A. D. 1698, Anno nono 8c decimo Gulielmi III. C. 44. 725 ported, or before the Duties hereby impofed be fully fatisfied and paid, or without a Warrant for the land- ^•^'tcd, and aifo ing or delivering of fuch imported Salt, firlt fiened by the Hand of the faid Collecftor or Officer for the faid '°-- P^Bu/liJ. Duty on Salt, in the faid Port and Place refpcftively, that all fuch imported Salt as (hall be landed, put on Shore, and delivered contrary to the true Intent and Meaning hereof, or the Value thereof, and alfo ten Shillings for every BufliJ of fuch Salt fo landed, put on Shore or delivered, and fo in Proportion for any I™?""""'""" greater or leflcrQLiantity, fhal] be forfeited and loft; ncverthelefs, that all and every Perfon and t^erfons p^y^""^^^ "'■ importing any Salt into this Kingdom, for which the aforefaid Duties are payable by this Acf, fiiall have aihI ioi! per fix Months Time for the Payment thereof, from the Time of the Importation, giving Security to the Perfon Cent, for rci^y appointed to colletSl: the fame; and in cafe fuch Importer {hall pay ready Money, he fliall have after the Money. Rate of ten Pounds pe?- Centum per Jnr/nm out of the faid Duties abated him. ' '^"'^^'^ "' "■ VII. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That all the faid Duties on Salt fhall, from Mo^thTby c time to time, for ever, be within the Receipt, Management and Government of the Chief Commiffioners Anna,"c. ig. and Governors of the Receipt of Excife for the time being; and that all Collcdors and other Officers ne- §• 5.' cefiary for the afcertaining, collefting or receiving of the faid Duties upon Salt, fhall be conftituted and "" '" '^'^ ma- appointed under the Hands and Seals of the faid Commiffioners and C5overnors of the Pveceipt of Excife for JJ,7nj^„J '^'^J^' the time being, or the major Part of them ; and that all Penalties and Forfeitures by this Aci impofed, con- Ex'ci'f"""^ " cerning the faid Duties upon Salt, {hall be fued for, recovered, levied and received, or mitigated, by the i Ann. ft. i. fame Means, Rules, Ways and Methods, as any Penalty or Forfeiture is to be fued for or recovered, as is c. 21. §. 26. mentioned, exprefTed, or directed to be recovered in and by one AQ. of Parliament made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of the late King Charles the Second, intituled, Jn Aii for taking aiuay the CrAcrt of TVards xzCat. z.^.ai^, and Liveries, and Tenures in Capite, and hy Knights Service, and Purveyance, and fettling a Revenue on H s Majefty in.lieu thereof, or by any other Law or Statute now in Force relating to the Revenue of Excife, and that as fully and amply to all Intents, as if the feveral Claufes in the faid Afts or any of them contained were herein re-enafted or repeated. VIII. And be it enafted, That all Makers and Proprietors of Salt and Rock Salt, within the Kirgdom ^fakers and oi England, Dominion Qi Wales, and Town of BcrvAck upon Tweed, ftiall from time to time make true ^"'"^'°"°*^ Entries with the faid Officers fo to be appointed as aforefaid, fome or one of them, of the Quantities of Salt ^f^ Entries' fo by them made or taken out of any Pit or Firs, and delivered or imported as aforefaid ; and fhall llkewife with Officers, have a Warrant or Ticket under the H;.nd and Seal of fome one of the faid Officers, impowering fuch Maker or Proprietor of Salt to carry away the fame, before fuch Time as the faid Salt made or taken out of any Pit or Pits, within any the Places aforefaid, or any Part thereof, fliall be removed or carried from the refpeftive Salt Works or Pits, under the feveral Penalties and Forfeitures herein after mentioned ; which ■ faid Warrant the faid Officers are hereby required to gwe. gratu, and without Delay, unto the faid Makers or Proprietors of fuch Salt, upon Payment or giving Security for the Payment of the Duties hereby granted And have fix within fix Months after fuch Entry made; which Security the faid Commiffioners and Officers are hereby Months for p^j'. authorized and required to accept upon fuch Entry as aforefaid. _ ™^""^' IX. Provided always, That if any Perfon or Perfons, at the Time of the Entry and Delivery of his or And an Allow- their Salt, fhall pay down the Duty hereby impofed, fuch Perfon pr Perfons fhall be allowed at the Rate of ^"" of lol. per ten Pounds />er C'«7/a/«/)^>-yf«;H//« for the fame. _ for^Rea" Ai'^! X. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for the faid Offi- ney. ^ cers fo appointed, to_ feize all fuch Salt, which fliall from and after the faid firfl: Day oi July one thoufand Officers may fix hundred ninety-eight, be conveying or conveyed by Day or by Night, either by Land or by ^Vater, be- ^'^'^f Salt con- fore due Entry be made of fuch Salt, without Warrant, Ticket or Licence, obtained from the Commiffio- ^=y'"g ^way ners of the faid Duties upon Salt granted by this Aft, their Collectors or Officers, or fome or one of them ^°^^ ""' as aforefaid, for the conveying or carrying the faid Salt ; and the Salt that fhall be fo feized fhall be brought to the Office appointed for the fame Duties, next adjoining to the Place where fuch Salt fhall be fo feized, there to be detained and kept; and in cafe the Salt fo feized, fhall not be claimed by the true and lawful ^j"! ^".' . Owner thereof, or by one deputed under his or their Hand, within ten Days after Seizure, the faid Salt Da'^^o'befor- fhall be abfolutely forfeited to His Majefly, His Heirs and SuccefTors, and fhall be fold the next General feited and folZ' Day of Sale to be appointed by the Commiffioners, or their Officers refpeftively, after the faid Days are expired ; the one Moiety or Half Part of the Proceed thereof (all neceflary Charges being firft deduced out of the whole) to be paid to the Ufe of His Majefly, His Heirs and SuccelTors, and the other Moiety or Half Part to be paid to the Party or Parties who feized the fame; and in cafe fuch Salt fo feized {hall be And if chimed claimed within ten Days by the true and lawful Owner thereof, or by one deputed thereunto under his without Proof Hand, and if the faid Owner or Claimer fhall neverthelefs negleift or refufe to make it appear before the "[J'^^"* '" next Juftice of the Peace of the County where fuch Seizure {hall be made, by the Oath of one_ or more jjy^t^r^^to credible WitnefTes (which Oath the faid Juftices are hereby impowered to adminifter) that the faid Salt fo be forfeited', feized was or had been duly entred, and a Warrant, Ticket or Licence obtained for the carrying an^ con- veying the fame as aforefaid, that then the faid Salt fhall likewife be forfeited to His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeffors: And every Perfon who fliall carry or convey, or caufe any Salt to be carried and conveyed. Penalty on Per- Tiefore due Entry made, and Warrant or Licence obtained as aforefaid, {hall likewife forfeit to His Majefty, fons carrying His Heirs and SuccefTors, double the Value, and alfo ten Shillings /i«r Bufhel, and after that Rate, of and a^ay Salt before for fuch Salt fo carried and conveyed. ntry made. XI. And be it further enabled, That no Retailer or Shop-keeper fliall be permitted to fhip any Salt, to OatBtobemade, be fent to any Port or Place within this Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berzuici that Duty is paid upon Tweed, before he hath made it appear by Oath, or otherv/ife, before th- Commiffioners for collcfting ^^^^"^J?' *- of the faid Duties granted by this Aik, or their Officers, or fome or ore of th?m (which Oath they have,-°[ppj^ ' hereby Power to adminifter) that the Duty of fuch Salt is paid or fecured to be paid, or that it was bought of fome other Retailer or Shop-'keeper that hath paid the Duty. 3 XII. And