72 C. ir. Anno duodecimo &c decimo tertio Gulielmi III. A. D. 1700. ^ aijd above all other Duties payable for the faid Muflins ; and that all the Rules, Directions, Powers, Al- lowances, Penalties, Foifeiturcs, Clauies, Matters and Things in the faid laft mentioned Aft contained (and not hereby altered) lor or concerning the afcertaining, fecuring, levying or raifuig the Duties there- by impofed, fnall be revived, pracSifed and put in Execution, for afcertaining, fecuring, levying and raifnig the Duties upon Muflins hereby impofed during the Time aforefiud, for the Ufes and Purpofes in this AiSl exprelled, and to no otlier Ufe, Intent or Purpofe whatfoevcr. XIII. Provided always, and it is hereby ena£ted, That if the faid Muflins hereby charged, or any of them, upon which the laid further Duties of fifteen Pounds in the hundred are paid or fecured to be paid as aforefaid, be again exported at any Time or Times within twelve Months after the Importation there- of, and that due Proof be firfl: made upon Oath, that the Goods or Merchandizes fo exported be the fare for which, the faid Duties are paid or fecured to be paid as aforefaid, then and in fuch Cafe, and not otherwife, the fame Duties fhall vvithout any Delay or Reward be repaid by the Receiver General of his Majefty's Culloms for the Time being, out of fuch Monies as fhall be in iiis Hands of tlie faid Duties of fifteen Pounds per Centum arifmg by this Act, unto the Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corpo- rate, making the faid Exportations, or the faid Security fliall be vacated as to fo much of the did Goods' or Merchaiiiizes as fhall be fo exported ; any thing in this Aft, or in any former Aft or Afts of Parlia- ment contained to the contrary notwithftanding. XIV. And' it is hereby declared. That by Muflins, the feveral Spedes following are m.eant, 'viz. Awbroaks, Abdatics, Betelles plain, ftriped Pandavarts, Rowalkw, Gokonda, Oringall, "junays, and alfo Dorcas, CoJJaes^ plain and flowred Tanjehs, plain and flowred Jmndannes, Mullmulh, plain and flowred Jecolfies.^ Mamolwhiates, plain and flowred Neckcloths, Rehtng, Sallotvs, Comervilks, Secrbands, Night Rails, Aprons, Tirindanies, Callico Lawns, and all other thin Callicoes, commonly called }j'/?<y^Hzj- ; and that by pointed, dyed ajid ftained Callicoes, mentioned in the faid Aft of the eleventh Year of his Ma- jefty's Reign, for laying the laid Duty of fifteen Pounds per Centu?n on feveral Commodities from Perfia China, and the Eaji Indies, are meant not only all Callicoes painted, dyed or ftained, after the Weavino- thereof, but all fuch whereof the Yarn or other Materials were painted, dyed or ftained before the makin» of fuch Callicoes, XV. And it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all the Duties by any Aft or Afts of Parliament now in being, charged or impofed upon all or any japanned and lacquered Goods which fliall be imported into the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Bertuick upon Tweed, from and after the four and twentieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and one, fhall ba anfwered and paid, according to the true and real Value of the fame, to be afcertained by the Grofs Price at which fuch Goods flaall be fold by the Candle, i-i fuch Manner and Form, and under fuch Rules and Direftions, and fubjeft to fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, as .by the faid Aft of the eleventh Year of his Majefty's Reign are prefcribed for afcertaining the faid Duty upon Muflins ; neverthelefs the faid Duties upon japanned and lacquered Goods fhall be applied and difpofed to the fame Ufes and Purpofes to which the rcfpeftive Duties upon the fame Goods, payable in any other Manner, by the faid former Aft or Afts were appropriated or applicable. XVI. And be it further engfted by the Authority aforefaid. That an Aft made in the eighteenth Year of the Reign of the late King Charles the Second, intituled. An Ail for encouraging of Coinage, and another Aft made in the five and twentieth Year of the Reign of the faid late King Charles, intituled An Aff for continuing a former Ail concerning Coinage, both which faid Afts were revived by an Aft made in the firft Year of the Reign of the late King James the Second, and were further continued by arr Aft made in the fourth Year of the Reign of his prefent Majefty and the late Queen of blefled Memory, to be in Force for the Space of feven Years, from the thirteenth Day of February one thoufand fix hun- dred ninety-two, and from thence to the End of the firft Seflion of Parliament then next following, fhall be and are by virtue of this Aft continued, and fhall be in Force for the Space of feven Years, from the ~ firft Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and one, and from thence to the End of the firft Sefljon of Parliament then next following, and no longer, to defray the necefTary Expences of his Majefty's Mint, XVII. Provided alfo. That no Information fhall be brought, laid or profecuted againft any common Diftiller, Vinegar-maker or Cyder-maker, for any Falfe or Mif-Entry, or Offence made or committed, from and after the four and twentieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and one, unlefs the fame Information or Inform.ations be laid and entred before fuch Perfons appointed to determine the fame, within three Months next after every fuch Offence committed, and that Notice thereof be given to fuch Perfon or Perfons (againft whom fuch Information fhall be laid) in Writing, or left at their Dwelling- houfes within one Week after the laying and entring fuch Information, to the End a timely Provifion may be had and made jn defending the fame; any thing in this Aft, or other Law to the contrary not- withftanding.' XVIII. And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever fhall, from and after the nine and twentieth Day of Septe?nber one thoufand feven hundred and one, fell Brandy or other diftilled Liquors by Retail, to be drank in his, her or their Houfe or Houfes, but fuch Perfons. only as fliall be thereunto licenced and allowed, in the fame Manner as common Alehoufe-keepers ; and every Perfon or Perfons fo felling Brandy or other diftilled Liquors by Retail as aforefaid, fliall be fubjeft to the fame Rules, Penalties and Forfeitures for felling Drink without Licence, as common Alehoufe- keepers now are ; and the feveral Juftices of the Peace of this Kingdom, and other Officers,^ are hereby jmpowered ^nd authorized to have and ex?rcjf? the fame Jurifdiftion, Powers and Authorities, over fuch Retailers If Muflins for whii-h Duty is paid be again ex- ported within IS Montlis, Du- ty to be repaid. ' Thefe 12 .Months enlarged to three Years hy 7 Geo. J. ftat. I. c. zi. §.n.' Species of Wuiliiis. What is meant by painted Ca- licoes, &c, in the Aa u W. 3. c. 3. Duties on ja- panned and lac- quered Goods imported fliall be paid ad va- lorem, as prefcribed in the Aft II & 12 W. 3. c. 3. and applied to the fame Ufes, &c. i8 Car. 2. c. 5. 25 Car. 2. c. 8. I Jac. a. c. 7. 4W. & M. c. 24. for encouraging of Coinage, con- tinued for feven Years. Tarther cf^nttnuRii &zyGeo.z,c.ji. Provifo concern- ijig Diftiller, &c. No Perfon to fell Brandy or other diftilled Liquors by Retail, with- out Licence. « By 1 Annae, ftat. 2. c. 14, this Claufe is repealed as to Piftjllers.'