704 G. 25. Anno'nono & declmo Gulielmi III. ,A. D. 1698. Monies arifmg UJ. Aiid be it further titn&ed by the Authority aforefaid. That all Monies which fhall come into the by the i-iid Con- ]^g^gjp[ ^f fjjg Majefty's' Exchequer of or for the faid Contributions, for further or more certain Ei'btes acpropriatcd^ '" '^^ '^^^ Annuities to be purchafed as aforefaid, fhall be iffued and applied, and the fame are hereby ap- propriated, towards the Payment and Satisfaction of the OfF-reckonings of His Majefty's Army, for the Year one thoufand fix hundred ninety-feven : And that out of the fame the Perfons -concerned in clothing of the Army for the Year aforefaid, be paid fo much as is due to them or any of them for fuch Clothing, that is chargeable upon the OfF-reckonings of the faid Year. CAP. XXV. An A61 for granting to His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeflbrs, further Duties upon Stampt Vellum, Parchment, and Paper. 3Io/} Gracious Sovereign, 9 w. 3. c. /;.4. KT^ Your Majefly's mofl dutiful and loyal Subjefts, the Commons in Parliament affembled, being 3 Geo. 2. c. JO. yy defirous to raife fuch Aids and Supplies as may be proportionable to Your Majefty 's great and ex- ^Geo^s. c^9. traordinary Occafions, do humbly prefent your Majefty with the free Gift of the further Rates and Duties s'l'irn 1^2'. 4^4! herein after mentioned ; and do befeech Your Majefty that it may be enafted ; and be it enafted by the / "' King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, Pram 1 Aug. and Commons, in Parliament affembled, and by Authority of the fame. That from and after the firit Day 16^8, for ever o'i Aiigujl in the Year of our Lord one thoufand fix hundred ninety-eight, there fhall be throughout the the Kinl^hls" Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Benuick upon Tweed, raifed, colle£bed, and paid Heirs, &c. unto His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeflbrs, for ever, for the feveral and refpeftive Things herein after mentioned, which fhall be written or ingroffed at any Time or Times after the faid firft Day of Augujl one over and above thoufand fix hundred ninety-eight (over and above the Rates and Duties, and Sums of Money, now due the Sums now and payable to His Majefty, or to any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate whatfoever for the payable, the Du- ^g^gj the feveral and refpedive Rates, Impofitions, Duties, Charges, and Sums of Money herein after viz. " ^ "^^' expreffed, in Manner and Form following (that is to fay) Grants or Let- IE Eor every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, on which any Grants or Letters Patents under the ters Patents, Great Seal of England, or the Seal of the Duchy or County Palatine oi Lancajler, of any Honour, Dig- Ac. 40s. per nity, Promotion, Franchife, Liberty, or Privilege, to any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corpo- Slcin or Piece, ^--^^.t, or Exemplifications of the fame, fhall be ingrofied or written (CommifHons of Rebellion in Procefs always excepted) the Sum of forty Shillings. Pardons, &c. HI. For every Skin or Piece of Vellum, Parchment, or Sheet of Paper, on which any Pardon (except •"•"■■ • " - , - . . ,_ . . „ - Money or Corporal Grant of Mo- lY- For every Skin of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet of Paper, upon which any (jrant from His Ma- j jney, &c. 403. jefty* His Heirs or Succeffors, of any Sum of Money exceeding one hundred Pounds, which fhall pafs the , per Skin or Great Seal, or Privy Seal (not diredted to the Great Seal) Ihall be ingrofled or v/ritten, the Sum of forty Shillings. Grant of Office V. For every Skin of Vellum or Parchment, or for every Sheet of Paper, upon which any Grant of any j .)r Employnnerit Office or Employment, which fhall be above the Value of fifty Pounds per Annum, fhall be written or in- ; Inn! To s? S'Offed'. the Sum of forty Shillings. _ ^ •indof Lands in VI. For every Skin of Vellum or Parchment, on which any Grant of Lands in Fee, Leafe for Year?, ■ Fee, &c. under or Other Grant of Profit, not herein particularly charged, that {hall pafs the Great Seal of England, the i?he Great Seal, Seal of the Exchequer, the Seal of the Duchy or County Palatine oi Lancajier, or the Privy Seai (not di- ' &-C. 40 s. refted to the Great Seal) fliall be ingroffed or written, the Sum of forty Shillings. j Prefentation or VII. For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet of Paper, upon which any Prefentatioii ; Donation, &c. qj. Donation which fhall pafs the Great Seal oi England, or upon which any Collation to be made by any j
- ^ ' Archbifhop, or other Biftop, or any Prefentation or Donation to be made by any Patron whatfoever, of
or to any Benefice, Dignity, or Spiritual or Ecclefiaftical Promotion whatfoever, Ihall be ingroffed or v/rit- j| Provifo. ten, the Sum of forty Shillings; Provided fuch Benefice, Dignity, or Promotion be of the yearly Value of ' ten Pounds or above in the King's Books. ' Difpenfation to Vlil. For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet or Piece of Paper, on which any Dif- j hold two Bene- penfation to hold two Ecclefiaftical Dignities or Benefices, or both a Dignity and a Benefice, or any other 1 fices, 40s. Difpenfation or Faculty from the Lord Archbifliop of C««to-/.-a,7, or the Mafter of the Faculties for the i time being, fhall be ingroffed or written, the lium of forty Shillings. | Admittance to , IX. For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, Sheet or Piece of Paper, upon which Admittance ' Fellowniip, or gf jjjy Fellow 'of the College of Phyficians, or cf any Attorney, Clerk, Advocate, Prodfor, Notary, 01 i Attorney, &c. Qi^^y- Officer or Officers in any Court v»'hatfoever, fhall be ingroffed or written, the Sum of forty Shillings. , Annual Officers X- Provided, That this Atf 'fhall not be extended to charge, with the Duty laft mentioned, any annual I in' Corporations, Officer in any Corporation or inferior Court, whofe Office is under the Value of ten Poiuuls per Annum, &c. exempted, jn Salaries, Fees, or other Perquifites, but the faid annual Officer is hereby exempted and difcharged from the faid Duty. ' j Appeal from the XL For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet of Paper, upon which any Appeal from | Admiralty, ,the Court of Admiralty, Arches, or the Prerogative Courts of CanUrbnry or Tork, iliall be jagrolfed or ^ Arches, i'.-c. written, the Sum of forty Shillings. i '^°'- 3 XII. For ;