a greater or lefTer Quantity, and that every Per- rcjialty. fon offending therein, fhall for every fuch Offence forfeit the Sum., of five Pounds to the Informer who fhall profecute for the fame. Farther provided 11. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Forfeitures and Oifences made and for by I Anns, committed againfl: this Aft, or any thing therein contained, fhall be heard, adjudged, and determined by ftat. I.e. 21, any two or more Juftices of the Peace refiding near to the Place where fuch Forfeiture fhall be made, or >iift' *cs of Peace Offsrice committed, who are hereby required to hear, adjudge, and determine the fame; and if the Party lo.hear and de- finds him or herfelf aggrieved by the Judgment given by the faid Juftices, the faid Party fhall and may ap- termjae ofTen- peal to the Juftices of Peace at the next General Quarter-Seflions of the Peace to be held for the County, ces. City or Borough, within which the faid Forfeiture was made, and the Offence committed ; who are here- Party aggrieved |jy gjfg impowered and authorized to hear and determine the fame, whofe Judgment therein fhall be final ; mayappca, ^. ^^^j all Juftices of the Peace are hereby authorized and required, upon Complaint or Information exhibited or brought to them, or any of them, of any Forfeiture made or Offence committed contrary to this Aft, to fum- Fotfeltures to be xnon the Party accufed ; and, upon his or her Appearance or Contempt, to proceed to the Examination of the levied on Often- ]V/T«tter of Faft ; and, upon due Proof made thereof by the Oath of two or more credible Witneffes (which ooQS. QptJi any x.vo or more Juftices of the Peace have hereby Power to adminifter) or by the voluntary Con- feiTion of the Party, to give Judgment or Sentence, according as in and by this Aft is direfted, and to award and iffue out Warrants under their Hands and Seals for the levying of fuch Forfeitures, as by this For want of Di- Aft is impo'ed, upon the Goods and Chattels of the Offender; and to caufe Sale to be made of the faid flrefs, otlcnder Qoods and Chattels, if the fame fhall not be redeemed within fix Days, rendring to the Party the Overplus, tobejmpnfoned. j£ ^^^ ]^g . ^^^ jp^^j. ^^■^i;_ gf fufjjcient Diftrefs to imprifon the Party offending until Satisfaftion be made for the Forfeitures. III. And for preventing of Delays, which may happen through the Negleft or Default of any of the Of- ficers appointed for the collefting the faid Duty, to the great I^ofs and Damage of fuch Perfons as fh.ill fhip Saltentred and off or carry by Land any Salt ; Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That when ever any Salt- Duty paid, &c. fhall be entred to be put on Board any Boat, Ship, or Veffel, or carried by Land, and the Duty paid or fecured to be paid, together Vv'ith all Monies then or before that Time due and payable, by Bond or other- wife, upon Account of Salt before that Tim.e delivered, the Officer with whom fuch Salt fhall be entred,. and the Duty paid, or fecured to be paid, as aforefaid, fhall, upon due Notice, by himfelf or a fufficient Oi?icer to attend Deputy, in the Day Time, between Sun rifmg and Sun letting, attend the weighing out iuch Salt, without the weighing out jjny Lgfs or Hindrance of Time to the Perfon or Perlbns that fhall fliip off or carry the iame ; and in cafe fuch Salt. j^g Q^^jj negleft or refufe fo to do, he fliall for every fuch negleft or Default forfeit the Sum of forty Shil- Penalty on Of- lings, to be fued for, recovered, levied, and received, or mitigated, by the fame Means, Rules, Ways, ficer neglefting. and Methods, as the other Penalties and Forfeitures in this Aft mentioned and contained are direfted "to be rartbcfro^i- recovered. Jiiins relating hereto, lo is' II W. 3. c. 22. i Aim./ijt. i. c. 21. 4 A7in. c. 12. 5 Anyi. c. 29. 6 Amu c, 12. 9 Am. c. 27. 12 Ann. fiat. 2. c. 2. 5 Cm. I. c, 18. 8 C«. I. c. 4 £f 16. 1 1 C«. I. c 30, 3 Ges. a. c. 20. 5 G^i;. 2. c," 6. ZQso.z.c.iz. i/^ Geo, z. c. zz, 26 G«, 2. c 3 fif 32. CAP.